

Din sökning på "*" gav 527071 sökträffar

Solute transport and water content measurements in clay soils using time domain reflectometry

Clayey and saline soils have been shown to be problematic for time domain reflectometry (TDR) measurements. This study presents some of these problems and discusses solutions to them. Thirteen solute transport experiments were carried out in three undisturbed soil columns of swelling clay soil from Tunisia, labelled S1, S2, and S3 respectively. The columns were collected at three different physiog

A long-lasting taxonomic problem in European Sympycnus resolved, with the description of a new species and data on habitat preferences

Type specimens of Sympycnus pulicarius, S. annulipes, S. cinerellus and S. desoutteri were examined to clear up a long-lasting taxonomic confusion. Our study revealed that they represent, together with S. pygmaeus and S. annulipes var. brunnitibialis, a single species, with S. pulicarius as the senior subjective synonym, which is redescribed in this paper. Lectotypes were designated for Dolichopus

Electro Enhanced Gene Tumour Therapy with IL-18 and IFNgamma transfected tumour cell vaccine : In memory of Bengt Widegren d. 2014

I ett försök att uppnå immunoreaktioner mot implanterade hjärntumörer behandlades N29-gliomtumörer i råttor med elektriska pulser följt av injektioner av IL-18 och IFN-bamma utsöndrande syngena tumörcellsvaccin. Tumörer ympades subkutant på båda låren av kvinnliga Fischer-344 syngeniska råttor. Den vänstra tumören behandlades en gång med 16 pulser med 1400 V / cm, 1,0 ms varaktighet (tidskonstant)

Concentration Bounds for Single Parameter Adaptive Control

The purpose of this paper is to analyse transient dynamics in adaptive control using statistical concentration bounds. For maximal clarity, the study is limited to a linear first order system with a single uncertain parameter. Two types of bounds are given: First we prove probabilistic bounds on the parameter estimation error as a function of time. In particular, we prove that the estimation error

Prevalence of G6PD deficiency and associated haematological parameters in children from Botswana

Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency is commonly seen in malaria endemic areas as it is known to confer a selective advantage against malaria. Recently, we reported a high proportion of asymptomatic reservoir of Plasmodium vivax in Botswana, that calls for intervention with primaquine to achieve radical cure of vivax malaria. Considering that individuals with this enzyme deficiency

On steady waves in two-layer fluids and ferrofluids

I denna avhandling undersöker vi existens av interna vågor och vågor på en ferrofluid. Interna vågor fortplantar sig på ytskiktet mellan två vätskor av olika densitet. Sådana vågor uppkommer till exempel naturligt i haven mellan brackvatten och saltvatten. En ferrofluid är en vätska innehållande små ferromagnetiska partiklar. När en sådan vätska utsätts för ett magnetfält så blir den magnetiserad This thesis concerns travelling waves in a two-layer fluid and on a ferrofluid jet. We prove existence of several types of such waves by reformulating the corresponding governing equation as an infinite dimensional dynamical system, where an unbounded spatial coordinate is used as time. A center-manifold reduction is then employed to reduce the system to a locally equivalent finite dimensional sys

Debattinlägg: ”Idag integreras artificiell intelligens i människors vardag utan att det finns tillräcklig kunskap om vad det innebär. Lagar och regler släpar efter”

Det behövs en bredare förståelse för AI-teknologins sociala, etiska och rättsliga effekter, skriver sex företrädare för universitetsvärlden och näringslivet. Sverige har goda möjligheter att nå framgång i den kapplöpning som pågår när det gäller artificiell intelligens, AI. Men det kräver att politiker, universitetsvärlden och näringslivet samverkar och bygger upp en tvärvetenskaplig kompetens.

Theoretical perspectives on ultrafast and non-linear spectroscopy

Ljus kan användas till många saker, allt från att sända radiosignaler och skicka information i optiska fibrer, till att lysa upp hem och utvinna energi via solceller. Det ljus vi är mest vana vid som människor är ett intervall av våglängder mellan 400 och 700 nanometer (en nanometer är en miljarddels meter), som svarar mot alla synliga färger mellan rött och violett. Ett sätt att undersöka sammansIn this thesis we discuss a theoretical description of ultrafast and non-linear spectroscopy. Due to the high intensities and ultrashort pulse durations involved in such experiments, it is necessary to use an explicitly time-dependent formalism. In addition, many of the systems we have considered exhibit strong interactions between the constituent particles, such as electron-electron, electron-nuc

State Capacity and Development in Francophone West Africa

This thesis proposes a unique quantitative investigation of the long-term development of modern states in Sub-Saharan Africa. This is done by measuring and analysing the dynamic history of tax revenue, as a key measure of the capacity of the state, and development in four countries in francophone West Africa – Benin, Côte d’Ivoire, Niger and Senegal – over the long 20th century. This approach cont

Prevalence of the apolipoprotein E ε4 allele in amyloid β positive subjects across the spectrum of Alzheimer's disease

Introduction: Apolipoprotein E (APOE) ε4 is the major genetic risk factor for Alzheimer's disease (AD), but its prevalence is unclear because earlier studies did not require biomarker evidence of amyloid β (Aβ) pathology. Methods: We included 3451 Aβ+ subjects (853 AD-type dementia, 1810 mild cognitive impairment, and 788 cognitively normal). Generalized estimating equation models were used to ass

A natural female disadvantage? : Maternal mortality and the role of nutrition related causes of death in The Netherlands, 1875-1899

This article addresses the question whether maternal mortality should be excluded from the study of excess female mortality. This phenomenon points to lower survival chances for women in certain age groups as opposed to men in the same age group. The existence of excess female mortality has been established for a number of European countries, primarily for the nineteenth century period, and it has

En bakterie simmar aldrig ensam

Du kanske simmade i sjön i somras? Bakterier simmar också men i en högviskös värld styrd av mycket exotiska hydrodynamiska egenskaper som får oväntade effekter.

Near-Edge x‑ray absorption fine structure investigation of the quasi-One-Dimensional organic conductor (TMTSF)2PF6

We present high-resolution near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) measurements at the P L2/3 edges, F K edge, C K edge, and Se M2/3 edges of the quasi-one-dimensional (1D) conductor and superconductor (TMTSF)2PF6. NEXAFS allows probing the donor and acceptor moieties separately; spectra were recorded between room temperature (RT) and 30 K at normal incidence. Spectra taken around RT we