

Din sökning på "*" gav 528293 sökträffar

Estimating the WCO Revised Kyoto Convention’s Impact on International Trade

When administrations of customs procedures are heterogeneous, lack mutual cooperation and suffer from unnecessary complexity, they become non-tariff barriers to trade. The WCO International Convention on the Simplification and Harmonization of Customs procedures (Revised Kyoto Convention) serve as a blueprint for modern and efficient customs procedures, supplementary to the WTO negotiations on

Liberating Liturgy : Liberation Theology Traits in Anglican and Lutheran Worship Services in Jerusalem and the West Bank

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is of great interest to me for many reasons; particularly, I want to stress the Palestinian Christian’s position in the current situation. The Palestinian Christians belong to several denominations, of which I have chosen to focus on two minority churches: the Lutheran and the Anglican. My intention is to find if, and how, the situation affects the liturgy of these

Activating the Smart Future: Customer Incentives in the Transforming Energy Market

Background: Pressure from volatile fossil fuel prices, an increased awareness of climate change and technological advances has resulted in a changing relationship between utility companies and their customers and has created a demand for more efficient and controllable electricity products and services. Smart services are seen as a tool to meet the demands of the market and to encourage consumers

Assessing team performance in healthcare team training: application of a protocol based on Hollnagel's contextual control model

This study introduces a protocol for healthcare team performance assessments, based on cognitive systems engineering and the contextual control model (COCOM). The protocol was developed by Palmqvist et al. focusing on team's joint level of control. This is contrasted by present means for team assessments, which are based on individual behavioural ratings. Data is analysed in intervals, and thr

Arrest of Ships in a Comparative Perspective and Comments on the Chinese Regime

Nearly all maritime lawsuits start with arrest of ships or a threat of arrest, which makes the research on ship arrest regimes very meaningful. This thesis aims at carrying out a comparative analysis of the law of ship arrest in four jurisdictions, namely, the United Kingdom, United states, France and China. Two international conventions concerning the arrest of ships have been concluded one in 1


In recent years, remittances have emerged as an important external source of finance for most developing countries, Cameroon inclusive. The debate on international migration and development has been widely discussed across academia and given a considerable attention by researchers, policy makers, stakeholders and governments. Departing with the premise that remittances conduct development, this st

Åh nej, varför sa jag så?!: En anpassning och utprovning av den svenska versionen av testet Faux pas

Syftet med föreliggande studie var att anpassa och att utprova det neuropsykologiska instrumentet Faux pas på en frisk svensk undersökningsgrupp (N=47), med en svensk version av testet. Intraklasskorrelationen visade ”excellent” interbedömarreliabilitet mellan studiens två bedömare. Undersökningsgruppens resultat visade sig vara jämbördiga med tidigare studiers kontrollgruppers resultat avseende dThe aim of the current study was to test and adapt the neuropsychological instrument Faux pas in a group of healthy Swedish adults (N=47), with a Swedish version of the test. Intraclass correlation showed an excellent inter-rater reliability between two raters. Results in this study are considered to be equal to results from previous studies regarding the detection aspect of Faux pas. The relation

Vad man talar om när man talar om skolbibliotek : en diskursanalytisk studie av hur skolbiblioteket framställs i skolrelaterade forum

The starting point of our thesis is the new Education Act (Skollagen) which was introduced in Sweden during 2011. It requires that all students have access to a school library, regardless of the type of school. Since the new Education Act’s (Skollagens) introduction, the school library has received a statutory basis and thus a stronger position in today’s schools. However, the Act does not define

Evaluation of Checklists as a Diagnostic Tool in the Emergency Department: a pilot study

Introduction: The Emergency Department (ED) is a complex environment. Patients present with many different complaints with alternating severity. This setting makes time efficiency and diagnostic accuracy crucial. The use of checklists in medicine has been successful in several medical fields, such as in reducing surgical complications and in decreasing catheter-related bloodstream infections in th

Remittances and Inequality - a Case Study of Albania

The importance of migrants' remittance transfers in global capital flows is steadily growing. A large body of literature has been dedicated to the study of remittances, its underlying causes, and its effects on development in receiving countries. Albania, one of the poorest countries in Europe, experienced massive emigration in its post-communist transition era, and remittances have since cons

Decemberdomarna i all ära men vad händer egentligen efter Peru? - när har skatteavtal inte företräde framför nationell rätt?

Till varje stats suveränitet hör utformningen av dess beskattning. Eftersom flertalet stater använder sig av olika principer vid bestämmandet av beskatt-ningsanspråken leder detta ofta till dubbelbeskattning för företag och indivi-der. Motverkandet av den ofördelaktiga beskattningen sker genom en till-lämpning av skatteavtal då deras syfte primärt är att undanröja eller lindra följderna av internaDesigning of the taxation system belongs to the sovereignty of each state. Since most states use different principles in determining the taxable claims, this often leads to double taxation of companies and individuals. The avoid-ance of the unfavorable taxation is made through the practice of tax treaties, as their primary purpose is to eliminate or mitigate the consequences of in-ternational judi

”Man vill ju inte skrämma dem” Barnmorskors upplevelser av samtal om hälsa och livsstil med överviktiga gravida kvinnor

Introduktion: Övervikt och obesitas medför risker för både kvinna och barn under graviditet och förlossning. Att informera om dessa risker kan vara svårt då ämnet är belagt med känslor av skuld och skam. Syfte: Studiens syfte var att belysa svenska barnmorskors upplevelser av att diskutera livsstilsfrågor med överviktiga och obesa gravida kvinnor. Metod: En kvalitativ studie med induktiv ansats ha

Are you diggin' it? Digitalt kulturarvsskapande hos kommunarkiv

The aim of this master’s thesis is to investigate digitization initiatives in Swedish municipal archives and problematize their reasons for digitizing and their appraisal practices. We argue that the archive is socially constructed and that appraisal decisions are part of shaping our cultural heritage – by examining digitization we will focus specifically on the construction of the digital cultura

Att översätta tysk populärvetenskap. Strategier vid överföring till svenska

Föreliggande examensarbete grundar sig på en översättning av reportaget Vitamin €, som publicerades den 16 januari 2012 i det tyska nyhetsmagasinet Der Spiegel. Arbetet inleds med en presentation av källtexten och dess medium, följt av en textanalys som behandlar textens kontext och struktur. Analysen kommer att utföras med hjälp av Lennart Hellspongs och Per Ledins modell. I nästa kapitel present

Migration, Remittances and Household Development

Research Subject: This study provided a brief discussion on the international labor migration, remittances and their contribution to migrant sending households in rural Bangladesh. Approach: Remittances sent by migrants have become a major source of income for many households in Bangladesh. Remittances enable the migrant households to improve their living standard, invest on education, health care