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Detta arbete är en förkortad version av originalarbetet. För information om originalarbetet kontakta författaren. Räddningstjänsten kan använda sig av aktionsforskning som en mall för ett systematiskt arbete för att ta vara på erfarenheter. För arbetet mot en lärande organisation kombineras aktionsforskning förslagsvis med fallstudier efter devisen fånga, förankra och förändra. På grund av aktio

Att skapa ett hem långt hemifrån - en kvalitativ studie gjord med hjälp av deltagande observationer på ett HVB-hem för ensamkommande barn

The aim of this thesis is to understand how the feeling of home can appear in a youth care institution for unaccompanied children. Unlike other youth care institutions that deals with psychosocial problems, these youth cares become more permanent to unaccompanied children. The study is made from qualitative approach, with ethnographic studies at a youth care for unaccompanied children. The observa

Understanding Illiberal Peace-building: an Analysis of Conflict, Peace and Reconciliation in North Maluku Province, Indonesia

The main research problem in this thesis is the lack of a holistic understanding of how neo-patrimonialism, colonial legacies, decentralisation, illiberal peace-building and the revitalisation of traditional reconciliation practices have affected conflict, peace and development in North Maluku Province (NMP). This is important to study, given the negative impacts inherent in the conflict-developme

Ris och Ros för Smileyn – premieringssystem för livsmedelsbranschen. Arbete för Miljöförvaltningen, Malmö stad.

Det blir allt mer vanligt att äta ute på restaurang. Dessa nya konsumtionsvanor sätter högre krav på att livsmedelsföretagen levererar säkra livsmedel. För att informera konsumenterna om livsmedelsföretagens livsmedelshantering har Malmö stad infört ett frivilligt premieringsystem som kallas för Smiley. Malmö stad har tidigare genomfört studier som fokuserar på vad konsumenterna anser om premieriConsumers today are much more mobile and are therefore eating out at restaurants much more than they used to do. These new consumer habits put greater demands on food businesses supplying safe food. In order to inform the consumers of the food businesses that have excellent food service, the city of Malmö introduced a reward system called Smiley. The City of Malmö has previously conducted studies

Optimizing Diabetes Simulation Model Parameters using an Evolutionary Computing Approach

Diabetes mellitus, especially type 2 diabetes, continuously becomes a global concern as this chronic metabolic disease which leasds over time to serious damage to heart, blood vessels, eyes, kidneys and nerves. It causes 1.5 million deaths each year according to a report by the World Health Organisation. It is a very complex disease that requires diverse treatment depending on patients and their h

Robust Production Planning for District Heating Networks

Efficient use of energy becomes increasingly important in the modern society, with climate change as a driving factor. Short term production planning for district heating networks is motivated by a customer demand that varies according to a daily cycle, but which is directly dependent on changes in temperature and customer behaviour. The planning involves challenges in modeling of production unit

Vad avgör individers attityd? - En kvantitativ studie om sambandet mellan kunskapsnivå kring processer som rör invandring samt attityd till invandring

Under 2012 kom 514 anmälningar in till diskrimineringsombudsmannen gällande etnisk tillhörighet. Forskning har visat att etnisk diskriminering innebär en negativ påverkan på hälsa och självbild hos individen som blir utsatt. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar individers attityd till invandring. Analyser genomfördes för att finna samband mellan kunskapsnivå kring During the year of 2012, 514 reports concerning ethnic belonging were handed in to the Equality Ombudsman in Sweden. Research has shown that ethnic discrimination results in a negative effect on health and self-image for the person exposed to it. The aim of this study was to investigate which variables has an effect on individuals’ attitude towards immigration. Analysis was conducted to find conne

Analysis of Optical Flow Algorithms for Denoising

When a video sequence is recorded in low-light conditions, the image often become noisy. Standard methods for noise reduction have difficulties with motion. But the interesting parts in a video is often the ones that are moving, for instance a burglar captured in a surveillance video. One approach for denoising video sequences is to use temporal filtering controlled by optical flow, which describ

Folkets val

Denna kvantitativa teoriprövande uppsats undersöker hur ekonomisk röstning påverkar utfallet av svenska riksdagsval. Fokus ligger främst på val efter kriser eftersom det är här som ekonomin borde påverka valen mest. Undersökningar om väljarpreferenser från SOM-institutet ligger till grund för denna analys. Statistiken har sedan tabellerats och analyserats utifrån två dimensioner: samhällsmotiv kon

Ingen kan göra allt, men alla kan göra något. En diskursanalys av välgörenhetsgalan Tillsammans för Världens Barn.

