Din sökning på "*" gav 529685 sökträffar
New Rhetoric and organisation studies
Trends in Development Aid, Negotiation Processes and NGO Policy Change
Assessing ‘Green Energy Economy’ policies for transforming the building stock in Shanghai
The 2008–2009 global financial crisis triggered ‘Green Energy Economy’ (GEE) policy packages to stimulate green growth in many countries. China soon became a leader and, supported by its 11th Five-Year Plan (2006–2010), devoted approximately one-third of its US$ 647 billion stimulus package to green energy technologies. Since then, numerous policy instruments have been implemented to encourage ‘Gr
Miljöarbete inom svensk tillverkningsindustri
Extraction of PCBs from Sediments: Towards Bioavailability Assessment Based on Supercritical Fluid Extraction
Popular Abstract in Swedish Beständiga organiska miljögifter, till exempel PCB (Polyklorerade bifenyler), har vållat stora miljöproblem i flera decennier. Dessa föroreningar är kemiskt och biologiskt sett väldigt stabila, vilket gör att de bryts ner mycket långsamt i miljön och alltså kan transporteras långväga med vindar och strömmar. Därför kan man hitta PCB över hela jorden, även i områden där Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) pose serious threats to our global environment. These compounds have high chemical and biological stability and they are also very lipophilic. These characteristics not only render POPs the ability to spread widely and pollute remote areas, they also make them prone to accumulate in adipose tissues of living organisms. Consequently, it is important to monitor P
Acoustic Forces in Cytometry and Biomedical Applications: Multidimensional Acoustophoresis
Popular Abstract in Swedish Vilken musiksmak har blodceller? Forskningen som presenteras i denna avhandling undersöker och drar nytta av hur olika celler uppför sig när de utsätts för ljud. På samma sätt som människor uppskattar olika sorters musik så reagerar olika typer av celler annorlunda beroende på vilka ljud de utsätts för. Cellerna är dessutom ganska konservativa. När de utsätts för ett vOver the last decades the ongoing work in the fields of Lab-on-a-Chip and Micro-Total-Analysis-Systems has led to the discovery of new or improved ways to handle and analyse small volumes of biofluids and complex biosuspensions. The benefits of working on the microscale include: miniaturization of the analysis systems with less need for large sample volumes; temporal and spatial control of suspend
Diktarnas furste, diktarnas narr? Bilden av Lars Forssell och hans författarskap
An analysis of the critical reception of the poetry of Swedish writer Lars Forssell
Operationalising resilience and getting culture back in
It is increasingly suggested that societies must be resilient to be safe and sustainable. While there are many approaches to resilience available, not all of them operationalize the concept to the extent of guiding what to look for when observing actual communities. This is a requisite for linking the conceptual and the actual, and vital for our ability to develop societal resilience. Drawing on r
Historiska fartupplevelser
Medborgarna och deltagandeparadoxen: Att förklara olika former av politiskt deltagande
No title
Abstract not available
Vem blir medborgare och vad händer sen? Naturalisering i Danmark, Norge och Sverige
Rättsekonomi: en introduktion, 2:a uppl.
Fångstfolk börjar odla
Vulnerability and nationalism: The support for the war against Iraq in five established states
Popular Abstract in English This dissertation attempts to answer the question of why the 2003 armed conflict against Iraq received such varied support within the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, France and Spain. This is achieved by introducing a model in which the support for armed conflict is connected to elite persuasion operating in particular contexts. This model is tested in a cThis dissertation attempts to answer the question of why the 2003 armed conflict against Iraq received such varied support within the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, France and Spain. This is achieved by introducing a model in which the support for armed conflict is connected to elite persuasion operating in particular contexts. This model is tested in a comparative study, using inte