

Din sökning på "*" gav 534011 sökträffar

Evolution of organ systems in the Crustacea: Mystacocarida and Cephalocrida in retrospect

The morphology of the internal organs of two representative species of the crustacean classes Mystacocarida, Derocheilocaris typica (Pennak & Zinn, 1943), and Cephalocarida, Hutchinsoniella macracantha (Sanders, 1955), has been studied ultrastructurally from 1990 onwards. A review of the subject offers a unique opportunity to compare and contrast the two taxa at a time when their key positions

En Delfistudie om lärares uppfattning av elevengagemang i NO-undervisningen

What happens in a science classroom where students are engaged and how do teachers observe andinterpret student engagement? This article highlights teachers’ perspective on students’ engagement in science education and to what extent it is connected to the scientific content. This approach complements earlier research which focuses mostly on students’ attitude towards science education and their i

Translanguaging in English Classrooms in Sweden? : A Study of Teacher Beliefs and Practices

In English Language Teaching in Sweden, the entextualized ideology is monolingual, i.e., English Only (Hult, 2017; Lundahl, 2012). Evidence from a large-scale classroom observation study (Swedish Schools Inspectorate, 2011) and a smaller-scale classroom-interaction study (Authors 3 & 4 2016) reveals a de facto bilingual policy of both English and Swedish enacted in classrooms, however. As stud

Translanguaging Practices in English Language Teaching in Scandinavian Contexts

With the over-arching aim of contributing to the development of evidence-based teaching practices, this colloquium provides a forum for scholars doing research on language practices in the teaching of English as a foreign/second language (L2) in mainstream schools in Scandinavia. In Sweden, the English teaching profession has long been guided by monolingual, English Only, ideology, particularly at

The Emergent Politics of Geoengineering

Denna avhandling undersöker vetenskapens roll i den politiska processens tidiga stadier. Detta görs genom att studera hur "geoengineering" kommer upp på den politiska agendan. Begreppet ”geoengineering” används även på svenska och beskriver en uppsättning idéer om hur man stabiliserar den globala temperaturen genom att ingripa i jordens miljösystem. Begreppet mötte stark skepsis i det vetenskapligThis thesis examines the role of science in the earliest stages of the political process. It does this by studying the emergence of ‘geoengineering’ on the political agenda. The term describes a set of ideas on how to stabilize global temperature by intervening into the Earth’s natural systems, and was subject to a strong taboo in the scientific community until the mid-2000s. Yet within a decade,

Multilayer Bixin Microcapsules: The Impact of Native Carbohydrates on the Microencapsulation Efficiency and Dispersion Stability

Bixin is a hydrophobic carotenoid present in the integument of the seeds of Bixa orellana. Microencapsulation was applied to obtain water dispersible formulations and protect the colorant against degradation. Microencapsulated systems were obtained by spray-drying a mild alkaline bixin dispersion with different encapsulating materials. The encapsulation trials were performed with and without nativ