Den här undersökningen föranleddes av en fundering över de humanitära utmaningar världen står inför idag, och vad för typ av insatser som krävs. Uppsatsen undersöker välgörenhetsgalan Tillsammans för Världens Barn. Det teoretiska såväl som metodologiska ramverket är inspirerat av Ernesto Laclau och Chantal Mouffes diskursteori, och med hjälp av den undersöker vi vilka diskurser som genomsyrar gala

Utvecklingen av Natura 2000 i Sverige – enkätundersökning bland kommuner och länsstyrelser

Vad gör du när någon lägger sig i hur du skall sköta ditt arbete på din arbetsplats? Många skulle nog bli lite lätt irriterade och klaga. Detta går att jämföra med när Sverige gick med i den Europeiska Unionen 1995 och skulle anpassa sig till nya krav som ställdes för medlemskapet. Ett område som påverkades av medlemskapet var den svenska naturvården som skyndsamt fick anpassa sig till EU:s arbeteSweden’s history of nature conservation spans over 100 years and is an important part of what has characterized the nature that we have today. During those 100 years, there have been several different kinds of actions to preserve the Swedish nature. 20 years ago, Sweden became a member of the European Union and the authorities had to face the challenge of enforcing requirements that came from foll

The Democratic Value of Lobby Influence in the European Union Policy Process - The case of pharmaceutical companies and the amendment of Directive 2001/83/EC

This thesis examines the extent to which lobbyists bring democratic value to the policy-formulation and decision-making stages of the EU policy process. It is examined through a single case study of the amendment of Directive 2001/83/EC. By adopting an actor-centered institutionalism perspective and through theoretical discussion on Robert Keohane, Fritz Scharpf and Pieter Bouwen, this thesis bui

Traditioner, oberoende & Eurasianism - En diskursanalys av Rysslands identitet i skapandet av den Eurasiska Europeiska Unionen

Identity. A widely discussed subject analyzed in this thesis. The intent of the thesis is to perform a discourse analysis of how Russian identity is constructed and how it transforms in time. This is realized by utilizing the theories and deconstructing methods by Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe. In addition Laclau, Mouffe and Slavoj Žižeks related theories on construction of political identitie

Russian aggression or Swedish media strategy?

Although the Cold War was thought to be a part of history, Russia has in recent years increased their military capacity and activity which is interpreted by the West as a threat which needs to be addressed. This study aims to present how Sweden has changed its view regarding Russia with time and also to explain why this change has occurred. Although Russia may be constituting a larger threat now t

Demokrati och penningpolitik

This essay examines the political discussion surrounding the proposal to relinquish the Swedish central bank and monetary policy from democratic control from the vantage point of democratic theory. The reform was proposed in late 1997 and debated twice in 1998. Through the lens of ideal types pertaining to different schools of democratic thought, the discussion is combed for different democratic i

Påverkar bankerna priset på fastigheter när de ändrar sina villkor

Title: Do banks affect real estate prices when they change their terms and conditions? Seminar date: 08/26/2010 Course: Master thesis in business administration, major in finance, 15 University Credit Points (15 ECTS) Authors: Jakob Paulsson and Rickard Claeson Advisors: Jens Forssbaeck and Måns Kjellsson Five key words: Real estate prices, Credit standards, Commercial real estate, Real estate val

Framing av hållbar utveckling. En undersökning av Dagens Nyheters rapportering under Earth Summit 1992

In Rio de Janeiro 1992 the first UN Conference on Environment and Development was held. Where governments and leaders from the private sector addressed guidelines for the environment and sustainable development. Since the media has a great power over how information is portrayed, the aim of this thesis is to examine how Swedish media portrayed the concept of sustainable development during the UN C

Antagandet och förkastandet av en klimatanpassningspolicy

Adapting to climate change is a growing policy area and today more municipalities see a future need of protecting themselves against rising sea levels, floods and higher temperatures. In 2012 the city of Malmö took a significant step when adopting a strategy plan where actions where pointed out and prioritized. But the plan was three years later neither pursued nor prolonged. By using the advocacy

Koncerners etablering i EU- i ett svenskt och EU-rättsligt perspektiv

Uppsatsen ämnar redogöra för koncerners etablering i EU i ett svenskt och EU-rättsligt perspektiv. Detta sker genom att sätta den svenska skattelagstiftningen i ett EU-rättsligt sammanhang för att illustrera EU-rättens betydelse vid etablering. Nationella skattesystems regleringar har inte fullt ut harmoniserats med EU-rätten men EU-domstolens praxis har blivit en ledstjärna vad gäller förenlighetThe essay intends to describe the establishment of groups of companies in the EU from a Swedish and EU legal perspective. This is done by putting Swedish tax legislation in an EU legal context to illustrate the significance of EU law in the establishment. National tax system regulations are not fully harmonized with EU law and the European Court of Justice has instead become a beacon in terms of t