

Din sökning på "*" gav 531347 sökträffar

How do people aggregate value? An experiment with relative importance of criteria and relative goodness of alternatives as inputs

The concept of importance of criteria is used as a central element in several decision making contexts, specifically in value aggregation, e.g. as an input to decision support tools. For example, in the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) decision makers are asked to estimate how much more important one criterion is than another. However, it is not clear how people understand aggregation models based

Vocal communication : The enigmatic production of low-frequency purrs in cats

Cat purring, the unusual, pulsed vibration that epitomizes comfort, enjoys a special status in the world of vocal communication research. Indeed, it has long been flagged as a rare exception to the dominant theory of voice production in mammals. A new study presents histological and biomechanical evidence that purring can occur passively, without needing muscle vibration in the larynx controlled b

A glycosylation-dependent CD45RB epitope defines previously unacknowledged CD27-IgMhigh B cell subpopulations enriched in young children and after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation

The immune system is dysfunctional for years after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). A potential cause is an intrinsic B cell deficiency. In a cohort of pediatric HSCT patients few CD27+ B cells formed after transplantation with the number of CD27+IgMhigh cells more affected than class-switched ones. A previously unacknowledged population of CD27-IgMhigh cells made up the majority of

Single-cell atlas reveals meningeal leukocyte heterogeneity in the developing mouse brain

The meninges are important for brain development and pathology. Using single-cell RNA sequencing, we have generated the first comprehensive transcriptional atlas of neonatal mouse meningeal leukocytes under normal conditions and after perinatal brain injury. Weidentified almost all known leukocyte subtypes and found differences between neonatal and adult border-associated macrophages, thus highlig

Conserved sequence elements in K promoters from mice and humans : Implications for transcriptional regulation and repertoire expression

Promoter region sequences of human and mouse Igk-V genes were aligned and found to be conserved for about 200-300 base pairs (bp) within subgroups/families. No promoter similarity was found between IGKV promoters from different human subgroups. Related mouse Igk-V gene families were conserved in the promoter region but no similarity was evident when promoters from unrelated Igk-V gene families wer

Mid-Ludfordian uranium isotope records distinguish the role of expansive marine anoxia in global carbon cycle dynamics during the late Silurian Lau/Kozlowskii bioevent

The late Silurian Lau/Kozlowskii bioevent marks a time interval with substantial loss in marine biodiversity linked to the largest positive carbon isotope excursion (Mid-Ludfordian CIE; MLCIE) recorded in the Phanerozoic (δ13Ccarb peaks at +8–10‰). The positive δ13C excursion and the extinctions have been linked to increased marine productivity (ocean eutrophication), leading to increased organic

Highly deformed rotational structures in 136Pm

Four highly deformed structures in the odd-odd nucleus 13661Pm75 were observed via the 105Pd(35Cl,2p2n) reaction at 180 and 173 MeV using the GAMMASPHERE γ-ray spectrometer and the Microball charged-particle detector array. Quadrupole moment measurements were performed on all of the bands. In contrast to lighter odd-Ζ Pm and Pr nuclei, bands based on the g9/2[404]9/2 proton orbital were not observ

Infrastructural considerations of implementing gene therapy for hemophilia in the Nordic context

Background: Despite improvements in hemophilia care, challenges remain, including treatment burden and impaired quality of life. Gene therapy may overcome these. However, its introduction presents a challenge. Objectives: To outline a function-based gene therapy working model describing critical milestones associated with gene therapy handling, administration, and follow-up to facilitate and imple

Child Participation : From Radical Principle to Routine Activity in India’s Largest Child Rights Scheme

Child participation, mandating that children should be able to impact the laws,policies, and programmes that affect them, is a core child rights principle. However, if children’s ideas should be taken seriously, it requires a radically open-minded and adaptable attitude of the adults whose responsibility it is to implement these laws, policies, and programmes. Such an attitude is difficult to “mai

A unique role of the cholera toxin A1-DD adjuvant for long-term plasma and memory B cell development

Adjuvants have traditionally been appreciated for their immunoenhancing effects, whereas their impact on immunological memory has largely been neglected. In this paper, we have compared three mechanistically distinct adjuvants: aluminum salts (Alum), Ribi (monophosphoryl lipid A), and the cholera toxin A1 fusion protein CTA1-DD. Their influence on long-term memory development was dramatically diff

