

Din sökning på "*" gav 533534 sökträffar

Global health – a change of perception. The role of health in the post-2015 development agenda.

Health has been a recurring topic on the development agenda during the recent decades. During the 1980ies and 1990ies there was a great focus on the impact of infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis. In 2001 these three diseases were included in the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) alongside with the health goals of reducing maternal and child mortality until 2015. As

Is the sustainability information useful? A qualitative study of the Swedish institutional investors.

Title: Is the sustainability information useful? A qualitative study of the Swedish institutional investors. Seminar date: 2012-05-31 Course: BUSN69 Degree Project – Accounting and Auditing, 15 ECTS Credits Authors: Gustav Rybrink and Lisa Törnblom Advisor/s: Amanda Tan-Sonnerfeldt Five key words: Sustainability information, Institutional investors, Usefulness, Integrated Reporting, GRI Guide

Utveckling av androidapplikation för kollektivtrafik

This thesis involves creating an extending an application called “Var f-n är bussen?” (something like “Where the hell is that bus?”) for the company Trivector Systems in Lund. “Where the hell is that bus?” is an application for smartphones that will show departure time for buses from a chosen bus stop, linepath, bus stops and buses for a chosen bus line and the next bus stops and departure time fr

Sancho Panza i svensk språkdräkt – Om översättning av språkliga förvrängningar i Don Quijote

I den här masteruppsatsen jämförs två svenska översättningar av Miguel de Cervantes roman Don Quijote de la Mancha: Ingrid Bergquists översättning från 1954 och Jens Nordenhöks översättning från 2001. Uppsatsen behandlar översättningen av Sancho Panzas språkliga förvrängningar, vilka ger upphov till språk- och ordlekar. Syftet är att jämföra de två översättningarna med avseende på vilka strategier

"Reva står mig upp i halsen" : en studie om projektet Reva, en symbol för den institutionella diskrimineringen?

In 2009 the project Reva was initiated with the purpose of ameliorate legal certainty and to reduce the trial period, increasing the efficiency and procedures for enforcing the administration of asylum seekers in Sweden. The project was first launched as a pilot project in Malmö in 2011. The project is now operative in the Swedish society at large. The news and social media began reporting how the


ABSTRACT Title: A Typology of Brand Orientation Case Study of Corporate Brand Management Seminar date: 27/05/13 Course: Degree project in International Marketing and Brand management, Master Level, BUSN 39, 15 University Credit Points (15 ECTS). Authors: Christina Ericsson & Gustaf Holmblad Supervisor: Mats Urde Key words: Brand Orientation, CBIM Framework, Strategic Orientation, Market Orient

Forwards versus Options: Effectiveness in Hedging Currency Risk in International Portfolios

This paper aims to examine effectiveness of currency hedging of forward contracts and options in international portfolio, consisting of assets denominated in Chinese Yuan and Indian Rupee. Instead of applying Markowitz’s portfolio optimization, mean-CVaR framework is used in order to deal with non-normality of return of financial assets as well as exchange rates. In this paper, the finding shows t

Neither Assimilation nor Integration: The identity of the Turkish Diaspora in Sweden, A case study in Malmö

This research is to investigate and analyse an identity formation of an immigrant group in a host country. The author would like to understand immigrants’ identities as a diaspora community, by focusing on Turkish community in Sweden and identification process in terms of personal and collective identities, using the diaspora as a ground theory with semi-structured individual interviews in which n

Analysis and design of a new control system for aerodrome azimuthal guidance – The SAGA

This master thesis work consists of the development of new hardware and software for the control box of an azimuthal guidance system used by aircrafts during the approach to the runway. The thesis work was done at Safegate International AB as a project running along the usual development projects. When designing electronics to be used on an airfield there are a lot of regulations and standards t

Ne bis in Idem - the Charter and ECHR, Possible affects of the latest interpretation by the ECJ of the Ne Bis in Idem principle in the Haparanda Case.

