

Din sökning på "*" gav 534632 sökträffar

Flickor är flickor och pojkar är pojkar, eller?

Vi har intresserat oss för kön som konstruktion på HVB-hem som jobbar med tonåringar på uppdrag av socialtjänsten. Vi har undersökt hur kön framställs i HVB hemmen utifrån deras beskrivning av insatser för enkönad och samkönad. Vi har använt oss av 15 HVB-hems hemsidor och deras tillstånd utfärdade från IVO fördelad utifrån samkönad och enkönad. Med det har vi fördjupat oss i hur görandet av kön pWe were interested in gender as a construction at out-of-home cares working with adolescents on behalf of the social services. We wanted to investigate how gender is presented in out-of-homes care based on their own description of efforts for mixed-sex and same-sex adolescents. We have used the websites of 15 out-of-home cares and their permits issued by Health and Care Inspection Authority (IVO)

The Influence of the Evaluative Factor on the Relationship Between Personality and Well-Being

As social desirability has not received enough focus when estimating the predictive power of personality in explaining well-being variance, recent accounts of the relationship between ratings of personality and well-being might be overestimated. The current study investigated the influence of social desirability, operationalized as the evaluative factor of personality (i.e., the tendency to react

The how, when, and why (not) of adolescents’ and young adults’ experiences telling others about intersex/DSD

Receiving social support is central in dealing with life events in general. Intersex or disorders of sex development (DSD) people and especially adolescents, however, have been found to be reluctant to share information about their sex development and often find themselves dealing with it on their own. A shift toward more psychosocial care for intersex/DSD people and human rights claims for more a

Connected Health for Patients Diagnosed with Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is one of the most commonly diagnosed diseases among men, both in Sweden and the US. It is a consuming disease that tears on both the patient and his relatives. The different stages of disease are many, as are the different treatment options and drugs. New diagnostic techniques are constantly being developed and more imaging methods become available. As new digital techniques evolv

The OMXS Dividend Aristocrats A multivariate regression and risk analysis

Dividends effect on stock prices and shareholders return is a disputed subject in finance. The purpose of this thesis is to expand on the existing research both the effect of dividends in general and on stocks on the Swedish market in particular. This thesis establishes an index of stocks with 5 or more years of dividend growth for at least the last 5 years on the Swedish market, by comparing this

Diskussioner om aktivietsersättning - En diskursanalys av riksdagsdebatten om aktivitetsersättningen

The scope of this thesis was to examine how members of the Swedish Parliament construct the Swedish Activity Compensation scheme in contemporary legislative debate. This study sought to fulfil this scope by applying Laclau and Mouffe’s discourse analytical approach to fifteen records of proceedings portraying debate in the Swedish Parliament, ranging from the parliamentary year 2015/16 to 2019/20.

Patienters upplevelser av komplementära och alternativa behandlingsmetoder vid ångest

Bakgrund: Ångest är ett stort hälsoproblem i dagens samhälle. Patienter upplever att de många gånger enbart blir erbjudna medicinsk behandling, trots att de önskar andra behandlingsalternativ. Syfte: Att beskriva patienters upplevelser av komplementära och alternativa behandlingsmetoder vid ångest. Metod: En litteraturstudie har genomförts där resultatet är baserat på åtta vetenskapliga artiklar.

ADHD inom skolan och BUP - en kvalitativ intervjustudie om kuratorns handlingsutrymme

Background: The number of children diagnosed with ADHD has reached about 5 % in Sweden. It is important that children with these symptoms are being diagnosed. ADHD does not only affect the child himself, but also the parents. If ADHD is suspected in a student, the school conducts its own investigation. The school counsellor is available here as a resource. If the school still believes there is a d

High Emissions – Low Yield? -A study on the abnormal returns of the Swedish companies included in the ETS

This thesis aims to investigate abnormal return of portfolios containing Swedish companies included in the European Union Emissions Trading System. The Emissions Trading System is a program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The thesis covers how the program effects the companies included and if this has led to abnormal returns. Former research on similar situations is presented to establish an i

