A high body mass index is associated with reduced risk of rheumatoid arthritis in men, but not in women.
To investigate the impact of overweight and obesity on the risk of RA.
To investigate the impact of overweight and obesity on the risk of RA.
Abstract—Rhythmic movement of the arms while walking is an important feature of human gait. In this paper, we present an approach to analyze the movements of the arms while walking by using three wearable wireless devices placed around the torso. One of the devices is transmitter placed at the back and the other two are symmetrically placed receivers that record the power variation due to movement
Mathias Strandberg’s doctoral thesis De sammansatta ordens accentuering i Skåne- målen (‘Tonal Word Accent and Stress in Compound Words in Traditional Scanian Dialects’) deals with the prosodic system of the dialects of Skåne in southern Swe- den. These dialects have two prosodic features that diverge from the situation in Standard Swedish. Both the dialects and the standard language have two tona
Semiconductor billiards are often considered as ideal systems for studying dynamical chaos in the quantum mechanical limit. In the traditional picture, once the electron's mean free path, as determined by the mobility, becomes larger than the device, disorder is negligible and electron trajectories are shaped by specular reflection from the billiard walls alone. Experimental insight into the elect
Popular Abstract in English Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women worldwide and the leading cause of cancer-related deaths. Although survival rates are low compared to other cancers, more than 500,000 women worldwide die of breast cancer every year. It is however not a single disease but rather a collection of different diseases with similar appearance but distinct molecular mechanisms.Background: Breast cancer is the most common female malignancy and the leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide. Targeted therapy against the main biomarkers estrogen receptor alpha (ER) and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2/ERBB2) have greatly improved mortality rates, but ab initio or acquired therapy resistance is common. It is imperative to identify patients who will benef
The post-war years were a time of expansion in Swedish publishing. The economy was growing, people became better educated, the rise of a large middle-class meant new costumers, new publishing and sales strategies added to the increasing market, and overall there was higher sales, more titles published and more people reading. Despite the success story there has been hardly any research done on the
Purpose - When deploying a frigate to the Gulf of Aden as a part of the Operation Atalanta, the Norwegian Defence outsourced logistics to a TPL provider. The purpose of this paper is to explore the cooperation between the Defence and the TPL provider during the operation. Design/methodology/approach - A qualitative design was chosen. Semi-structured interviews were combined with relevant secondary
Popular Abstract in Swedish Immunsystemet är ett invecklat och komplext system som finns överallt i kroppen och som inte är begränsat till ett enda organ. Vi utsätts hela tiden för ”angrepp” från mikro-organismer (t.ex. bakterier eller virus) men också för främmande ämnen som kan vara skadliga eller giftiga. Immunsystemets huvudfunktion är att hjälpa kroppen att känna igen dessa ”angripare” och atThe overall aim of this PhD project was to gain insight into the incidence of primary immunodeficiency (PID) in southern Sweden and to optimize diagnostic and treatment measures for these patients. We estimated the occurrence rate of PID in the pediatric population of southern Sweden during a period of 4 years and described the demographic, clinical and immunological characteristics of the identif
Hedging errors induced by discrete rebalancing of the hedge portfolio of a delta-gamma hedging strategy are investigated. The rate of convergence of the expected squared hedging error as the number of adjustments of the hedge portfolio goes to infinity is analyzed. It is found that the delta-gamma strategy produces higher convergence rates than the usual delta strategy.
Two-particle angular correlations between unidentified charged trigger and associated particles are measured by the ALICE detector in p-Pb collisions at a nucleon-nucleon centre-of-mass energy of 5.02 TeV. The transverse-momentum range 0.7 < p(T),(assoc) < p(T),(trig) < 5.0 GeV/c is examined, to include correlations induced by jets originating from low momentum-transfer scatterings (minijets). The
Sphingomyelin (SM) and cholesterol are two types of lipid closely related biophysically. Treating the cells with exogenous sphingomyelinase (SMase) induces trafficking of cholesterol from membrane to intracellular pools and inhibition of cholesterol synthesis. In the present work, we address a question whether increased cholesterol synthesis affects hydrolysis of SM by endogenous SMases.
The formation of lumps during large scale wetting of spray dried powders is a common problem in the industry. The result is a large energy demand if an efficient mixing is to be achieved at the industrial scale. If more knowledge regarding the phenomena governing lump formation is obtained, the unit operation could be optimized and made more efficient. As a part of increasing the understanding of
The thermionic RF gun using a BaO cathode at the MAX-lab linac injector has been successfully commissioned for additional operation as a photocathode gun. By retaining the BaO cathode, lowering the temperature below thermal emission and illuminating it with a UV (263 nm) 9 ps laser pulse a reduced emittance and enhanced emission control has been achieved. Measurements show a normalised emittance o
In the spring of 1945, survivors of the Nazi concentration camps arrived in southern Sweden. A project was launched to collect eye-witness accounts of their experiences and document them for posterity. The scholar in charge of this project was Sture Bolin, professor of history at Lund University After his death Erik Lonnroth hailed him as a 'world-famous' historian. By the turn of the century he w