Din sökning på "*" gav 538531 sökträffar
Phenotypic expression of factor H mutations in patients with atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome.
Direct estimates of C : N ratios of ectomycorrhizal mycelia collected from Norway spruce forest soils
Direct estimates of C:N ratios of ectomycorrhizal (EM) mycelia growing in situ in forest soils have been obtained for the first time. The mycelial samples were collected from sand-filled mesh bags that were buried in the soil and incubated for 12-18 months in two Norway spruce forests in southern Sweden. At harvest the mesh bags were heavily colonized and the mycelia were extracted from the sand w
Development and evaluation of non-invasive ultrasonic methods for arterial characterization
As cardiovascular diseases have been the most common cause of mortality in the western world for decades, the demand for appropriate diagnostic methods is obvious. To facilitate the examination non-invasive methods are preferable since they do not require sensors within the circulation system. Ultrasonic Doppler is a frequently used technique in non-invasive hemodynamic studies. To increase the a
Pair correlation in neutron drip line nuclei
The Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (HFB) equation in a simplified model is solved in coordinate space with the correct asymptotic boundary conditions, in order to study the pair correlation in nuclei close to the neutron drip line. The occupation probability obtained in the HFB approach for lower-l orbits decreases considerably already when the binding energy of the corresponding Hartree-Fock (HF) one-pa
Med samarbete i sikte : Om samordnade insatser och samlokaliserade familjecentraler
Popular Abstract in Swedish Samarbete är ett värdeladdat ord i svenskt välfärdsarbete och inom socialt arbete förespråkas samarbete ofta som något värdefullt och nödvändigt. Idag finns det en stor, om än fragmenterad, vardagskunskap om samarbete och samverkan. Vetandet präglas dock av ett okritiskt accepterande av samarbetets fördelar, samtidigt som många verksamheter visar att resultaten av samarCo-operation is highly valued in Swedish welfare work and joint efforts within and between healthcare and welfare organizations is not new in Sweden. For decades the authorities have been trying to organize and coordinate various social and medical efforts in the public sector at a central level. This thesis is focusing on the meaning of co-operation between professionals belonging to different or
Ariel 3/2000 : Resa i imperiets skugga
Empatisk doktor eller kallhamrad yrkesman--läkaren i konsten
Abundance of owls and bramblings Fringilla montifringilla in relation to mast seeding in south-eastern Sweden.
We investigated the relationship between mast seeding in beech Fagus sylvaticus and oak Quercus spp., and the occurrence of the rodent-dependent predators Tengmalm's Owl Aegolius funereus, Long-eared Owl Asio otus and Tawny Owl Strix alaco in south-eastern Sweden (Blekinge) 1992-2000. We also compared available data on seed production with data on winter flocks of Brambling Fringilla montifringill
Uptake of Sr-87 from microcline and biotite by ectomycorrhizal fungi in a Norway spruce forest
Ectomycorrhizal (EM) fungi growing in symbiosis with tree seedlings have been found in laboratory experiments to stimulate weathering and the uptake of nutrients from silicate minerals. In the present study, we used the natural abundance of strontium isotopes to confirm that these fungi obtain strontium from biotite and microcline under field conditions. Minerals enriched in radiogenic Sr-87 were
Second-generation hepatitis C Elisa antibody tests confirmed by the four-antigen recombinant immunoblot assay correlate well with hepatitis C viremia and chronic liver disease in Swedish blood donors
Seventy-three Swedish blood donors (52 men, 21 women; median age 36 years) repeatedly reactive for hepatitis C antibodies (anti-HCV C-100-3) were tested with a second-generation (2nd-gen) anti-HCV Elisa and a 4-band recombinant immunoblot assay (RIBA 2). These results were correlated to serum alanine aminotransferase (S-ALAT), liver morphology and viremia as detected by 'nested' polymerase chain r
The Lie algebra sl(2)(F) and quasi-deformations
The Lie algebra Sl(2)(F) is "deformed" using twisted derivations satisfying a twisted Leibniz rule. Some particular algebras appearing in this deformation scheme are discussed.
Hormone-Sensitive Lipase, new roles for an old enzyme
Popular Abstract in Swedish Ur ett evolutionärt perspektiv har förmågan att lagra energi varit fördelaktig när tillgången på föda varit begränsad. I våra dagar i västvärlden råder det ingen brist på mat och vår förmåga att lagra energi har istället blivit en börda i dubbel bemärkelse. Energi lagras i kroppen framförallt i form av fett, s.k. triglycerider. Övervikt och fetma kan idag sägas utgöra eHormone-sensitive lipase (HSL) has a wide tissue distribution with the highest expression found in white adipose tissue (WAT). HSL also has a unique ability to hydrolyze a large panel of substrates including acylglycerols, cholesteryl esters and retinyl esters. HSL is potentially a new drug target for the treatment of obesity and type II diabetes. However, as HSL is not only expressed in adipose t
FGM in Sweden: Swedish Legislation Regarding ”Female Genital Mutilation” and Implementation of the Law.
National report, EC Daphne project ”Evaluating the impact of existing legislation in Europe with regard to female genital mutilation”
Intestinal macromolecular transmission in newborn pigs: Implications for management of neonatal pig survival and health
The effect on intestinal macromolecular absorption capacity and immunoglobulin G (IgG) transfer of feeding sow colostrum at different intervals and in different quantities to newborn pigs was studied. An amount of 15 ml/kg body weight (BW) colostrum was fed at 3 (treatment 3-15), 6 (treatment 6-15) or 12 (treatment 12-15) h intervals, respectively, starting 0-4 h after birth for 24 h; or 30 ml/kg
Complex analytical approach to characterization of the influence of carbon dioxide concentration on carbohydrate composition in Norway spruce needles
Water-soluble non-structural carbohydrates (NSC) in the needles of Norway spruce Picea abies [L.] Karst have been studied by using a combination of several separation techniques, having various detectors, with mass spectrometry. The intent was to find a suitable methodology that enables the characterization and determination of NSC, covering a wide range of molar masses, and being suitable to asse
Cost effectiveness of alendronate for the treatment of male osteoporosis in Sweden.
Kryprum : grundläggningsdjup, värmeisolering och fuktförhållanden
Källarlös grundläggning av byggnader kan utföras med s.k. kryprum. Svensk byggnorm (SBN 67) benämner detta "fribärande golvbjälklag över slutet ventilerat utrymme under jord". l rapporten behandlas både ventilerade och oventilerade utrymmen med hänsyn till grundläggningsdjup, fuktförhållanden och erforderlig värmeisolering av bjälklag. Rapporten bygger på datorberäkningar av frostnedträngningen oc