Att vara konstnär

Den här studien undersöker betydelsen av högre bildkonstnärlig utbildning och social bakgrund för yrkeskarriärer inom det konstnärliga fält som informanterna verkar inom. Utgångspunkten är att professionella banor inom fältet präglas av osäkerhet och studien har som avsikt att diskutera den betydelse skolgången har för deras nuvarande och framtida position som konstnärer och vilka sociala, kulture

Auktoritet genom dåtidens kameralins

I uppsatsen studeras auktoritet i en jämförande semiotisk analys av fotografier av den amerikanska ursprungsbefolkningen mellan tidigt 1900-tal och 1930-talet. Analysen görs utifrån teorierna postkolonialism och representation. Studien tar även upp ackulturation och genom att studera fotografier av den amerikanska ursprungsbefolkningen försöker skribenten ta reda på hur förändringen till följd av The author studies authority in photographs of Native Americans between 1900 and 1930's and compares them using a semiotic analysis. The theories that are applied on the analysis is post colonialism and repesentation. The author studies the photos of the Native Americans to see how the changes brought on them by the acculturation is shown in the photos.

"Kunna kommunicera med andra, det är viktigaste." — En kvalitativ studie om gemenskapens betydelse för långtidsarbetslösa som lär sig svenska

The aim of this study was to examine how three focus groups of migrants in Sweden, with Swedish as a second language, which is in long-term unemployment, experience the group's and the community's significance for linguistic and individual development. With a goal-oriented selection, we contacted the respondents through the Labor Market Department (Arbetsmarknadsavdelningen) in Malmö Stad.

Peripheral Sweden

After the major populist events such as Trump and Brexit, the media politicians turned their attention to the socio-economic and political division between big cities and small countryside communities. Rural areas where right-wing populist parties have found a large part of their support have besome “left-behind places", described as forgotten and misunderstood. The question of why these popu

"Om inte vi frågar, vem ska då göra det?" En studie om socialarbetares beskrivningar av arbetet med barn som utsatts för sexuella övergrepp

Child sexual abuse is a global public health problem. In Sweden, the social services have the ultimate responsibility to support and protect these children. This study examines social workers' experiences of the challenges and dilemmas that arise in their daily work with children who have been sexually abused. The method used was of a qualitative nature and the respondents were chosen by purpo

Bitcoin is not the New Gold: Evidence from the Covid-19 Pandemic

The recent market turmoil, caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, has negatively influenced the financial markets all over the world. Therefore, the search for safe haven assets by investors is of great importance. In this area of research, gold has for a long time been considered to be the traditional safe haven asset. However, recent literature states that Bitcoin is the new gold. Whether this is the

A most unusual tool for trading, Youtube.

Making money quickly and easily is something that most of us would without a doubt want to do. The process of doing this is however harder than most people imagine. YouTube has long been a platform for sharing ideas and creating entertainment content, but is it possible to use this platform to make money on the stock market? The goal of this study is to evaluate if there is a possible relationship

Sambandet mellan organisationskultur och ledarskap

The purpose of this study was to analyze the Organizational culture and Leadership in a smaller organization within the information technology industry. Furthermore, the purpose of this essay was to examine the correlation between these two concepts and see what factors that influence how these evolve and also see how the company and its are working with their organizational culture. Earlier resea

Företrädesrättens ställning på en föränderlig arbetsmarknad – Hur inhyrning av arbetskraft påverkar företrädesrätt till återanställning

Denna uppsats behandlar företrädesrätt till återanställning och hur den påverkas av möjligheten att hyra in arbetskraft. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur företrädesrätten regleras, huruvida inhyrning av arbetskraft kan vara ett kringgående av lagen samt hur företrädesrätten påverkas av inhyrning av arbetskraft. För att uppnå detta används en rättsdogmatisk metod. Företrädesrätt till återaThis paper examines the priority right to re-employment and how it is affected by the possibility to hire temporary workers. The purpose is to investigate the regulation of the priority right to re-employment; whether hiring of temporary workers can be considered a circumvention of the law; and how the practice of hiring temporary workers impacts the priority right. This is achieved by using a leg