

Din sökning på "*" gav 529723 sökträffar

Seasonal changes in lipid composition and glycogen storage associated with freeze-tolerance of the earthworm, Dendrobaena octaedra

The earthworm, Dendrobaena octaedra, is a common species in the uppermost soil and humus layers of coniferous forests and tundra in temperate and subarctic regions. The species is freeze-tolerant and may survive several months in a frozen state. Upon freezing, glycogen reserves are rapidly converted to glucose serving as a cryoprotectant and fuel for metabolism. In the present study we investigate

Nuclear expression of STAT6 distinguishes solitary fibrous tumor from histologic mimics

Solitary fibrous tumor (SFT) is composed of spindled to ovoid cells in a patternless architecture with prominent stromal collagen and hemangiopericytoma-like vessels. Some tumors show hypercellularity, nuclear atypia, and significant mitotic activity; the latter feature in particular often portends an aggressive clinical course. SFT can sometimes be difficult to distinguish from other benign mesen

Cloud Droplet Activation of Amino Acid Aerosol Particles.

In this work we investigated the ability of a series of amino acids to act as cloud condensation nuclei using a static thermal gradient diffusion type cloud condensation nucleus counter. Particles of pure dry l-glycine, glycyl-glycine, l-serine, l-methionine, l-glutamic acid, l-aspartic acid, and l-tyrosine were studied as well as internally mixed dry particles containing ammonium sulfate and one

Genomic characterization of ETV6/RUNX1-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia

The t(12;21) translocation generates the ETV6/RUNX1 fusion gene, present in 25% of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia. This fusion gene is important for leukemia development but is not sufficient for leukemia to arise. Hence, the additional genetic changes present in leukemic ETV6/RUNX1-positive cells give important clues regarding the history of the leukemia. The aim of this thesis has been t

Suspended biofilm carrier and activated sludge removal of acidic pharmaceuticals.

Removal of seven active pharmaceutical substances (ibuprofen, ketoprofen, naproxen, diclofenac, clofibric acid, mefenamic acid, and gemfibrozil) was assessed by batch experiments, with suspended biofilm carriers and activated sludge from several full-scale wastewater treatment plants. A distinct difference between nitrifying activated sludge and suspended biofilm carrier removal of several pharmac

The planet search programme at the ESO CES and HARPS IV. The search for Jupiter analogues around solar-like stars

Context. In 1992 we began a precision radial velocity survey for planets around solar-like stars with the Coude Echelle Spectrograph and the Long Camera (CES LC) at the 1.4m telescope in La Silla (Chile) resulting in the discovery of the planet iota Hor b. We have continued the survey with the upgraded CES Very Long Camera (VLC) and the HARPS spectrographs, both at the 3.6m telescope, until 2007.

Methods used in clinical development of novel anti-asthma therapies

In recent years, it has become increasingly important to get as much as possible information on clinical efficacy already in the early phases of drug development. For proof of concept (POC) studies testing novel anti-inflammatory drugs in asthma, there are several validated exacerbation models, inducing various aspects of the airway inflammation and airway responsiveness. The choice of the appropr

Conceptualizing entrepreneurial capital in the context of institutional change

This paper explores the building of entrepreneurial capital from an entrepreneurship and contextual/institutional position. In taking this position, it is possible to understand "entrepreneurial capital" as the content of the process that unfolds when individuals are exposed to certain characteristics of the environment. Drawing on findings from an ethnographically inspired longitudinal case study

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Pachnobium dreuxi, n. g., n. sp. discovered as a fossil and still living in the Crozet Islands (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Ectemnorrhininae). Pachnobium dreuxi, a new genus and species of Ectemnorrhininae weevil, was first discovered as a fossil in a Holocene sedimentary sequence at lie de la Possession (Crozet Islands, southern Indian Ocean). Two modern specimens were subsequently found in the co

Streptomyces morphogenetics: dissecting differentiation in a filamentous bacterium.

During the life cycle of the filamentous bacteria Streptomyces, morphological differentiation is closely integrated with fundamental growth and cell-cycle processes, as well as with truly complex multicellular behaviour that involves hormone-like extracellular signalling and coordination with an extraordinarily diverse secondary metabolism. Not only are the bacterial cytoskeleton and the machineri

Pitfalls in Interpreting Umbilical Cord Blood Gases and Lactate at Birth

Popular Abstract in Swedish Förlossnings- och barnläkare har i många år sökt efter ett instrument för utvärdering av det nyfödda barnets hälsotillstånd. Virginia Apgar introducerade 1953 ett poängsystem som bygger på en subjektiv bedömning av barnets hudfärg, hjärtfrekvens,reflexer/retbarhet, muskeltonus och andning. Koncentrationen i blodet av olika gaser, syror och baser speglar också det nyföddAcid-base status in umbilical cord blood is an objective measure of the fetus’ exposure to and ability to handle hypoxia. The objective of this thesis was to clarify some of the methodological pitfalls in interpreting umbilical cord blood gases and lactate values at birth. Study I pinpoints the methodological confounding in calculating base deficit (BD) with algorithms used in different brands of

Males with high genetic similarity to females sire more offspring in sperm competition in Peron’s tree frog, Litoria peronii

Recent work has confirmed that genetic compatibility among mates can be an important determinant of siring success in sperm competition experiments and in free-ranging populations. Most of this work points towards mate choice of less related mates. However, there may also be the potential for mate choice for intermediate or even genetically similar mates to prevent outbreeding depression or hybrid

Wage penalty of abstinence and wage premium of drinking-A misclassification bias due to pooling of drinking groups?

Several studies have found protective effects of low/moderate (hereafter 'light') alcohol consumption compared with 'abstinence' on mortality, health and wage. Some of these studies have been criticised because former drinkers have been included among the abstainers, which may overstate the protective effect of light alcohol consumption. It has also been proposed, but not shown, that the commonly

The "shoulder" and the "ridge" in PHENIX

Comparison of two-particle correlations in heavy-ion collisions with measurements in proton collisions shows strong modification of the correlation shape and particle yields. Two new structures are created; both extended in Δη, one centered at Δ = 0 ('ridge') and the other occurring at Δ π ± 1.1 ('shoulder'). In these proceedings, we describe the measurements of these structures that show consiste

Relative Sources of European Regional Productivity Convergence: A Bootstrap Frontier Approach

Enflo K. and Hjertstrand P. Relative sources of European regional productivity convergence: a bootstrap frontier approach, Regional Studies. This paper addresses the issue of Western European regional productivity growth and convergence by means of data envelopment analysis (DEA), decomposing labour productivity into efficiency change, technical change and capital accumulation. The decomposition s

"... känner du till skillnanden mellan sanning och lögn?" En analys av förundersökningar

I ett barnahus samverkar olika myndigheter för att samordna utredningar som startas då det finns misstanke om brott mot barn. Målet är att samverkan ska leda till ett barnanpassat utredningsförfarande och ett bättre underlag för rättsprocessen. I denna bok beskrivs de barn som misstänks ha varit utsatta för brott, vem som är misstänkt förövare och vilken typ av brott som barnen misstänks ha varit