

Din sökning på "*" gav 533806 sökträffar

Reducing the tied up capital through investigation of production postponement and inventory

VI Delimitations The company has several product families but only one is investigated in this project. There are today two main warehouses at the production site, the warehouse for raw material and the one for finished goods, where only the latter was studied. There are other places within the company where capital could be tied up as well, e.g. when products are being processed in a machine, but

Production process improvement within the telecom industry – A simulation study

In order for the Company to take the next step in their production process of radio units, a standardization project has begun with the purpose of creating better collaboration between the manufacturing sites. The Company’s work with standards has paved the way for new concepts within final assembly. Their old and rigid manufacturing setup simply does not meet the requirements. The final assembly

Enhancing Brand Equity – Increasing the Brand Awareness and Strengthening the Brand Image at a Private Equity Firm

Background: FTV Capital is a private equity company specializing in growth equity. Even though the company has been very successful, the private equity industry is highly competitive and more and more companies are turning their strategy towards growth equity. To stand out and keep the competitive advantage, having a strong brand and communicating efficiently is particularly important for a privat

Managing Opperational Supplier Relationships

Background: The Company is in process of increasing the level of centralisation to make use of the economy of scale and get a stronger buying position. A common supplier relationship process on operational level is part of this process. Purpose: Purpose of the thesis is to review and improve the operational supplier relationship management process at The Company. The aim is to define and analyse

Entrepreneurship by Poor - A study of entrepreneurship among the poor in less developed countries

The importance of entrepreneurship in our society is the way it stimulate the markets through alertness to opportunities, and being creational of new opportunity-ideas. However, entrepreneurship is usually constrained by normative, regulative and cognitive mechanisms that enforces and forms the basis on which the entrepreneur operates. This leads us to the primary question of this thesis: to ident

Utveckling av takstol med fackverk i limträ

I syfte att öka konkurrenskraften för byggande i limträ finns det intresse av att utveckla ett nytt standardiserat koncept för hallbyggnader. Ett effektivt sätt för att bygga hallbyggnader är att utföra dessa med fackverkstakstolar. Det största konkurrerande materialet är stål. En stor ekonomisk osäkerhet för limträkonstruktioner är knutpunkterna. Det huvudsakliga syftet med det här arbetet är att

Determinants of Poverty in Rural Ethiopia: A Household Level Analysis

This paper investigates the dynamics of poverty in rural Ethiopia during the period from 1994 to 2009. In order to explore factors that decisively affect the possibility of falling into and exiting out of poverty, the paper uses six rounds of data and employs alternative dynamic probit model which handles the problem of serial correlation, unobserved individual heterogeneity, state dependence and

Mörkrets växtlighet - En studie av Birgitta Trotzigs "På andra sidan havet"

Den här uppsatsen utgår från ekokritiken och new materialisms när den undersöker Birgitta Trotzigs novell/saga "På andra sidan havet". Naturen, och framförallt skogen, har en mycket framträdande roll i berättelsens universum. Den kommunicerar, handlar och står i kontrast mot stadens begränsande väsen och stela yta. Trotzig behandlar i novellen dikotomin som har uppstått mellan begreppen

The Effect of External Positions on FX Misalignments: A study of the G10 countries applying the Macroeconomic Balance Approach

The aim of this paper is to investigate if the macroeconomic balance approach will generate different misalignments whether net foreign assets or cumulative current account is applied. The dataset consist of the G10 countries and range from 1981 to 2011. The relevant determinants of the current account are found to be fiscal balance, population growth, net foreign assets, cumulative current accoun

Effects of Disruptive Innovation at an Industry Level: A Case Study of Mobile Network Operators

The primary purpose of this thesis is to provide a framework for assessing potential effects of disruptive innovation at an industry level. The findings of our primary purpose will contribute to the theoretical field of disruptive innovation and have practical relevance. In addition we also have a secondary purpose, which is that this thesis shall describe how the mobile network operators have bee

Produktägarens roll i Scrumprojekt

Vår undersökning utgår från produktägaren som är en av de tre roller som innefattas i Scrum. Produktägaren beskrivs som en komplex roll och studien syftar till att identifiera egenskaper, kompetenser och ansvar för rollen så väl som vilken betydelse rollen har för ett lyckat projektresultat. Granskning av litteratur har gett en teoretisk bakgrund som visat en oenig bild av hur produktägarrollen bö

Maktens rum - identitet, makt och galenskap i Janet Frames Ansikten i vattnet

Uppsatsen undersöker hur makt och maktrelationer yttrar sig i Janet Frames roman Ansikten i vattnet. Romanen handlar om författarens tid på ett mentalsjukhus och är skriven utifrån en fiktiv protagonist. Foucaults teorier om disciplinär makt och biomakt utgör den teoretiska grunden och makt sätts i relation till klass, kön, identitet och galenskap

A New Approach in the Behavior of House Prices

House prices and their movements are a topic of much interest in today’s society. Most of the population in a country is affected by house price movements in one way or another. The debate mostly focuses on house price bubbles. In this thesis it is argued that the debate should widen its focus. During times of crises, house prices’ conditional variance increases and this harms the economy. Thus it

Ledarskap i en digital kultur: att lära av och dela ledarskap i World of Warcraft

Meningen med detta arbete är att skapa en förståelse för hur delat ledarskap fungerar i MMORPG-spel och hur dessa spel och deras ledare kan vara till hjälp för dagens organisationer. Sex personer med ledarpositioner i onlinespelet World of Warcraft (WoW), har intervjuats om deras erfarenheter av spelet och ledarskap. Det gjordes öppna intervjuer med en fenomenologisk syn, där de intervjuade kunde

Terminologisk problematik i teknisk översättning

The purpose of this thesis is to analyse an HIV and AIDS related information brochure translated from Swedish to Arabic as well as to show possible consequences of an inaccurate translation. The reader will get a glimpse of what kind of problems a translator might face during translating technical terminology, as well as other issues that may occur in the translation process. In order to have a

Increased Efficiency of Salinomycin Analogs in a Breast Cancer Cell Line

Popular science summary: A growing body of evidence shows that tumors consist of rare cancer stem cells (CSCs), precursor cells and differentiated tumor cells. CSCs are today thought to be the main culprit in the tumor origin, progression, recurrence and resistance to therapy. The origin of CSC is enigmatic; however, it has been suggested that CSCs can arise from any type of cells and the underly

No title

The work of Beppe Fenoglio, a well-known Italian writer, has increased in popularity in the 90s, more than 30 years after his death. As a reaction to the change in the Italian political scene with the entry of the neo fascist party in the government in the 90s, the new generation felt a need to defend the democratic ideals; this might explain the rediscovery the works of Fenoglio where the partisa

Modeling Customer Lifetime Value in the Telecom Industry

Background The fierce competition in the telecom industry makes operators heavily invest in acquiring new customers. This is most often done with marketing campaigns and subsidies of handsets. But to be truly profitable, it is crucial not only to attract new customers, but also to make sure they retain with the company for as long time as possible. This turns the mobile operators’ attention to cus

The Future of Enterprise Mobility

Abstract Background This study defines enterprise mobility as “The set of technology, applications, processes and policies that support the possibility to perform business activities anywhere at any time”. Enterprise Mobility is one of the main trends in the enterprise ICT environment and a leading vendor describes it as we are entering a new wave of Enterprise Computing called consumer-driven Mob