Serum-IgG responses to SARS-CoV-2 after mild and severe COVID-19 infection and analysis of IgG non-responders

Background To accurately interpret COVID-19 seroprevalence surveys, knowledge of serum-IgG responses to SARS-CoV-2 with a better understanding of patients who do not seroconvert, is imperative. This study aimed to describe serum-IgG responses to SARS-CoV-2 in a cohort of patients with both severe and mild COVID-19, including extended studies of patients who remained seronegative more than 90 days

Automated actual evapotranspiration estimation : Hybrid model of a novel attention based U-Net and metaheuristic optimization algorithms

Actual evapotranspiration (ETa) plays a crucial role in the water and energy cycles of the earth. An accurate estimate of the ETa is essential for management of the water resources, agriculture, and irrigation, as well as research on atmospheric variations. Despite the importance of accurate ETa values, estimating and mapping them remains challenging due to the physical and biological complexity o

Onlinedejting - ”det är liksom inte svart och vitt” : En enkätstudie om olika generationers attityder till onlinedejting i Sverige

In less than two decades, online dating services have gone from being seen as a marginal and stigmatised practice, to being a regular activity in people's social and romantic lives. This thesis intends to examine Swedish attitudes towards the digital phenomena of online dating and online dating services. The study was conducted through a quantitative method in the form of an online survey, wit

A self-managed exercise therapy program for wrist osteoarthritis : study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

Background: Post-traumatic wrist osteoarthritis (OA) can eventually lead to pain, muscular weakness, and stiffness of the wrist, which can affect the function of the entire upper limb and reduce the quality of life. Although there is strong evidence that all patients with OA should be offered adequate education and exercises as a first-line treatment, an effective self-management program, includin

Biomarkers Predictive of Distant Disease-free Survival Derived from Diffusion-weighted Imaging of Breast Cancer

Purpose: To investigate whether intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) and/or non-Gaussian diffusion parameters are associated with distant disease-free survival (DDFS) in patients with invasive breast cancer. Methods: From May 2013 to March 2015, 101 patients (mean age 60.0, range 28–88) with invasive breast cancer were evaluated prospectively. IVIM parameters (flowing blood volume fraction [fIVIM]

Comparative study of superdeformed and highly deformed bands in the [Formula Presented] mass region

Superdeformed and highly deformed rotational bands in the [Formula Presented] mass region are studied within cranked relativistic mean field theory and the configuration-dependent cranked Nilsson-Strutinsky approach. Both approaches describe the experimental data well. Low values of the dynamic moments of inertia [Formula Presented] compared with the kinematic moments of inertia [Formula Presented

Contortatallens liv i Sverige ur ett kulturellt perspektiv

Sedan 1920-talet har det funnits planer på att använda contortatall i svenskt skogsbruk men först kring 1970omsattes de till storskaliga planteringar i norra Sverige.Sedan 1970-talet har contortatallen debatterats och knutits till olika sammanhang och skilda värderingsregimer.Återkommande har forskare samt företrädare för skogsnäringen och olika miljörörelser försökt att avgränsacontortans betydel

Sum rules and physical bounds for a particulate slab --- transmission

Two different sum rules for transmission of the coherent electromagnetic field by a particulate slab are established. The particles are assumed spherical and randomly located, and the slab is illuminated by a plane wave at normal incidence. These sum rules are obtained assuming the particles are passive scatterers, and satisfy energy conservation and causality conditions. The sum rules are then emTwo different sum rules for transmission of the coherent electromagnetic fieldby a particulate slab are established. The particles are assumed sphericaland randomly located, and the slab is illuminated by a plane wave at normalincidence. These sum rules are obtained assuming the particles are passivescatterers, and satisfy energy conservation and causality conditions. The sumrules are then employe

Murine germinal center B cells require functional fms-like tyrosine kinase 3 signaling for IgG1 class-switch recombination

Switched antibody classes are important for efficient immune responses. Aberrant antibody production to otherwise harmless antigens may result in autoimmunity. The protein kinase fms-like tyrosine kinase 3 receptor (Flt3) has an important role during early B-cell development, but the role of Flt3 in peripheral B cells has not been assessed before. Herein we describe a previously unappreciated role