

Din sökning på "*" gav 534670 sökträffar

Mutation Testing: Fewer, Faster, and Smarter

Ökat användande av testautomation föranleder en grundläggande fråga: Hur tillförlitliga är egentligen alla dessa automatiserade tester? Inom den akademiska forskningen anses mutationstestning vara den mest lovande tekniken för att bedöma en testsvits förmågas att upptäcka fel. Tekniken introducerar avsiktligt fel (så kallade mutanter) i produktionskoden och utvärderar hur många av felen som upptäcThe growing reliance on automated software tests raises a fundamental question: How trustworthy are these automated tests? Today, mutation testing is acknowledged within academic circles as the most promising technique for assessing the fault-detection capability of a test suite. The technique deliberately injects faults (called mutants) into the production code and counts how many of them are cau

Structural changes in Ti1-xAlxN coatings during turning : A XANES and EXAFS study of worn tools

Structural changes in Ti1-xAlxN coated tool inserts used for turning in 316L stainless steel were investigated by XANES, EXAFS, EDS, and STEM. For coarse-grained fcc-structured Ti1-xAlxN coatings, with 0 ≤ x ≤ 0.62, the XANES spectrum changes with Al-content. XANES Ti 1s line-scans across the rake face of the worn samples reveals that TiN-enriched domains have formed during turning in Ti0.47Al0.53

Prevalence of mental health problems, associated factors, and health-related quality of life in children with long-gap esophageal atresia in Sweden

Background: Children with long-gap esophageal atresia (LGEA) face a high risk of digestive and respiratory morbidity, but their mental health outcomes have not been investigated. We aimed to identify the prevalence of mental health problems in children with LGEA, associated factors and health-related quality of life (HRQOL). Methods: Twenty-six children with LGEA aged 3–17 were recruited nationwid

Bowel control, bladder function, and quality of life in children with cloacal malformations

Introduction: Long-term outcomes of cloacal malformations remain unclear. We evaluated postoperative bowel control, bladder function and quality of life in patients under 18 years of age with cloaca. Materials and methods: This was a multi-center cross-sectional observational study accomplished by the Nordic Pediatric Surgery Research Consortium. Patients with a cloacal malformation, 4–17 years of

An ecosystem perspective on developing data collaboratives for addressing societal issues : The role of conveners

With the open and big data movement in full swing, data sharing becomes more ubiquitous and more often crosses sectoral boundaries. The promise of data to help address societal issues and foster innovation requires public organizations to work together with businesses and researchers. Data collaboratives whereby actors collaborate to share and use data for public good gain increasing interest. Mos

Existence of uncertainty minimizers for the continuous wavelet transform

Continuous wavelet design is the endeavor to construct mother wavelets with desirable properties for the continuous wavelet transform (CWT). One class of methods for choosing a mother wavelet involves minimizing a functional, called the wavelet uncertainty functional. Recently, two new wavelet uncertainty functionals were derived from theoretical foundations. In both approaches, the uncertainty of

Occurrence of comorbidity following osteoarthritis diagnosis : a cohort study in the Netherlands

Objective: To determine the risk of comorbidity following diagnosis of knee or hip osteoarthritis (OA). Design: A cohort study was conducted using the Integrated Primary Care Information database, containing electronic health records of 2.5 million patients from the Netherlands. Adults at risk for OA were included. Diagnosis of knee or hip OA (=exposure) and 58 long-term comorbidities (=outcome) w

Investigating Partially Discordant Results in Phase 3 Studies of Aducanumab

Objectives: Efficacy and safety results from the EMERGE (NCT02484547) and ENGAGE (NCT02477800) phase 3 studies of aducanumab in early Alzheimer’s disease (AD) have been published. In EMERGE, but not in ENGAGE, high-dose aducanumab demonstrated significant treatment effects across primary and secondary endpoints. Low-dose aducanumab results were consistent across studies with non-significant differ

An experimental and theoretical investigation on Ti-5553/WC–Co(6%) chemical interactions during machining and in diffusion couples

Chemical interactions that drive crater wear in turning are often studied using diffusion couples where the tool and workpiece are fixed. In contrast, in actual turning, there is a constant supply of new workpiece material at the tool-chip interface. In this work, diffusion simulations of a WC–Co(6%) and Ti–5Al–5V system were conducted, with constant replenishment of titanium at the interface (ope

Bolagsstämman : Ritualer, kultur, normer och språk

På aktiebolags bolagsstämmor fastställs föregående räkenskapsårs resultat- och balansräkningar. Bolagsledningar frågas ut och granskas av aktieägarna och hålls ansvariga för sina handlingar. Styrelseledamöter, revisorer och valberedningar väljs, och beslut fattas om vinstutdelningar. Men bolagsstämmor är så mycket mer. De är fulla av symboler och känslor som kan lära oss något om den finansiella e

Attestations from Lydia, database of the project ERC Advanced Grant MAP 741182 : Mapping Ancient Polytheisms

Contribution to the online database of the project ERC Advanced Grant MAP 741182: Mapping Ancient Polytheisms.My work as a guest researcher for the MAP project focuses on the divine landscape of Hellenistic and Roman Lydia. Having collected and analysed the Anatolian testimonies to divine epithets derived from anthroponyms for the workshop My name is your name. Anthroponyms as divine attributes (2

Controlled synthesis of highly stable lead-free bismuth halide perovskite nanocrystals : tructures and photophysics

Recently, cesium bismuth halide perovskites have emerged as potential substitutes to their counterparts, cesium lead halide perovskites, owing to their low toxicity. However, the photophysics of cesium-bismuth halides nanocrystals (NCs) have not yet been fully rationalized because their structures remain highly debated. The ultraviolet-visible (UV-vis) absorption along with other photophysical pro