Chemical and Clinical Studies of Isocyanate Contact Allergy with focus on diphenylmethane diisocyanate
Popular Abstract in Swedish I detta arbete studerades olika aspekter av lapptestdiagnostiken vid misstänkt kontaktallergi mot en grupp ämnen som kallas isocyanater. Dessa ämnen innehåller reaktiva isocyanatgrupper med den kemiska strukturen -N=C=O. Isocyanater används framförallt vid tillverkningen av polyuretan (PUR) som bildas när iso-cyanater reagerar med flerfunktionella alkoholer till en polyIsocyanates are highly reactive compounds used in the production of polyurethane. Exposure to isocyanates is mainly associated with respiratory disorders, but may also result in allergic contact dermatitis. Reports describing contact allergy to isocyanates are few in number and it has been considered a rare phenomenon. In the present study it is shown that the low frequency of reported cases could