

Din sökning på "*" gav 533333 sökträffar

Legacies of Loss : The intergenerational outcomes of slaveholder compensation in the British Cape Colony

Can wealth shocks have intergenerational health consequences? We use the partial compensation slaveholders received after the 1834 slave emancipation in the British Cape Colony to measure the intergenerational effects of a wealth loss on longevity. Because the share of partial compensation received was uncorrelated to wealth, we can interpret the results as having a causal influence. We find that

Bumblebee visual allometry results in locally improved resolution and globally improved sensitivity

The quality of visual information that is available to an animal is limited by the size of its eyes. Differences in eye size can be observed even between closely related individuals, yet we understand little about how this affects vision. Insects are good models for exploring the effects of size on visual systems because many insect species exhibit size polymorphism. Previous work has been limited

Constraining temperature variations over the last millennium by comparing simulated and observed atmospheric CO2

The response of atmospheric CO2 and climate to the reconstructed variability in solar irradiance and radiative forcing by volcanoes over the last millennium is examined by applying a coupled physical-biogeochemical climate model that includes the Lund-Potsdam-Jena dynamic global vegetation model (LPJ-DGVM) and a simplified analogue of a coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation model. The model

A conflict among geniuses : challenges to the classical paradigm in Sweden, 1828–1832

This article examines challenges to the classical paradigm of education in Sweden that followed in the wake of state-initiated attempts at school reform in the first decades of the nineteenth century. When the internal disputes of the so-called ‘Genius Committee’ resulted in a failure to overcome the increasing divide between reformers, a prolific opportunity to argue the value of practical subjec

Cornering variants of the Georgi-Machacek model using Higgs precision data

We show that in the absence of trilinear terms in the scalar potential of the Georgi-Machacek model, heavy charged scalars do not necessarily decouple from the h→γγ decay amplitude. In such scenarios, measurement of the Higgs to diphoton signal strength can place stringent constraints in the parameter space. Using the projected precisions at the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) and the ILC, we find th

MiRNA and other non-coding RNAs as promising diagnostic markers

Since the discovery of non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) a new area has emerged in the field of biomarkers. NcRNAs are RNA molecules of different sizes that are transcribed as independent genes or as part of protein coding genes and are not translated, therefore they do not produce proteins. They have been classified accord-ing to their size and function and include micro RNAs (miRNAs), piwiRNAs (piRNAs),

Housing accessibility and participation among older adults with long-standing spinal cord injury

En stödjande miljö är centralt för att kunna upprätthålla ett självständigt liv och effektivt aktivitetsutförande, särskilt med ökande ålder. För personer med funktionella begränsningar, som konsekvenserna av en ryggmärgsskada, är balansen mellan personens funktionella kapacitet och miljöns krav av yttersta vikt för att kunna leva ett så välfungerande liv som möjligt. Livslängden efter en ryggmärg

Association between semen parameters and chance of fatherhood - a long-term follow-up study

Background: Evaluation of male fertility includes standard semen analysis; however, there is uncertainty about the value of sperm parameters in predicting fertility. Objective: To evaluate the association between semen parameters and fatherhood during a long-time period. Materials and methods: Semen parameters (total sperm count, concentration, motility, and morphology) and sperm DNA fragmentation

Remote sensing input for regional to global CO2 flux modelling

The current and future strength of the terrestrial carbon sink has a crucial influence on the expected climate warming on Earth. Usually, Earth Observation (EO) by its very nature focusses on diagnosing the current state of the planet. However, it is possible to use EO products in data assimilation systems to improve not only the diagnosis of the current state, but also the accuracy of future pred

Southern travelling habits with special reference to tumour site in Swedish melanoma patients

Southern travelling habits were recorded for 127 melanoma patients from southern parts of Sweden (the 56th latitude), 55 thyroid cancer patients, 100 non-Hodgkin's patients and 794 healthy controls from the same region. Melanoma patients were found to travel significantly more often south of the 45th latitude, as compared with patients with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma or thyroid carcinoma (RR = 2.2 for

Search for lepton-flavor violation in different-flavor, high-mass final states in pp collisions at s =13 TeV with the ATLAS detector

A search is performed for a heavy particle decaying into different-flavor, dilepton pairs (eμ, eτ or μτ), using 36.1 fb-1 of proton-proton collision data at s=13 TeV collected in 2015-2016 by the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. No excesses over the Standard Model predictions are observed. Bayesian lower limits at the 95% credibility level are placed on the mass of a Z′ boson, the mass

Measurement of dijet azimuthal decorrelations in pp collisions at s =8 TeV with the ATLAS detector and determination of the strong coupling

A measurement of the rapidity and transverse momentum dependence of dijet azimuthal decorrelations is presented, using the quantity RΔφ. The quantity RΔφ specifies the fraction of the inclusive dijet events in which the azimuthal opening angle of the two jets with the highest transverse momenta is less than a given value of the parameter Δφmax. The quantity RΔφ is measured in proton-proton collisi

Targeting peptidylarginine deiminase reduces neutrophil extracellular trap formation and tissue injury in severe acute pancreatitis

Recent evidence suggests that neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) play an important role in the development of acute pancreatitis (AP). Herein, we examined the role of peptidylarginine deiminase (PAD), which has been shown to regulate NET formation, in severe AP. AP was induced by retrograde of taurocholate infusion into pancreatic duct in C57BL/6 mice. PAD was pharmacologically inhibited using

A prescription for “nature” – The potential of using virtual nature in therapeutics

Many studies suggest that increased exposure to urban greenness is associated with better population health. Accessing nature can in some circumstances, however, be difficult, especially for individuals with mobility constraints. Therefore, a growing body of work is investigating the ways to replace the in vivo experience with forms of “virtual” contact, in order to provide these individuals with