

Din sökning på "*" gav 528090 sökträffar

Absorption of infrared radiation and the radiation transfer mechanism in paper. Part II: Application to infrared dryers.

A comparison of the absorption in paper of radiation from different IR sources has been made based on a theoretical model. As a first approach, blackbody spectra at 1300 K and 2500 K were compared. The radiation from the body at 1300 K is more readily absorbed by the paper There is, however only a small difference in the in-depth absorption when the intensities are adjusted to give the same amount

Experimental and simulated STM images of stoichiometric and partially reduced RuO2(110) surfaces including adsorbates

We present experimental and DFT-simulated STM images of ultrathin RuO2(110) films on Ru(0001), including adsorbates such as oxygen and CO. We are able to identify the under-coordinated O atoms on the RuO2(110) surface with STM, i.e. the bridging O atoms and the on-top O atoms. The partial reduction of the RuO2(110) surface by CO exposure at room temperature leads to a surface where part of the bri

Statistical signal analysis for the inverse source problem of electromagnetics

A statistical signal analysis for the inverse source problem of electromagnetics is given. This correspondence considers the problem of estimating either the near field or the radiating current distribution from a measurement of the far field. The solution is derived via a linear operator formalism, and the ill-posedness of the reconstruction is quantified by using the Cramer-Rao lower bound, whic

Immune tolerance induction and the treatment of hemophilia. Malmo protocol update

The Malmo protocol for immune tolerance induction includes high doses of Factor VIII/IX, intravenous IgG and cyclophosphamide. If the inhibitor titer exceeds 10 Bethesda units at start, extracorporeal adsorption of IgG is performed using protein A. The protocol sometimes has to be repeated. A successful response may occur within a few weeks. In hemophilia A the success rate so far is 10/17 patient

Breaking Dependence on Oil in Sweden: Exploring the Implications for Biofuels

In the light of oil security concerns, the threat of climate change, and a desire to leverage competitive advantage for Sweden and its industries, the Swedish Government has announced a new policy target – the creation of the conditions necessary to break Sweden’s dependence on oil and fossil fuels by 2020. Notably, the Swedish Government stresses national opportunities and highlights two aspects

ERK1/2 inhibition attenuates cerebral blood flow reduction and abolishes ET(B) and 5-HT(1B) receptor upregulation after subarachnoid hemorrhage in rat.

Upregulation of endothelin B (ETB) and 5-hydroxytryptamine 1B (5-HT1B) receptors via transcription has been found after experimental subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH), and this is associated with enhanced phosphorylation of the mitogen-activated protein kinase ( MAPK) extracellular signal-regulated kinase ( ERK1/2). In the present study, we hypothesized that inhibition of ERK1/2 alters the ETB and 5-H

Experimental studies of particle production in ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna lilla skrift behandlar ett område inom fysiken som kallas högenergetisk tungjonsfysik. Kort förklarat betyder detta att vi studerar kärnmateria under extrema förhållanden, såsom höga temperaturer och höga tryck. För att åstadkomma dessa, kolliderar vi bly- och guldkärnor med mycket höga energier vid partikelacceleratorer, i USA (New York) och i Schweiz (Geneve). NThis thesis is about high energy heavy ion physics. Two major experiments, the WA98 at CERN and the PHENIX at Brookhaven National Laboratory, are described. Results from data analysis from both experiments are presented. The WA98 chapter presents particle identification methods and phi-meson measurements. A procedure for calculating efficiency maps for tracking chambers is discussed. The PHENIX ch

Effects of Tolterodine on Afferent Neurotransmission in Normal and Resiniferatoxin Treated Conscious Rats.

Purpose: The beneficial effects of antimuscarinics on detrusor overactivity and overactive bladder syndrome are exerted during bladder filling, when there is no parasympathetic outflow from the spinal cord. We tested the hypothesis that, if tolterodine exerts some of its effects on afferent nerves, the functional elimination of C-fiber afferents should affect the actions of the drug on urodynamic

Effect of low molecular weight heparin, dextran and their combinations on experimental venous thrombosis in rabbits

An experimental model based on the combination of endothelial damage and flow reduction was used to induce jugular vein thrombosis in rabbits. The effect on thrombosis of a low molecular weight heparin (LMWH [Fragmin]), dextran 70, placebo and their combination was studied in a double-blind fashion with actual doses used in clinical thromboprophylaxis. Saline and polygeline were used as placebo in

Performance analysis of general charge sampling

This brief focuses on the performance analysis of general charge-sampling circuits for signal capture. The theoretical analysis in the brief can be applied not only for weak signal capture, but also for the normal signal sampling. Based on a general charge-sampling model, the transfer function, the noise performance, and the clock jitter tolerance are analyzed and compared to conventional voltage