

Din sökning på "*" gav 531347 sökträffar

The complexity of multiple trauma understandings across disciplines – the COVID-19 pandemic as a ‘case’

Trauma is a highly topical subject of growing relevance in different contexts and scientific traditions that deal with societal challenges and transformation. At the same time, knowledge on different understandings of trauma is still scarce and scattered across disciplines. Against this background, we present and discuss the complexity of trauma understandings from five selected disciplinary persp

The modified Glasgow Prognostic Score indicates an increased risk of anastomotic leakage after anterior resection for rectal cancer

Background: Preoperative inflammation might cause and also be a marker for anastomotic leakage after anterior resection for rectal cancer. Available biomarker indices such as the modified Glasgow Prognostic Score (mGPS) or the C-reactive protein-to-albumin ratio (CAR) may be clinically useful for leakage assessment. Methods: Patients who underwent anterior resection for rectal cancer during 2014–2

Coronary artery calcification and aortic valve calcification in patients with kidney failure : a sex-disaggregated study

Background: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is linked to an increased cardiovascular disease (CVD) burden. Albeit underappreciated, sex differences are evident in CKD with females being more prone to CKD development, but males progressing more rapidly to kidney failure (KF). Cardiovascular remodelling is a hallmark of CKD with increased arterial and valvular calcification contributing to CKD. However

Offentlig upphandling : På rätt sätt och till rätt pris

Den här boken behandlar offentlig upphandling från ett juridiskt och ett nationalekonomiskt perspektiv. Bokens disposition följer i princip upphandlingsprocessen, från behovsidentifiering till avtalsslut. Inledningsvis diskuteras när det är lämpligt att ersätta verksamhet i egen regi med upphandling. Därefter går boken in på hur offentlig upphandling ska genomföras, inom de ramar som ges av regelv

The National Prevalence of Clinically Diagnosed Psoriatic Arthritis in Sweden in 2017

Objective. Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) prevalence estimates vary across studies; studies based on national data are few. We aimed to estimate the prevalence of clinically diagnosed PsA in Sweden in 2017, overall and stratified by sex, age, education, and geography, and to quantify disease-modifying antirheumatic drug (DMARD) use among those in contact with specialized rheumatology care between 2015

Effect of droughts and climate change on future soil weathering rates in Sweden

In a future warmer climate, extremely dry, warm summers might become more common. Soil weathering is affected by temperature and precipitation, and climate change and droughts can therefore affect soil chemistry and plant nutrition. In this study, climate change and drought effects on soil weathering rates and release of Ca, Mg, K and Na were studied on seven forest sites across different climates

Interaction between plasma phospholipid odd-chain fatty acids and GAD65 autoantibodies on the incidence of adult-onset diabetes : the EPIC-InterAct case–cohort study

Aims/hypothesis: Islet autoimmunity may progress to adult-onset diabetes. We investigated whether circulating odd-chain fatty acids (OCFA) 15:0 and 17:0, which are inversely associated with type 2 diabetes, interact with autoantibodies against GAD65 (GAD65Ab) on the incidence of adult-onset diabetes. Methods: We used the European EPIC-InterAct case–cohort study including 11,124 incident adult-onse

Brandteknisk dimensionering av träfasader i Br1-byggnader

Brandteknisk dimensionering av träfasader i Br1-byggnader – i teorin och i praktiken Användandet av trä som byggnadsmaterial har ökat eftersom trä är ett mer hållbart material för miljön. För att kunna använda en träfasad för en byggnad i fler än två plan, eller som på annat sätt har ett högre skyddsbehov behöver fasaden klara SP FIRE 105 som är en testmetod för träfasader. Träfasaden byggs däreThis report explores the use of wooden façades in Br1-buildings by identifying and assessing test methods for façades available in Sweden and other European countries. The aim is also to investigate to what extent SP FIRE 105 is being used and how variations made to tested façades are being assessed. The methods used have been a literature study and interview study. The results show that there are

σ -bonding contribution of a strong π -acceptor molecule : Surface chemical bond of SO2 on Ni(100)

We study the electronic structure and chemical bonding of the SO2 molecule adsorbed on Ni(100) surface using x-ray emission spectroscopy at the O1s absorption edge. Elemental and symmetry specificities of the method enable us to directly probe surface chemical bonding formed by strong hybridization of O2p with Ni3d orbital. Contrary to the expected π bonding due to strong π acceptor character of t

Hetero Face-to-Face Porphyrin Array with Cooperative Effects of Coordination and Host–Guest Complexation

We successfully synthesized a hetero face-to-face porphyrin array composed of ZnTPP and RuTPP(DABCO)2 (TPP: 5, 10, 15, 20-tetraphenylporphyrin, DABCO: 1,4-diazabi-cyclo[2.2.2]octane) in 2:1 molar ratio. A cyclic Zn porphyrin dimer (ZnCP) was also used as the host molecule for the Ru porphyrin. In the latter, the Ru-DABCO bonding in RuTPP(DABCO)2 was stabilized by the host-guest complexation. React

Knowledge Transfer Within Integrated Logistics Support at Saab Kockums - A Case Study

Komplex produktutveckling med långa projekttider kräver framgångsrik överföring av kunskap inom och mellan projekt. Avdelningen för integrerat logistikstöd (ILS) vid Saab Kockums Malmö har identifierat ett behov av att överskåda de nuvarande arbetssätten. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka de olika typerna av kunskap som är viktiga för arbetet på ILS-avdelningen, undersöka avdelningenComplex product development with long project times requires successful transfers of knowledge within and between projects. The department of integrated logistics support (ILS) at Saab Kockums Malmö has identified a need to oversee the current working methods. The purpose of this master thesis is to examine the different types of knowledge important to the work at the ILS department and explore th

Machine learning based Topology Optimization

This thesis aims to find a design suggestion for the chassis of a new micromobility vehicle developed by the company LEVTEK SWEDEN AB by using a multiple load, compliance based topology optimization. For this purpose, 9 static load cases are suggested, 4 of which have been derived from dynamic scenarios using an equivalent static load inspired approach based on free-body diagrams. The results from

The metabolomic profiling of total fat and fat distribution in a multi-cohort study of women and men

Currently studies aiming for the comprehensive metabolomics profiling of measured total fat (%) as well as fat distribution in both sexes are lacking. In this work, bioimpedance analysis was applied to measure total fat (%) and fat distribution (trunk to leg ratio). Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry-based untargeted metabolomics was employed to profile the metabolic signatures of total fat (

Towards Sustainable Bearings: Examining the Prospects of Increasing Recycled Content and Decreasing Environmental Impact

The automotive industry is currently undergoing significant transformation to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions as sustainability emerges as a global imperative. While electrification reduces tailpipe emissions, adopting principles of circularity throughout the entire value chain enables further reductions. The research aims to investigate the feasibility of increasing recycled content in bearing

Facilitating locations of green energy on land. What can make it successful? - A case study of the Energy Park Veddum Kær

This paper investigates what can promote green energy projects on land which consist of solar and wind power. The research is done with an economic geographic framework of path-development. A paradigmatic case study is conducted with scientific semi-structured interviews and short “pop-up interviews” which validated the in-depth interviews. These pop-up interviews also highlight further points and