

Din sökning på "*" gav 530330 sökträffar

Kryprum : grundläggningsdjup, värmeisolering och fuktförhållanden

Källarlös grundläggning av byggnader kan utföras med s.k. kryprum. Svensk byggnorm (SBN 67) benämner detta "fribärande golvbjälklag över slutet ventilerat utrymme under jord". l rapporten behandlas både ventilerade och oventilerade utrymmen med hänsyn till grundläggningsdjup, fuktförhållanden och erforderlig värmeisolering av bjälklag. Rapporten bygger på datorberäkningar av frostnedträngningen oc

Metamorphopsia after successful retinal detachment surgery: an optical coherence tomography study

Purpose: To investigate the findings in optical coherence tomography (OCT) in eyes with metamorphopsia after scleral buckling surgery for macula-off retinal detachment. Methods: A total of 46 patients (46 eyes) with macula-off retinal detachment were prospectively studied 2 months after successful scleral buckling surgery. Patients were examined with the Amsler grid, fundus biomicroscopy and OCT.

Energy loss measurements for mass-14 ions using a patterned stopping medium on a PIN diode

A new experimental technique to measure stopping forces for swift heavy ions was tested and has been found effective. A commercial PIN photodiode was coated with a patterned stopping medium of gold. This allowed the simultaneous detection of stopped- and reference-ions of C-14 and N-14 in the energy range E = 6.4-10.4 MeV. The stopping forces of these ions in gold have been measured with excellent

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Abstract in German Die Verkürzung der Untersuchungszeiten bei der klinischen Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT) bietet für den Patienten den Vorteil einer angenehmeren und schnelleren Untersuchung und erhöht gleichzeitig den Patientendurchsatz. Dies erfordert schnelle und robuste Aufnahmetechniken, welche beispielsweise auch bei der Aufnahme bewegter Organe oder für atemangehaltene Messungen eingeset

Färdmedelsvalet och valprocessen för lokala resor till regional tågtrafik : en analys med betoning på cykelns betydelse

PURPOSE: The dissertation addresses the choice of mode of transport, and the selection process, for local travel to regional rail service, with special emphasis on the significance of the bicycle. APPROACH TO THE PROBLEM AND METHODOLOGY: Choice of mode can be viewed as a 2-stage selection process in which different alternatives are rejected at different points in time. First there is a sorting amo

Closing the Information Loop in Recipe-Based Batch Production

In addition to the basic regulatory functions, a batch control system must support production planning and scheduling, recipe management, resource allocation, batch report generation, unit supervision and exception handling. A closed-loop framework is presented in this work that integrates decision support tools required at the different levels of a decision-making hierarchical batch control syste

Effects of exercise on aerobic capacity and fatigue in women with primary Sjogren's syndrome.

Objective. To investigate the effect of a moderate to high intensive exercise program on two primary outcomes (aerobic capacity, fatigue), and three secondary outcomes [anxiety, depression and health-related quality of life (HRQoL)] in women with primary Sjögren's syndrome (primary SS). Methods. Twenty-one women with primary SS were ranked according to degree of fatigue and allocated to an exerci

Phase behavior of an ionic surfactant with mixed monovalent/polymeric counterions

A "complex salt" of cetyltrimethylammonium (CTA(+)) with short (30 repeating units) polyacrylate (PA(-)) counterions has been synthesized. The phase diagrams of its aqueous mixtures with either the surfactant cetyltrimethylammonium acetate (CTAAc), or the polyelectrolyte NaPA, have been studied by visual inspection through crossed polarizers and by small-angle X-ray scattering. Both of the ternary

New technologies to replace current blood typing reagents.

Purpose of review This review summarizes recent developments in blood grouping and compatibility testing in transfusion medicine. Recent findings Identification of the molecular characteristics of the major human blood groups has provided an opportunity to develop methods for blood group phenotyping using DNA-based technology. Various studies have demonstrated the feasibility of such an approach a

Cold Fermionic Atoms in Two-Dimensional Traps: Pairing versus Hund's Rule

The microscopic properties of few interacting cold fermionic atoms confined in a two-dimensional (2D) harmonic trap are studied by numerical diagonalization. For repulsive interactions, a strong shell structure dominates, with Hund's rule acting at its extreme for the midshell configurations. In the attractive case, odd-even oscillations due to pairing occur simultaneously with deformations in the

Influence of genetic polymorphisms of biotransformation enzymes on gene mutations, strand breaks of deoxyribonucleic acid, and micronuclei in mononuclear blood cells and urinary 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine in potroom workers exposed to polyaromatic hydrocarbons

OBJECTIVES: Airborne exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in the potroom of an aluminum reduction plant was studied in relation to genotoxic or mutagenic effects, and the possibility of host genotypes of different metabolizing enzymes modifying associations between PAH exposure and genotoxic or mutagenic response was assessed. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Ninety-eight male potroom workers a

Prediction of activation energies for hydrogen abstraction by cytochrome P450

We have estimated the activation energy for hydrogen abstraction by compound I in cytochrome P450 for a diverse set of 24 small organic substrates using state-of-the-art density functional theory (B3LYP). We then show that these results can be reproduced by computationally less demanding methods, for example, by using small organic mimics of compound I with both B3LYP and the semiempirical AM1 met

Prognostic significance of maximum tumour (bulk) diameter in young patients with good-prognosis diffuse large-B-cell lymphoma treated with CHOP-like chemotherapy with or without rituximab: an exploratory analysis of the MabThera International Trial Group (MInT) study

Background The definition and role of bulky disease in young patients (ie, aged 18-60 years) with good-prognosis diffuse large-B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), who have been treated with CHOP (cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, and prednisolone)-like chemotherapy with or without rituximab, remain controversial. We aimed to assess the effect of maximum tumour diameter (MTD) in these patients. Meth