

Din sökning på "*" gav 538653 sökträffar

Skadeståndsansvar för juridisk rådgivning

Professionell juridisk rådgivning kräver att rådgivaren gör prognoser om vilka beslut som domstolar eller andra myndigheter kommer att fatta, om klienten väljer att agera på olika sätt. Rådgivaren har både ett fackmässig­hetsansvar och ett upplysningsansvar. Artikeln uppmärksammar ett nytt prejudikat ("Skatterådgivarens ansvarsbegränsning") som bl.a. illustrerar att upplysningsansvaret är långt­gå

QM/MM Study of Partial Dissociation of S2B for the E2 Intermediate of Nitrogenase

Nitrogenase is the only enzyme that can cleave the triple bond in N2, making nitrogen available for all lifeforms. Previous computational studies have given widely diverging results regarding the reaction mechanism of the enzyme. For example, some recent studies have suggested that one of the μ2-bridging sulfide ligands (S2B) may dissociate from one of the Fe ions when protonated in the doubly r

Proton Transfer Pathways in Nitrogenase with and without Dissociated S2B

Nitrogenase is the only enzyme that can convert N2 to NH3. Crystallographic structures have indicated that one of the sulfide ligands of the active-site FeMo cluster, S2B, can be replaced by an inhibitor, like CO and OH−, and it has been suggested that it may be displaced also during the normal reaction. We have investigated possible proton transfer pathways within the FeMo cluster during the

Resistance to brittle fracture of glass reinforced polymer composites used in composite (nonceramic) insulators

In this paper, the most important results are presented and discussed from a multiyear interdisciplinary study directed toward the identification of the most suitable glass/polymer composite systems with the highest resistance to brittle fracture for high voltage composite insulator applications. Several unidirectional glass/polymer composite systems, commonly used in composite insulators, based e

Can water cause brittle fracture failures of composite non-ceramic insulators in the absence of electric fields?

It was postulated in [1], based on experimental evidence, that brittle fracture failures of composite (non-ceramic) HV insulators could be caused by water and mechanical stresses. It was also claimed therein that the brittle fracture process was more likely to happen with water than acids. This postulation could be of major importance as its ramifications might affect the entire composite insulato

Water diffusion into and electrical testing of composite insulator GRP rods

This paper describes water diffusion into and electrical testing of unidirectional glass reinforced polymer (GRP) composite rods used as load bearing components in high voltage composite (non-ceramic) insulators. The tests were performed following ANSI standard C29.11 Section 7.4.2 that can be used to evaluate electrical properties of composites. The unidirectional composite rod materials based on

Comparison of the ± 45° tensile and iosipescu shear tests for woven fabric composite materials

The mechanical response of a woven eight-harness satin graphite/polyimide composite has been investigated by performing ± 45° tensile and Iosipescu shear tests at room temperature. Nonlinear finite element simulations of the tests have been conducted to determine internal stress distributions in the ±45° tensile and Iosipescu fabric specimens as a function of load. In the experimental part of this

Initiation of stress-corrosion cracking in unidirectional glass/polymer composite materials

The purpose of this research is to determine the resistance to stress-corrosion cracking (SCC) of three unidirectional (pultruded) E-glass/polymer composites based on modified polyester, epoxy and vinyl ester resins. The composites have been subjected to a nitric acid solution of pH 1.2 in a newly designed four-point bend fixture. The stress-corrosion process was initiated on the as-supplied surfa

Current knowledge and uncertainties associated with the Arctic greenhouse gas budget

• The Arctic is continuing to warm faster than any other region on Earth, but key uncertainties remain in our knowledge of the Arctic carbon cycle. • We review the most current knowledge pertaining to estimates of arctic greenhouse gas components and discuss uncertainties associated with these measurements and models. • While the Arctic Ocean is consistently estimated as a carbon sink, we have yet

Petrochemical transition narratives: Selling fossil fuel solutions in a decarbonizing world

Being integral to the fossil-based energy order and as a key driver of multiple and intersecting ecological crises, the petrochemical industry faces increasing pressures to transform. This paper examines how major petrochemical companies navigate these pressures. Drawing from literatures on discursive power, narratives, and neo-Gramscian political economy, we introduce the concept of narrative rea

The evolution of primate short-term memory

Short-term memory is implicated in a range of cognitive abilities and is critical for understanding primate cognitive evolution. To investigate the effects of phylogeny, ecology and sociality on short-term memory ability, we tested 421 non-human primates across 41 species in a pre-registered, experimental delayed-response task. Our results confirm previous findings that longer delays decrease memo

