Din sökning på "*" gav 532376 sökträffar
On the Role of the Tumor Suppressor p53 in Leukemic Cell Differentiation
Popular Abstract in Swedish Den cancerskyddande genen p53 är av betydelse för att göra leukemiceller friska. Blodbildning. Blodceller är nödvändiga för vårt välbefinnande och vår överlevnad. Det finns flera olika typer med egna specialiserade funktioner. Så krävs t. ex. röda blodkroppar för syresättning och vita blodkroppar för att bekämpa infektioner. Blodcellerna har begränsad överlevnad; när Leukemic cells suffer from an impaired ability to differentiate due to inherited or acquired genetic lesions. These genetic changes can sometimes be bypassed with various compounds both in vitro, and, more rarely, in vivo, thus inducing terminal differentiation of the leukemic cells. Differentiation of both leukemic and normal hematopoietic cells is believed to be intimately coupled to cell cycle
Industrial automation : applications, structures and systems
Specificities vs Enthusiasm: Nine European Case Studies of Commercialization of Innovation
In this paper, the critical factors behind commercialization of new product development (NPD) are investigated in order to add to our understanding of what drives and hampers the commercialization of new products and services. With the illustration of nine cases of commercialization from three multinational organizations, an initial framework of three categories of factors related to the success o
För en feminism som inte kollar passet
Food Web Ecology -- individual life-histories and ecological processes shape complex communities
Popular Abstract in English A food web is a network diagram that describes which species that eat each other in nature. Such networks in marine environments e.g. show that cod eat herring, sprat, and sandeel - and that these eat numerous other species. Understanding of these relationships is a fundamental scientific problem, which can be used to assess the consequences for the stocks when we e.g. This thesis sets out a food web framework for size-structured populations. The framework enables an ecological approach to food web modelling as the individual life-history from birth, through maturation, and ultimately death is explicitly resolved with the use of bioenergetics based on individual body size. Each population resolves size-structure through a size-spectrum containing the individual
Hushai, Tribe of Benjamin, Judaism
The impact of free movement rules on tax treaties
Factors associated with the technical performance of colonoscopy: An EPAGE study.
Background Variations in colonoscopy practice exist, which may be related to healthcare quality. Aims To determine factors associated with three performance indicators of colonoscopy: complete colonoscopy, adenomatous polyp diagnosis, and duration. Patients Consecutive patients referred for colonoscopy from 21 centres in 11 countries. Methods This prospective observational study used multiple
On the Testability of IEEE 1687 Networks
Due to the increasing usage of embedded instruments in many electronic devices, new solutions to effectively access these instruments appeared, including the new IEEE 1687 standard. The approach supported by IEEE 1687 allows a flexible access to embedded instruments through the Boundary Scan interface. The IEEE 1687 network includes a set of reconfigurable scan chains. This paper addresses the iss
Kvalitet, pengar och läsupplevelser. Litteraturens värde på bokmarknaden
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Lindman och krutbrännaren : Om färgsättningen av en orkidé
This article discusses problems concerning the use of colour in botanical illustrations, focusing on a specific species, the Orchis ustulata (Burnt Orchid). In 1901–1905 the Swedish botanist Carl Lindman (1856–1928) was responsible for the publication of the Swedish flora Bilder ur Nordens flora, that was, in some ways, a reworking of J. W. Palmstruch’s Svensk botanik (1802–1843). Palmstruch’s hanThis article discusses problems concerning the use of colour in botanical illustrations, focusing on a specific species, the Orchis ustulata (Burnt Orchid). In 1901-1905 the Swedish botanist Carl Lindman (1856-1928) was responsible for the publication of the Swedish flora Bilder ur Nordens flora, that was, in some ways, a reworking of J. W. Palmstruch’s Svensk botanik (1802-1843). Palmstruch’s han
Normativa tendenser på miljöområdet
Biologisk antropologi med humanosteologi
Development of fluorescence-based techniques for quantitative measurements of combustion species
Popular Abstract in Swedish Eld har fascinerat människan i alla tider. Att sitta och värma sig vid en lägereld, sjunga sånger eller bara titta på hur elden rör sig är något de flesta har upplevt. Hur många har egentligen funderat på var värmen kommer ifrån, hur den gula färgen uppstår eller vad eld egentligen består av? Några av frågorna finns det nu svar på, men fortfarande finns det mycket att uThe work presented in this thesis covers how laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) and photofragmentation laser-induced fluorescence (PF-LIF) can be used to determine quantitative species concentrations in different combustion environments. To attain species concentrations with LIF it is of vital importance to investigate the influence of collisional quenching on the fluorescence signal strength, which
Distance education - distribution or collaboration?
New interactive information and communication technology (ICT) has opened up new possibilities in the field of distance education. The traditional distance education organisations are challenged by conventional universities who have developed into dual mode institutions using interactive ICT. This challenge from conventional universities may also involve a conceptual challenge - from distribution
Simulation of Liquid Food Processes in Modelica
Traditionally, liquid food processing equipment has been designed and engineered from a static perspective, where it has been taken for granted that dynamic behaviour easily could be handled by “add on” of control equipment such as sensors and computers with control programs including control loops. However, as production demands, e.g. mixing accuracy, are escalated, this approach fails, and the i