

Din sökning på "*" gav 537182 sökträffar

Human igg increases virulence of streptococcus pyogenes through complement evasion

Streptococcus pyogenes is an exclusively human pathogen that can provoke mild skin and throat infections but can also cause fatal septicemia. This gram-positive bacterium has developed several strategies to evade the human immune system, enabling S. pyogenes to survive in the host. These strategies include recruiting several human plasma proteins, such as the complement inhibitor, C4b-binding prot

Pedagogik som vetenskap. En inbjudan.

Pedagogik är en av de klassiska vetenskapliga disciplinerna och har som universitetsämne en hundraårig tradition. I takt med att samhället förändras har även det innehåll som sysselsätter pedagogiken ändrats. Var befinner sig det vetenskapliga ämnet pedagogik i dag? Hur ser den historiska bakgrunden till ämnets framväxt ut? Vilka är de fundament som håller samman pedagogikämnet? Vilka framtida utm

Validation of Phase Contrast Flow Quantification and Relaxometry for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Quantitative imaging, where every pixel of an image represents a physical quantity (e.g. timeor velocity) is being increasingly used in the field of diagnostic radiology and has potential toenhance medical diagnosis. Quantitative methods for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)enables measurements of velocity and flow using a technique called Phase Contrast MagneticResonance (PC-MR), and different tim

Characterization of Irreversible Fouling after Ultrafiltration of Thermomechanical Pulp Mill Process Water

Large volumes of wastewater with dissolved wood components are treated in wastewater treatment plants at thermomechanical pulp mills. It has been shown previously that hemicelluloses in these wastewater streams can be recovered by membrane filtration. A serious obstacle when treating lignocellulose process streams is fouling of the membranes. Fouling not only increases operating costs but also red

Modeling plot scale dye penetration by a diffusion limited aggregation (DLA) model

Solute transport in the unsaturated zone often occurs in preferential How paths. There are several reasons for this, e.g., water repellency, the occurrence of fissures and cracks, animal borrows, decomposed root threads etc. The resulting How patterns often display a fractal resemblance which is difficult to predict using conventional transport models. A way to preserve the fractal property of obs

The radial extent of the Galactic thick disk

Based on observational data from the fourth internal data release of the Gaia-ESO Survey we probe the abundance structure in the Milky Way stellar disk as a function of galactocentric radius and height above the plane. We find that the inner and outer Galactic disks have different chemical signatures. The stars in the inner Galactic disk show abundance signatures of both the thin and thick disks,

No title

Review of Mats Burström, "Barlast. Massor med historia" (2017)

Understanding one's body and movements from the perspective of young adults with autism : A mixed-methods study

Background: There are but a few studies of how persons with autism perceive their bodies and movements. Difficulties in perceiving the surrounding world along with disturbed motor coordination and executive functions may affect physical and psychological development. Aims: To explore the experiences of body and movements in young adults with autism and how two physiotherapeutic instruments may cap

Collective Incentives and Cooperation in Teams with Imperfect Monitoring

We experimentally explore the role of collective incentives in sustaining cooperation in finitely repeated public goods games with imperfect monitoring. In our experiment players only observe noisy signals about individual contributions, while total output is perfectly observed. We consider sanctioning mechanisms that allow agents to commit to collective punishment in case total output fall short

A long-lasting taxonomic problem in European Sympycnus resolved, with the description of a new species and data on habitat preferences

Type specimens of Sympycnus pulicarius, S. annulipes, S. cinerellus and S. desoutteri were examined to clear up a long-lasting taxonomic confusion. Our study revealed that they represent, together with S. pygmaeus and S. annulipes var. brunnitibialis, a single species, with S. pulicarius as the senior subjective synonym, which is redescribed in this paper. Lectotypes were designated for Dolichopus

No special treatment of independent object motion for heading perception

How do we judge the direction of self-motion (i.e., heading) in the presence of independent object motion? Previous studies that examined this question confounded the effects of a moving object's speed and its position on heading judgments, and did not examine whether the visual system uses salient nonmotion visual cues (such as color contrast and binocular disparity) to segment a moving object fr

The opportunity prior : A simple and practical solution to the prior probability problem for legal cases

One of the greatest impediments to the use of probabilistic reasoning in legal arguments is the difficulty in agreeing on an appropriate prior probability for the ultimate hypothesis, (in criminal cases this is normally “Defendant is guilty of the crime for which he/she is accused”). Even strong supporters of a Bayesian approach prefer to ignore priors and focus instead on considering only the lik

Health-enhancing participation in girls and women with Rett syndrome - a balancing act

Rett syndrome (RTT) is a rare neurodevelopmental disorder usually affecting females. It is associated with multiple disabilities including intellectual disability leading to a high level of dependency in all aspects of daily living including participation in physical activities. The overall aim of this thesis was to investigate physical activity behaviors by developing measures of walking, describ

What is the evidence for the use of biologic or biosynthetic meshes in abdominal wall reconstruction?

Introduction: Although many surgeons have adopted the use of biologic and biosynthetic meshes in complex abdominal wall hernia repair, others have questioned the use of these products. Criticism is addressed in several review articles on the poor standard of studies reporting on the use of biologic meshes for different abdominal wall repairs. The aim of this consensus review is to conduct an evide

”Jag är mi’kmaq och det jag gör är min kultur!”

Artikeln vill ge bakgrundshistoria och orientering om dagens situation för mi’kmaq, en etnisk folkgrupp, som främst bebor reservat på Kanadas ostkust. Historiken uppvisar en koloniserad grupp, som influerats av britternas annektering av provinsen och den franska, katolska missionen, men samtidigt finns idag en ny stolthet över att vara mi’kmaq, med reservatslivets mödor och glädjeämnen som gruppen

The recovery process after a hip fracture of healthy patients, 65 years and older - perceptions, abilities, and strategies

Background: A hip fracture is a common cause of morbidity, functional disability, and decreased health-related quality of life (HRQOL). With demographic changes showing a growing proportion of older people, hip fractures will be an increasing challenge for healthcare services in the future. Hip fractures threaten the independence of individuals in their everyday lives. In Sweden, more than one thiBackground: A hip fracture is a common cause of morbidity, functional disability, and decreased health-related quality of life (HRQOL). With demographic changes showing a growing proportion of older people, hip fractures will be an increasing challenge for healthcare services in the future. Hip fractures threaten the independence of individuals in their everyday lives. In Sweden, more than one thi

Modeling of solid oxide fuel cells with optimized interconnect designs

A 3D model is developed to investigate solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) contacting with optimized interconnect designs and the results indicate that the current density and thermal stress are closely related to both the shape of tip in interconnects and the depth of it in the cathode. The interconnect with triangular rips can yield the best electrochemical performance compared to those with tips of

Circular business models : Developing a sustainable future

This book explores the need to develop business strategies, organise and fund transformation projects and manage the transformation programme in order to further a circular economy. Circular Business Models outlines sustainable business models that can be used by companies to move transformation forward on a large scale. In addition to business models the book will cover and discuss a number of ot