Ne bis in idem is an evolving and current topic of EU law where recent case law has affected its application. The Swedish tax system contains administrative proceedings that can result in fines that can thereafter be followed (or initiated) with a criminal offence proceeding. The ECtHR revised its view on the Ne bis in Idem in Zolothukin v Russia and concluded that the Identity of the facts was de

Riskaversion och ansträngning vid prestationsbaserad ersättning - En kvantitativ studie på bostadsmäklare i Skåne

SAMMANFATTNING Examensarbetets titel: Riskaversion och ansträngning vid prestationsbaserad ersättning Seminariedatum: 2013-06-07 Ämne/kurs: FEKH19, Examensarbete kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Malin Andersson, Martin Damm och Marcus Lindskog Andersson Handledare: Christine Blomquist Nyckelord: Agentteorin, Incitament, Prestationsbaserad ersättning, Riskaversion, Ansträngning Syf

In process cleaning of open devices during assembly

This is a master thesis about how to be able to clean an open device during assembly for the company of McNeil AB. McNeil AB is a company in Helsingborg, Sweden, producing the Nicorette brand, which is a nicotine based product line which helps people stop smoking. McNeil AB's problem was that they had some contamination in their mouth spray product and thus a solution for the cleaning of a via

EU, China, and the Concept of Human Rights: from a Cultural Relativism Perspective

Human rights have become one of the most sensitive issues between EU and China, and it has brought a substantial impact on the bilateral relation. The EU’s persistent criticism on the Chinese human rights situation has not only provoked strong reaction from the Chinese government, but also led to a wide antipathy towards the EU’s external human rights policy among ordinary Chinese people. Adopting

Bärförmåga vid brand i Br2-byggnader

An aim with this master thesis is to evaluate when, according to Swedish building code, design of structural fire protection can be carried out using a localized fire as the design fire, i.e. to determine when flashover is not likely. Another aim of the thesis is to examine how a structure is globally affected by a local failure due to a localized fire. One of the goals is to develop a method that

An evaluation of city-to-city learning in the campaign Making Cities Resilient - matching criteria and implementation

This thesis evaluates the UNISDR led campaign Making Cities Resilient and specifically investigates how cities are matched within the campaign’s initiative city-to-city learning, which factors that may be conducive for successful partnerships as well as whether the participating cities implements activities in accordance with the rights-based approach. The evaluation is partly based on a literatur

Cloud Computing: benefits, risks and risk prevention

Cloud computing is an infrastructure that allows companies to rent any type of computing resources, such as network capacity and processing power, according to their current needs. Rather than a new technology, cloud computing is a new way of delivering computing resources. Despite the advantages that this infrastructure brings, it still poses many threats in several areas. In Sweden alone one thi

Inkomstbeskattning av ackord

Syftet med detta examensarbete är att klargöra vilka skatterättsliga konsekvenser ett ackord får för de personer som omfattas av ackordet. Ackord är en överenskommelse, som antingen sker frivilligt eller tvångsvis, mellan gäldenären och en eller flera av hans borgenärer. Innebörden är vanligtvis nedsättning av gäldenärens skulder, eventuellt kombinerat med betalningsanstånd eller andra lättnader The purpose of this thesis is to clarify and examine the tax consequences of composition settlements for those persons to whom the arrangement applies. The various forms of compositions are agreements between a debtor and his creditors, which can be entered into voluntarily or compulsorily depending on the type of composition. The significance of a composition settlement is generally a reduction

Effects of slash-and-burn on soil chemistry and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi abundance in soil and roots of Didierea Madagascariensis, in the dry tropical Spiny Forest of South-West Madagascar

Abstract Deforestation and the use of fire to clear land have drastic effects on ecosystem functioning and compromise the continuity of many important ecosystem services. This is specially the case in tropical countries such as Madagascar, where people's reliance on forest exploitation and subsidence agriculture is driving severe forest decline. In this study we evaluated the effects of slash