

Din sökning på "*" gav 528945 sökträffar

Kvalitetsstyrning i psykiatrisk narkomanvård : Effekter på personal och patienter

Popular Abstract in EnglishStudies of an organizational intervention on staff turnover and fatigue in the staff and Changes in goal-attainment in the patientgroup.Quasi-experimental study with Three different phases (Before), under and after the intervention.Quasi-experimental study of effects of an organizational intervention on staff and patients over a 8 year perspective; Before, under and after an organizational change. Effects on staff are staff-turnover, fatigue and burnout (n=268) on Three wards including the intervention ward. Independent variables are staff demographics, education, experience, job status, sick-leave and responses on a burn-ou

Förändringsarbete och lärande. Om utveckling av förändringspraktik bland vårdbiträden i hemtjänsten

Popular Abstract in Swedish Det övergripande syftet för denna avhandling är att bidra till utvecklingen av en teori om förändringsarbete och lärande i arbetslivet. De specifika förändringsprocesser som studerades skedde inom ramen för en interaktiv förändringsansats som syftade till en emancipatorisk utveckling: att de anställda skulle få ökat inflytande över sin arbetssituation, vilket i sin tur The general aim of the investigation is to contribute to the development of a theory of change and learning within the working environment. The specific change processes that were examined, emerged from an interactive initiative for change, intending to facilitate an emancipatory development: employees increasing their control of the work situation, thus improving the quality of service. The empir

Effect of back reactions in the S-cycle on photosynthesis in very weak light

Photosynthesis in light which is so weak that excitation rates are comparable to the decay rates of S-states is modelled. It is found that oxygen evolution rate varies in a non-linear way with Photosystem II excitation rate in this region, but asymptotically approaches a linear relationship (with a slope of one oxygen molecule per four excitations) as excitation rate increases. The asymptote gives

Reference Attributed Grammars

An object-oriented extension to canonical attribute grammars is described, permitting attributes to be references to arbitrary nodes in the syntax tree, and attributes to be accessed via the reference attributes. Important practical problems such as name and type analysis for object-oriented languages can be expressed in a concise and modular manner in these grammars, and an optimal evaluation alg

Neuroprotective and behavioral efficacy of nerve growth factor-transfected hippocampal progenitor cell transplants after experimental traumatic brain injury

OBJECT: Immortalized neural progenitor cells derived from embryonic rat hippocampus (HiB5), were transduced ex vivo with the gene for mouse nerve growth factor (NGF) to secrete NGF (NGF-HiB5) at 2 ng/hr/10(5) cells in culture. METHODS: Fifty-nine male Wistar rats weighing 300 to 370 g each were anesthetized with 60 mg/kg sodium pentobarbital and subjected to lateral fluid-percussion brain injury o

Long-term and extreme water level variations of the shallow Lake Poopo, Bolivia

Lake Poopo, within the large Altiplano basin of Bolivia, is connected upstream to Lake Titicaca and downstream to the salares, the big salt fields. Small changes in precipitation and river inflows strongly affect the extent of the lake surface area. For times when there are no satellite images, it is difficult to determine the extent of the lake from observations. Water balance computations were p

Airway mechanics of mice and men

Popular Abstract in Swedish I den här avhandlingen beskrivs några nyutvecklade tekniker för att mäta lungfunktion på såväl möss som människor. Varför behöver vi fler sätt att mäta hur lungorna fungerar? En anledning är att ju tidigare man upptäcker att något är fel med luftvägarna eller lungorna desto större är chansen att en behandling eller livsstilsförändring ska vara effektiv. Ett exempel är sIn this thesis we explore and further develop several techniques used in the animal laboratory as well as in the clinical setting. In particular, we expand the understanding and usefulness of plethysmographic techniques in small rodents. Study I shows that the pressure signal from an un-restrained plethysmograph (UP) depends largely on heating and humidification of the inhaled air. This brings int

What is good parental education?

The aim of the study was to highlight the experiences and expectations of Swedish parents with respect to general parental education within child healthcare. Interviews were carried out with 25 parents who had attended education sessions. With a few exceptions the fathers did not take part, and those mothers who did comprised a relatively highly educated group; their views therefore predominate in

Mating disruption in Agrotis segetum monitored by harmonic radar

The long-range, pheromone-mediated, flight behaviour of male moths under natural and mating disruption conditions was monitored by means of harmonic radar. Individual male turnip moths, Agrotis segetum (Denis & Schiffermüller) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), tagged with radar transponders, were released and tracked in plots with or without disruptive doses of sex pheromone. In addition, male attract

Laser Spectroscopy in Scattering Media for Biological and Medical Applications

Popular Abstract in Swedish Spektroskopi är den vetenskapsgren som används för att studera samspelet mellan strålning/ljus och materia för tillämpningar i både diagnostiska och terapeutiska syften. Då ljus sänds in i ett prov sätts olika fysikaliska processer igång. I denna avhandling studeras företrädesvis en process som kallas för absorption. Vid absorptionsspektroskopi är våglängden av ljuset, Tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy can be utilised for gas detection in biological and medical applications. The common approach is to analyse transmitted light according to the Beer-Lambertian law. Normally, the light has a well-defined path length through the gas sample since it can be assumed that it has negligible scattering properties. Samples which, by contrast, have strong scatteri

Patients' opinion on what constitutes good psychiatric care.

The present study investigates patients' opinion on what constitutes good psychiatric care. It was a qualitative study using an open-ended in-depth interview centring on the patient's experiences of receiving psychiatric care. The subjects were selected to ensure maximum variation and heterogeneity. A model of deliberate sampling for heterogeneity and a modified, stratified sampling method were us

Deterministic radio broadcasting at low cost

We consider distributed deterministic broadcasting in synchronous radio networks. A node receives a message in a given round if and only if exactly one of its neighbors transmits. The source message has to reach all nodes. We assume that nodes do not know the network topology or even their immediate neighborhood. (Such networks are called ad hoc.) We are concerned with two efficiency measures of b

Active centers, catalytic behavior, symbiosis and redox properties of MoV(Nb,Ta)TeO ammoxidation catalysts

Selective as well as waste forming active centers were defined for MoVNbTeO and MoVTaTeO catalysts in the ammoxidation of propane to acrylonitrile and all catalytic functionalities were assigned to specific elements at the respective active centers. Symbiosis between M1 and M2 phases of these catalysts was observed, with phase cooperation being more extensive in the Nb than Ta containing compositi

Sagans förvandlingar: Eva Wigström som sagosamlare och sagoförfattare

Popular Abstract in Swedish Syftet med denna avhandling är att studera hur sagor kan förändras när de förflyttas från en miljö till en annan. Flytten kan ske på flera plan; från muntligt berättande till skriftlig text, från lantligt proletariat till urban borgerlighet. Utgångspunkt har varit sagoinsamlaren och sagoförfattarens Eva Wigström (1832-1901) som på 1880-talet vandrade Skåne runt för att The purpose of this thesis is to study how fairy tales can change when they are removed from one set of surroundings to another. This movement can occur on several levels; from an orally spoken to a written text, from a rural proletariat to an urban bourgeoisie. The point of departure has been the fairy tale collector and fairy tale writer Eva Wigström (1832-1901) who in the 1880s wandered through