Block copolymer-based hybrid nanomaterials for nanoimprint applications

In this Master’s thesis project, a block copolymer (BCP) film was used in combination with sequential infiltration synthesis and etching to manufacture a nanoimprint lithography stamp consisting of silicon. The BCP film was designed to contain perpendicularly aligned hexagonally placed cylinders, a pattern that will later be investigated for antibacterial properties after being transferred via nan

Förekomst av främre korsbandsskador och tillämpning av skadepreventiv träning i en grupp handbolls- och fotbollsspelare

Bakgrund: En främre korsbandsskada är en vanlig och allvarlig knäskada bland idrottare. Risken att drabbas av denna skada är speciellt stor inom handboll och fotboll då dessa sporter karaktäriseras av många hastiga vändningar. För att minska denna risk är tillämpning av skadepreventiv träning en nyckelkomponent. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att kartlägga förekomst och skillnader avseende erfarenh

Grovmotorisk utveckling hos barn med idiopatisk Pes Equino Varus Adductus

Bakgrund: Pes Equino Varus Adductus (PEVA), även känt som klumpfot, är en medfödd felställning i fotens leder som kräver omfattande behandling under flera år. Det finns ett fåtal studier om hur PEVA påverkar barns grovmotoriska utveckling. Mer kunskap behövs om vilka faktorer som eventuellt kan påverka den grovmotoriska utvecklingen. Syfte: Att beskriva och jämföra utveckling av grovmotorik och pa

Feasibility of single time point dosimetry during 177Lu-PSMA-617 treatments of prostate cancer

Prostatacancer innebär att det har bildats en elakartad tumör i prostatan. Till en början växer cancern enbart i prostatakörteln. I detta fall har pa- tienten goda möjligheter till att bli botad. Om cancern sprider sig utanför prostatan så minskar möjligheten att bota cancern. Då brukar behandling gå ut på att minska symptom och bromsa spridningen, så kallad palliativ behandling. RadionuklidterapiIntroduction: Standard dosimetry methods for radionuclide therapies re- quire imaging at multiple time points post injection. An alternative method has been presented in the literature that uses previously acquired pharma- cokinetic data to create so-called dose factors. Multiplying the dose factors with an activity concentration (Bq/ml) taken from a single time point mea- surement results in an e

Lagidrottares erfarenheter av psykologiskt stöd vid återgång till idrott efter långtidsskada

Bakgrund När en idrottare drabbas av en omfattande skada som innebär att den blir borta från spel en längre tid kan det leda till flertalet olika konsekvenser, både fysiska och psykiska. Dessa faktorer har även en stor inverkan och betydelse när idrottaren ska återgå till sin idrott efter rehabiliteringen. Att vara borta från spel en längre tid på grund av skada har visats kunna leda till negativa

Kartläggning av ljumskproblematik och höftfunktion hos en grupp svenska fotbollsspelare på subelitnivå

Bakgrund Höft- och ljumskskador är den näst vanligaste skadan som drabbar fotbollsspelare och spelare på alla olika nivåer påverkas. På grund av sportens stora popularitet är det viktigt att kunna identifiera spelare som riskerar att skadas och på så sätt förebygga vävnadsskada och skadefrånvaro. Alla skador leder däremot inte till frånvaro från match eller träning och det är vanligt att spelare f

Vilka var faktorerna bakom 1925 och 2004 års försvarsbeslut?

This study aims to identify the factors that influenced and shaped the Swedish defence decisions of 1925 and 2004. In addition, the study examines whether there were mutual factors between the defence decisions. Both defence decisions were made in an era of faith in the future after years of conflict and war. The First World War had ended, and the Cold War had ended a couple of years before the de


Object and context are inseparable. Meaning, interpretation and function are derived from the relation between them. Extrapolate emphasizes the connection between the object and its physical context. The luminaire is the start of a series of objects, which extend their presence by relating closely to the existing context – complementing it instead of working against it. The light source is suspen

Contested justice - Climate justice activists’ and coal workers’ interpretations of a just transition in the Rhinish lignite phase out

The combustion of lignite coal for energy production significantly contributes to Germany’s greenhouse gas emissions, leading climate justice activists to advocate for an immediate coal exit. Workers of the lignite industry strongly oppose this as they worry about the structural decline of mining regions and their financial security. The concept of Just Transition is increasingly employed to bridg