Core polarization and neutron halos
The effects of core polarization on the structure of Li and Be halos and their consequences on one-and two-neutron transfer reactions are discussed.
The effects of core polarization on the structure of Li and Be halos and their consequences on one-and two-neutron transfer reactions are discussed.
Lessons Learned: It is possible to plan and treat some patients with stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) in a timely fashion in an acute setting. Advanced and, in some indications, already implemented technologies such as SBRT are difficult to test in a randomized trial. Background: Stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) in metastatic spinal cord compression (MSCC) could be an alternative to deco
Purpose Prostate motion during radiation therapy (ie, intrafraction motion) can cause unwanted loss of radiation dose to the prostate and increased dose to the surrounding organs at risk. A compact but general statistical description of this motion could be useful for simulation of radiation therapy delivery or margin calculations. We investigated whether prostate motion could be modeled with a ra
Background: Radiotherapy (RT) in combination with androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) for prostate cancer (PCa) carries a risk of gastrointestinal (GI) and genitourinary toxicity, which might affect the quality of life (QoL). The purpose of this study was to assess the QoL in patients with PCa before, during and after radiotherapy (RT) and to compare the QoL 1 year after RT to a normal population.
Literature and experience show that there are large discrepancies between the calculated and measured building energy usages, where user-related parameters are significant factors with regard to energy use in low-energy buildings. Furthermore, the difficulties encountered when quantifying these parameters compound these discrepancies. The main aim of this study was to provide feedback that would h
The existing information supports the use of this material as described in this safety assessment. Ethyl 3-methylthiopropionate was evaluated for genotoxicity, repeated dose toxicity, reproductive toxicity, local respiratory toxicity, phototoxicity/photoallergenicity, skin sensitization, and environmental safety. Data from read-across analog methyl 3-methylthiopropionate (CAS # 13532-18-8) show th
We present the results of a study of the vortex lattice (VL) of the nickel chalcogenide superconductor TlNi2Se2, using small angle neutron scattering. This superconductor has the same crystal symmetry as the iron arsenide materials. Previous work points to it being a two-gap superconductor, with an unknown pairing mechanism. No structural transitions in the vortex lattice are seen in the phase dia
Cross junctions of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) separated by thin oxide layers have been fabricated, in which the top CNT is used as a local gate to control the electron transport through the lower CNT. Coulomb oscillation was observed in the lower CNTs at low temperatures. The gating field from the upper CNTs is seen to modulate the band structure in the lower CNTs, producing double quantum dot system
A previously developed formalism for calculation of the scattering from a buried inhomogeneity is taken as a starting point for an iterative scheme for treating the influence of a deviation from a flat interface. This deviation can be a hill, or a depression, of finite extent on an otherwise flat surface. Each iteration takes into account all the multiple interactions between the hill and the inho
To better understand the historical gender wage gap, we investigate the wages of Swedish compositors circa 1900 using a rich data set of matched employer-employee information with national coverage. In line with previous findings, women earned about 70 percent of men’s wages on average. Individual and job characteristics explain much of this shortfall. Firm characteristics or firm fixed effects, o
De flesta källor vi har bevarade från antiken är skrivna av och för män. Men i Maria Magdalenas evangelium – som här för första gången publiceras i svensk översättning – är hjälten en kvinna. I denna tidigkristna skrift från 100-talet uppenbarar sig Jesus för Maria Magdalena och erbjuder henne hemlig kunskap. Maria är särskilt utvald för sin andliga förmåga och får förklara för de andra lärjungarn
Since the turn of the Millennium, there have been extensive debates on the relationship between the European Union (EU) and civil society. EU institutions have tended to regard associations and organizations of civil society as way to counterbalance the EU’s democratic deficit and/or as a means to foster effective implementation of policies. Much research has accordingly analysed how EU discourses
The contacts of single carbon nanotubes and bundles of carbon nanotubes with superconducting and metallic electrodes are investigated in order to create bolometers and electron coolers. Tunneling contacts of the carbon nanotubes with aluminum electrodes are obtained. The current-voltage characteristics of junctions are analyzed for temperatures from room temperature to 300 mK. The resistance of in