

Din sökning på "*" gav 530834 sökträffar

Från Bologna blåser förändringens vindar, reformering av juristutbildningen

Det har i olika sammanhang uttryckts att förändringarna med Bolognaprocessen skapar en chans att reformera utbildningen i Sverige på ett djupgående sätt och att det gäller att ta vara på möjligheten. Nuvarande förslag leder inte ens i bästa fall till någon genomgripande reform. Förändringarna, om de nu genomförs, får snarare betraktas som en anpassning än en grundläggande reform. Det är kanske klo

Features of request strategies in Chinese

As Blum-Kulka, House & Kasper 1989:1 point out, speech acts are “one of the most compelling notions in the study of language use”. The Cross-Cultural Speech Act Realisation Project (CCSARP; Blum-Kulka & Olshtain 1984) analyses two speech acts: requests and apologies across a range of languages and cultures to investigate whether there are universal pragmatic principles in speech act realis

A Study of Propane and Propene Ammoxidation over Antimony-Vanadium-Oxide Catalysts at Steady-State and Transient Conditions

Popular Abstract in Swedish Akrylfibrer, SAN-plast (Styren-AkrylNitril) och ABS-plast (Akrylnitril-Butadien-Styren) är tre viktiga polymerer som tex används för textilier (akrylfibrer) och optiska instrument (SAN). ABS-plast har hög motståndskraft mot kemikalier samt är slagtålig och används tex i bilar. Gemensamt för dessa tre polymerer är att akrylnitril används som monomer. Akrylnitril tillverkPropane ammoxidation catalysts of differing Sb/V ratio and consisting of differing amounts of the V2O5, alpha-Sb2O4, and Sb0.92V0.92O4 phases were prepared. In the first paper, the structure of Sb0.92V0.92O4 was determined by thermogravimetry, X-ray microanalysis, X-ray powder diffraction, and neutron powder diffraction. Sb0.92V0.92O4 was found to have a defective rutile structure involving catio

National report from the pilot test of Case application 9, Improvement of Lighting Systems (tertiary sector) and Case application 17, Energy Performance Contracting.

The objective of the EMEEES project is to assist the European Commission in developing harmonised evaluation methods. It aims to design methods to evaluate the measures implemented to achieve the 9% energy savings target set out in the EU Directive (2006/32/EC) (ESD) on energy end-use efficiency and energy services. The assistance by the project and its partners is delivered through practical advi

Isolation of human complement factors C3, C5 and H

An improved method for simultaneous purification of complement factors C3, C5 and H from human plasma has been developed. Using an initial batch separation technique with QAE-Sephadex, followed by chromatography on SP-Sephadex and gel filtration in Sephadex G-200, 600 mg of highly pure C3 can be prepared from 1600 ml of plasma. Simultaneously about 70 mg of highly pure factor H and 30 mg of C5 are

Streetlife in Late Victorian London : The Constable and the Crowd

This study examines the streetlife of London at the end of the nineteenth century from the perspective of behaviour and practice. In reaction to the large number of works on the Victorian city based on a study of literary sources, this thesis takes the approach of analysing social interaction in the street. The focus of the book is the relationship between police constables and civilians in the st

The informational foundation of the act

This paper presents a theory to quantify the informational value of human acts. We argue that living is functioning against entropy. Acting is presented as a set of decisions and choices to create order that we use as the foundation to develop the concept of complexity of human acts. Frequency theory of probability is then applied to characterize human acts in terms of their degree of freedom and

Discourse reference is bimodal : How information status in speech interacts with presence and viewpoint of gestures

Speakers use speech and gestures to represent referents in discourse. Depending on referents’ information status, in speech speakers will vary richness of expression (e.g., lexical noun phrase [NP]/pronoun), nominal definiteness (indefinite/definite), and grammatical role (subject/object). This study tested whether these three linguistic markers of information status interact with presence of gest