

Din sökning på "*" gav 533534 sökträffar

Användandet av IT-baserade verktyg vid rekrytering

Syftet med denna uppsats var att ta reda på vilka faktorer som ligger bakom användandet av IT-verktyg i rekryteringsprocessen. De verktyg som studerades var så kallade Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), screeningsverktyg, personlighets- och kunskapstester samt sociala medier. Genom att studera litteratur om dessa verktyg gjorde vi en sammanställning över för- och nackdelar som setts med verktygen.

Methane exchange between tree stems and atmosphere in a boreal forest

Inte bara kor läcker metan... ... växter kan också släppa ut metan under vissa förhållanden. Ibland tar de även upp metan. Mitt arbete hade som mål att studera metanutbytet mellan trädstammar och atmosfären i en nordisk skog. Metan bidrar näst efter koldioxid mest till nuvarande ökning av växthuseffekten: Vi vet att metaninnehållet i atmosfären ökar men är osäkra på var metan kommer ifrån. TradiThe role of vegetation in the global CH4 budget and the processes involved in CH4 emission by plants have been subject to debate in the past couple of years. This study contributes to this field of research by studying CH4 fluxes between tree stems and the atmosphere on pinus sylvestris and picea abies in a boreal forest using chamber measurements. Additionally to CH4 fluxes, CO2 and H2O fluxes, s

The Swedish mortgage structure - A time series analysis of the mortgage rate in eight European countries 1999-2011

This study investigates the relationship between mortgage rates and other interest rates such as the repo rate and the long-term rate and whether this relationship has changed due to the financial crisis in 2008. This is done through time series estimation for eight European countries (Spain, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Sweden and United Kingdom) over the period 1999-2011 using quart

Marine Le Pen som partiledare för Front National : en förnyad diskurs?

In January 2011, Marine Le Pen was elected the new president of the French right populist political party Front National (“National Front”), a role she took over from her father, Jean-Marie Le Pen, who had been the president since the creation of the party in 1972. To deal with the somewhat dubious past of Front National, and in order to make it more commonly accepted in the political sphere, Mari

Comparison of MODIS-Algorithms for Estimating Gross Primary Production from Satellite Data in semi-arid Africa

Klimatmönstren världen över förändras och med dessa den globala distributionen och mängden av landbundet kol, dvs vegetationen som bland annat nyttjas som mat och fiber. Också I sig självt en viktig faktor i klimatets utveckling genom dess roll i energi- och vattenkretsloppen. Vetskap om kvantitet och distribution av landbundet kol och hur detta förändras är en viktigt del av arbetet i att förstå The climatic patterns of the world are changing and with them the spatial distribution of global terrestrial carbon; the food and fiber of the world and in itself an important factor in the changing climate. Knowledge of how the terrestrial carbon stock is changing, its distribution and quantity, is important in understanding how the patterns of the world are changing and large scale models using

“Fair is Foul and Foul is Fair”: A Phonoaesthetic Study into the Perceptions of Native English Speakers about Certain Speech Sounds

This essay explores four different aesthetic qualities (beautiful, ugly, soothing, irritating) on twoand- a-half dozen different phones as perceived by native speakers of English. Data were gathered by way of an online survey gathering 22 responses and which, when combined with several findings from previous research articles, reveal a number of tendencies both expected and unexpected. Respondents

There’s plenty of room at the bottom but is there room at the top? Nanotechnology in the Czech Republic: policy and barriers to innnovation

Due to the possibility of nanotechnology becoming the next general purpose technology, generating considerable socio-economic benefits, it has become popular with policy-makers and academics around the world, and led to massive investments in national R&D programmes. While in some cases nanotechnology is still in its early stages of research, in many others it has already resulted in innovatio

Securitising Kurdistan

The aim of this thesis is to investigate how the Kurdish question in Turkey has affected the country‘s security policies during the time between 1984 and 2005. To do this, several different factors are analysed, such as the securitisation of the Kurdish question, the (non)involvement of the civil society, and several state institutions. These institutions are the armed forces (TSK), the National I

Partial Test of Biological Sex on the Swedish Labour Market

Testosterone is the main androgen affecting sexual differentiation in-utero. According to the twin testosterone transfer hypothesis, a female fetus sharing uterus with a male is exposed to higher testosterone levels. Likewise, a male fetus sharing uterus with another male is exposed to higher levels. In this short thesis, wages of twins in opposite-sexed pairs are compared to wages of twins in sam

Sustainability Assurance - The Swedish audit profession’s interpretation and manifestation of competence

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to investigate the audit profession's interpretation of the characteristic competence in sustainability assurance, and how this is practically demonstrated. Method: In this paper, a qualitative research with an inductive method approach has been used. Theoretical perspectives: Theories in this paper consist of Flint’s (1988) philosophy of auditing, Abbott’

Märkning av importerade, färdigförpackade livsmedel i Malmö stad - Uppfyller butikerna Livsmedelsverkets märkningskrav?

Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka efterlevnaden av lagen gällande märkning av importerade färdigförpackade livsmedel hos livsmedelsbutiker i Malmö. 20 butiker studerades. Vid besöken granskades dels märkning av ett antal importerade färdigförpackade livsmedel, och dels utfördes enkätundersökning kring butikens livsmedelsmärkning och märkningsrutiner. Enkätundersökningen besvarades vanligtvThe purpose of this thesis is to examine the compliance of the labeling law of imported prepackaged foods in grocery stores in Malmö. 20 stores were studied. During the visits the labels of a number of imported pre-packaged foods were examined, and there was also a survey conducted about the store's food labels and their labeling rutines. The survey was usually answered by the owner or store

Spatiotemporal variation of net methane emissions and its causes across an ombrotrophic peatland : a site study from Southern Sweden

Naturliga metanutsläpp sker från våra våtmarker världen över. Metan produceras naturligt genom nedbrytning i de syrefria förhållanden som en våtmark erbjuder. För att bättre kunna modellera och skala upp hur mycker metan som faktiskt släpps ut från dessa våtmarker måste ytterligare förståelse skapas över varför metanutsläppen varierar så kraftigt både i tid och rum. Denna studie försöker öka förstMethane emissions from natural wetlands are an important contributor to methane levels in the atmosphere. These emissions are highly variable in time and space, even within sites. Further understanding of this variation is vital to successfully model the overall methane emissions from wetlands. This study investigates spatial variation through measurements of 22 plots across Fäjemyr bog. Manual me

Interaction design for future mobile phones + Ericsson Modus concept phone

This master thesis explores some ideas about interaction design of mobile communication and mobile devices. In initial studies the definitions of mobility and communication are summarised as a foundation for deeper understanding of the interaction between the user and the technical devices. Also additional studies about future usage and human behaviour are presented. Based on additional user obser

How are information systems utilised for capital investment proposals? A case study on organisations in the private and public sector.

The purpose of the thesis is to investigate how information systems are utilised for capital investment appraisals in organisations in the private and public sector as regards to employees and controllers who are involved in the production of investment appraisals. The conslusion reached is that usage of information systems for capital investment appraisals is affected by individuals’ characterist

Våld, maskuliniteter och dess konstruktion: en kvalitativ studie av behandlingsmetoder för män

In this thesis, the main focus of study has been the construction of violence in correlation with men using violence and violence being used against men. With a qualitative reasearch method, six interviews with six seperate employees at the Crisis Center have been conducted. The Crisis Center is a treatment center where therapy is given to men, women, teens, and children that have experienced phys

External Factors’ Effect on CEO Overconfidence in Mergers and Acquisitions: Board Composition and Monitoring

Purpose: The purpose of this report is to examine the presence of CEO overconfidence in Sweden, and how monitoring of the board of directors affects the overconfidence in CEOs in Sweden. Methodology: Two proxies were used to measure overconfidence: OC1 which measured CEO insider trading, and OC2 which measured CEO portrayal in media. A multivariate regression using the ordinary least squares meth

Informationsinsamling på internet

I och med uppkomsten av web 2.0 har det blivit möjligt för företag utveckla hemsidor där användare kan interagera med varandra och innehåll. Facebook, Twitter och LinkedIn är företag uppkommit tack vare utvecklingen av web 2.0. De är även exempel på företag som utnyttjar en affärsmodell som går ut på att erbjuda gratis tjänster riktade mot internetanvändare i utbyte mot personlig information. Geno

Sociala medier och kundservice: Facebook som kommunikationsmedium

I samband med den ökade internetanvändningen har sociala medier blivit en stor del av en del människors vardag. Användandet av sociala medier har inte bara ökat bland privatpersoner utan även företag etablerar sig av olika anledningar på sociala medier. Nu erbjuder i vissa fall företag även kundservice via sociala medier. Det är viktigt för företag att vara aktiva på de medium där kunderna finns o