

Din sökning på "*" gav 528282 sökträffar

The role of migration in Moroccan development

High rates of unemployment have already become a serious problem in Morocco. Although Morocco has experienced a period of economic growth, this growth still cannot provide enough work opportunities. Remittances from migrants play an important role in the Moroccan economy. After the end of the 1990s, they have become an important source of foreign exchange to the Moroccan economy. This paper explor

Ett intressentperspektiv på komponentavskrivningar i fastighetsbranschen

Syftet med uppsatsen är tvådelat till sin karaktär. Dels syftar uppsatsen till att analysera resultateffekter hänförbara till komponentavskrivningar hos fastighetsbolag och dels att analysera hur införandet av komponentavskrivningar påverkar redovisningens ändamålsenlighet för fastighetsbolagens intressenter. För en enskild fastighet, när komponentavskrivningar används hos ett kommunalägt allmänny

I say what I mean, I mean what I say — A curiouser and curiouser condition of language

This thesis investigates how the relationship between the said and the meant in Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass exposes the paradoxical condition of language. First, the theoretical framework accounts for the theory of language put forth by Jacques Derrida. Here it is concluded that discrepancies between the said and the meant are properties of language. This is due to the parado

Lika barn leka bäst? - En kvalitativ studie av kamratföreningen Kriminellas Revansch I Samhället och betydelsen av gemenskap för konformt beteende

Förändring av individens anknytning till sociala nätverk kan vara ett sätt att få en tidigare kriminell och/eller missbrukare att värdera ett konformt liv. Detta med en förhoppning om att ersätta individens kriminella värden och attityder till konforma sådana, genom att individen associerar och identifierar sig med gruppen (det sociala nätverket). Med utgångspunkt i denna idé är därför vårt syfte

Dream Factory : Magic and myth-making in football

This thesis analyzes a local football club Malmö FF in its social context. In the previous research a lot of emphasis has been put into various aspects of football like hooliganism, globalization, financial issues, or tactics and physicality of the players. However, the intriguing question is what a football club actually is. The position and role that the club plays is investigated by using ethno


In this study, Pakistani women who have migrated to Sweden, lend their voices to the conflicts they face and the negotiations they have made in their new abodes; in lieu of the changing cultural contexts and its impact on internalizations of significant and generalized others from their early socialization. This has resulted in an evolution of their habitus amid a new cultural field allowing them

ETF or Index Fund?

The purpose of this thesis is to understand whether Exchange Traded Funds or Index Funds are superior to each other when investing in the same index. Second purpose, if it is concluded that neither is fully superior, is to understand if Exchange Traded Funds and Index Funds are perfect substitutes or complimenting each other. The approach in this thesis is both using a quantitative data analysis

Caring for the Caregiver

When a person becomes a patient in the Auckland City Hospital, the largest public hospital in New Zealand, they often bring one or more family members with them for mental and physical support. This thesis focuses on these support persons, who in this thesis are referred to as the patient caregivers and their perspectives on staying at Te Whare Awhina (TWA). TWA is an accommodation provider run un

Riksdagen i förändring - en kartläggning av den svenska riksdagens integrering av forskning i utskottsarbetet

In 2006 the Swedish parliament, riksdagen, decided upon guidelines to increase the committees work with science. I have made a mapping to see how this work is carried through in practice and how it has developed over time. My method and material consist of interviews with members of parliament and civil servants and governmental documents. As a background I have used experts- and democracy theory

Kvinnliga ingenjörer i byggbranschen - En studie kring hur branschen upplevs av kvinnorna

Title Female engineers in the construction industry - A study of how the industry is perceived by the women Authors Caroline Falk and Louise Åkesson Supervisors Radhlinah Aulin, Lund University and Gert Johansson, Gerjo AB Examiner Stefan Olander, Lund University Background Statistics show that the number of women graduates in construction-related educations in Sweden slowly is increasing, but thi

Global health – a change of perception. The role of health in the post-2015 development agenda.

Health has been a recurring topic on the development agenda during the recent decades. During the 1980ies and 1990ies there was a great focus on the impact of infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis. In 2001 these three diseases were included in the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) alongside with the health goals of reducing maternal and child mortality until 2015. As

Ultra-sensitive diagnostic method based on Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy on plasmonic beads in suspension

In this work, surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) was combined with dielectrophoresis (DEP) to realize a controllable in situ detection method of enhanced Raman signals from molecules in suspension environment. Polymer beads coated with gold nanoparticles were prepared as SERS ‘hot spot’ substrates. Several DEP electrode designs were evaluated and the stripe electrode succeeded in manipulat

Is the sustainability information useful? A qualitative study of the Swedish institutional investors.

Title: Is the sustainability information useful? A qualitative study of the Swedish institutional investors. Seminar date: 2012-05-31 Course: BUSN69 Degree Project – Accounting and Auditing, 15 ECTS Credits Authors: Gustav Rybrink and Lisa Törnblom Advisor/s: Amanda Tan-Sonnerfeldt Five key words: Sustainability information, Institutional investors, Usefulness, Integrated Reporting, GRI Guide

The dynamic evolution of stock market integration between China, Japan and South Korea. What are the key determinants of regional stock market integration between these countries?

This paper investigates the dynamic evolution of the conditional correlation between the stock markets of China, Japan and South Korea by using the DCC-MGARCH model and investigates the key determinants of regional stock market integration by using a linear equation framework. The sample period is from January 1995 until December 2012. We first derive the dynamic conditional correlation between th

The Impact of China’s Rise on Developing World: The Relationship between Trade Openness with China and Growth in Africa

This research tries to prescribe Chinese trade impact on Africa by analyzing the underlying link between trade openness and growth. We invoke trade openness theoretical and methodological tools to instrument our explanatory variable and control for causation, allowing us to measure the relationship between geographical component of trade and the level of income. We find no significant relationship