

Din sökning på "*" gav 528822 sökträffar

A Study of a Glow Plug Ignition Engine by Chemiluminescence Images

An experimental study of a glow plug engine combustion process has been performed by applying chemiluminescence imaging. The major intent was to understand what kind of combustion is present in a glow plug engine and how the combustion process behaves in a small volume and at high engine speed. To achieve this, images of natural emitted light were taken and filters were applied for isolating the f

Analysing Personal Value

It is argued that the so-called fitting attitude- or buck-passing pattern of analysis may be applied to personal values too (and not only to impersonal values, which is the standard analysandum) if the analysans is fine-tuned in the following way: An object has personal value for a person a, if and only if there is reason to favour it for a’s sake (where “favor” is a place-holder for different pro

Den huvudlösa idén : Medborgarlön, välfärdspolitik och en blockerad debatt

Popular Abstract in Swedish Medborgarlön - ett statligt bidrag som ges till alla medborgare utan inkomst- eller behovsprövning - har varit flitigt diskuterat inom akademiska kretsar under senare år. Bland argumenten för medborgarlön återfinns att det antas ge ett erkännande åt obetalt arbete inom hemmet, en mer jämlik fördelning av lönearbete genom att uppmuntra deltidsarbete, leda till minskad ofBasic income - an income granted by the government to each full member of society without means tests or work requirements - has been a widely discussed subject among academics in recent years. However, basic income has not, in most cases, reached the formal political agenda. The main aim of this book is to discuss why this is the case, with Sweden as the focus of the discussion. The aim is also t

The endocannabinoid system drives neural progenitor proliferation

The discovery of multipotent neural progenitor (NP) cells has provided strong support for the existence of neurogenesis in the adult brain. However, the signals controlling NP proliferation remain elusive. Endocannabinoids, the endogenous counterparts of marijuana-derived cannabinoids, act as neuromodulators via presynaptic CB1 receptors and also control neural cell death and survival. Here we sho

Analysis of the distribution and frequency of trisomy 7 in vivo in synovia from patients with osteoarthritis and pigmented villonodular synovitis

Osteoarthritis (OA) and pigmented villonodular synovitis (PVNS) are disorders associated with trisomy 7. The aim of the present study was to determine the frequency and distribution of the cells with +7 in vivo by analyzing sections of paraffin-embedded synovia from patients affected by OA, PVNS, other forms of synovitis [hemorragic synovitis (HS) and chronic synovitis (CS)], and from individuals

High prevalence of Helicobacter Species detected in laboratory mouse strains by multiplex PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and pyrosequencing.

Rodent models have been developed to study the pathogenesis of diseases caused by Helicobacter pylori, as well as by other gastric and intestinal Helicobacter spp., but some murine enteric Helicobacter spp. cause hepatobiliary and intestinal tract diseases in specific inbred strains of laboratory mice. To identify these murine Helicobacter spp., we developed an assay based on PCR-denaturing gradie

Constraint-Driven Design Space Exploration for Memory-Dominated Embedded Systems

Today, embedded systems often consist of many different processing, communication, and memory units. This makes an embedded system a multiprocessor system. There are usually many possible multiprocessor architectures and therefore we need tool support for fast evaluation of numerous design alternatives. However, there is a lack of this type of tools which is partially caused by the inherent comple

Puts- och ytskiktsproblem : vetenskap, hypoteser och praktisk erfarenhet

Rapporten behandlar frostsprängning, saltangrepp, vidhäftning, rörelser - sprickbildning samt åldring - och nedbrytning. Mekanismer, materialegenskaper och provningsmetoder redovisas och kommenteras. Kortfattade resonemang kring områdena vattenavvisande ytbehandling, nedbrytning p g a luftföroreningar samt redovisning av materialegenskaper.

Exposure to environmental tobacco smoke in the household and urinary cotinine excretion, heavy metals retention, and lung function

The relationship between urinary levels of cotinine (U-cotinine) and arsenic (U-As), blood levels of cadmium (B-Cd), blood levels of lead (B-Pb), lung function, and questionnaire data on smoking habits were studied in 107 parents and their 46 children (7-10 y of age). There was a statistically significant relationship between the reported amount of tobacco smoked and U-cotinine levels. Nonsmokers

Seasonal variability of ozone dry deposition under southern European climate conditions, in Portugal

Ozone dry deposition measurements were carried out during approximately one year over a flat grass field in Portugal. The results show prominent diurnal and seasonal patterns in deposition flux, dry deposition velocity and surface resistance, especially for the daytime period. Dry deposition velocities vary diurnally from a minimum of 0.1 cm s(-1) during the night to a maximum of 0.7-0.5 cm s(-1)

Role of phagotrophy in freshwater phytoplankton

Popular Abstract in Swedish Mixotrofa växtplankton i sjöar Vad är växtplankton? I hav och sjöar finns det mängder av mikroskopiska fritt svävande alger – växtplankton. Liksom gröna växter på land använder växtplankton solljuset för att producera energi och syre genom fotosyntes. För att algerna ska kunna växa behöver de förutom ljus ett flertal näringsämnen varav de viktigaste är kväve (N) och fSome phytoplankton have the ability to combine phototrophy and heterotrophy within the same individual, which is called mixotrophy. In this thesis, I adress mixotrophy and competitive interactions of mixotrophs and obligate auto- or heterotrophs in relation to the availability of nutrients, light and prey. In addition, I examine the biomass of mixotrophic phytoplankton and their grazing impact on