

Din sökning på "*" gav 533806 sökträffar

Market resaerch of the packaging industry in South Africa

Summary - Nefab The purpose of this thesis is to find business opportunities in South Africa for Nefab's product NEFAB ExPak, The product is suitable for packaging of high-value products that are being exported to remote countries. Besides a general mapping of South Africa's export, we have also studied different companies within the vehicle supply industry, telecommunication industry

Designing a logistical and material handling system for European distribution - a case study for Tetra Pak's SCAP project

As a complementary product to the Tetra Brik Aseptic packaging system, Tetra Pak is about to introduce a new, value added, aseptic packaging system called SCAP. The SCAP packages consists of a lower part made of carton and an upper part made of plastic, similar to a PET-bottle, resulting in a bottle shaped package. The purpose of this thesis is to design a logistical- and material-handling system

Modell för fördelning av kostnader i lager

Distrilux International AB, a company within the Electrolux-group, works among other things with storing of products from other companies in the Electrolux-group. This rapport contains a cost analysis of the two Distrilux warehouses in Motala and Mariestad. The company offers five services in these warehouses, in-loading of products from a local factory and from external factories, storing, out-lo

Implementation of LCA at Perstorp Form

The objective of this thesis is to increase the organization's knowledge about Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), so Perstorp Form can organize the development of know-how and meet the demands from customers. An LCA project was initiated to identify? necessary changes as well as clarify how LCA can be used together with other management tools. The experience from the LCA study, the so-called Gilde

Quantitative and qualitative social science: Toward a multilateral conceptualization for normative use

The philosophy of social science is today, from the perspective of the scientists themselves, dominated by the notions of quantitative and qualitative research. Social scientists make distinctions between a wide range of different aspects of research in terms of what is quantitative and qualitative. The purpose of this paper is to integrate these distinctions into a useful conceptualization. First

Co-management at work In Venezuela A field study of the co-management process in the state owned aluminum plant Alcasa

This essay gives insight to a process of state initiated democratization of the workplace in a third world country. The essay examines the ongoing process of democratization in a state owned aluminum plant in Puerto Ordaz, Venezuela. A process of co-management is taking place in the Aluminum plant of Alcasa. The initiator of the co-management is the former revolutionary and now president of th

Environmental assessment of biomass-based decentralised polygeneration The case of Swiss Residential buildings

Sustainability in the building sector demands remarkable efforts to increase energy efficiency and the share of renewable energies. Biomass-based micro cogeneration systems can help to improve the energy efficiency of residential buildings whiles reducing the over-dependence on fossil energy resources. In this study, the environmental performance of cleaned and upgraded biogas and natural gas in d

Musiklärarens påverkan - Grundskolan som mötesplats

Denna studie bygger på huvudfrågan: Har musiken i grundskolan någon påverkan på elevens inställning till musik senare i livet? Under studien har nya infallsvinklar tagit form och lett studien till resultatet: Musiklärarens påverkan. Från en relativt smal syn på musikundervisningen i grundskolan har element som t ex läroplaner och ledarskapsteorier vidgat studiens syn för vad musiklärare i grundsko

The Democratic Consequences of Socioeconomic Modernization - Why isn't China Free?

In this thesis a study of modernization theory and China is conducted. Why has China, despite socioeconomic modernization, not started to democratize? China has opened up during the three most recent decades and modernized rapidly. Poverty has decreased, urbanization has occurred, the agricultural literacy has increased and income has raised. Still, China is a country where political freedom is ve

Finns det en annan förklaring till Hjälmsjöfynden än den naturliga bristen på flinta eller att det var en sydlig utpost av en kvartsbaserad kultur?

En skånsk kvartsboplats, var det en unik händelse? Hösten 1995 gjordes ett sensationellt fynd i nordvästra Skåne. Den första stenåldersboplatsen som kvartsen dominerade, både till antalet och till vikt, hittades vid Hjälmsjöns strand. Uppsatsen kommer att behandla denna plats. Jag kommer att göra en beskrivning av fördelarna och nackdelarna med kvarts respektive flinta. En uppställning på stereo

Den fria viljans extra faktor

Vare sig det gäller livets små beslut som vilket pålägg man ska ha på sin frukostsmörgås eller de betydligt större som huruvida man vill flytta ut på landet och satsa på en karriär som författare eller inte så lever nog de flesta vanliga människorna i föreställningen av att valet är upp till personen själv. Jag tror faktiskt inte att jag går för långt om jag säger att för varje handling som vi på

ATT VÄLJA, VÄLJA OM OCH VÄLJA RÄTT: En kvalitativ studie av vad det är som styr kommuners utformning av öppenvårdsinsatser för ungdomar

The aim with this study was to examine what it is that govern the way that municipalities develop the non-institutional care for youth. An extensive development of non-institutional care for children is a visible trend in municipal social service and probable reasons for this development are, among other things, research that show inadequate results of the institution care and economy. Our main qu

Corruption - A discursive analysis of a political scandal.

With the use of a discursive analysis political documents of the Italian socialist leader, Bettino Craxi, will come to the attention of this study. The theoretical framework and structure of the work, is based on the conviction that social processes, such as social behavior and language should be understood within their context. An objective reality is not denied but remains dependant on its surro

Immigration - Favoured, Faced or Feared? a study of the influence of economic calculations, to do the right thing and politics of insecurity, together with EU influence, in the shaping of Spanish immigration policies

This is a study of Spanish immigration policies, the changes they have gone through over the past years, and more importantly, why. Three theoretical approaches are central to this thesis, namely: economic calculations, to do the right thing, and politics of insecurity. Through these approaches, different events and considerations that affect policy-shaping are highlighted and analysed. This

Historien om en svensk säkerhetspolitisk agenda - Förklaring av processen, politiken, policyn och entreprenören för Sveriges militära insats i Tchad

The aim of this study is to analyze the process of an agenda setting and see how a specific issue came to materialize on the security policy agenda. The empirical goal of the study is to see why Sweden chose to participate in the EU-led operation to Chad, and how that process came to be? The analysis is based upon Kingdon's multiple streams theory (2003) where he distinguishes the process into

Vägen mot ett klick

Vi har funnit att fyra faktorer tillsammans kan bidra till ett ökad CTR. Dessa är: design/utformning, målgruppsanpassning, involvement och varumärkeskännedom

Användning av digitala system för kunskapsöverföring

Problemställning: Det existerar idag en betydande forskning som berör digitala system för kunskapsöverföring. Emellertid ser vi en tydlig brist i forskningen kring användandet av de olika systemen. Detta beror till stor del på problemet med att kunna mäta att en medarbetare verkligen använder systemet för kunskapsöverföring. Genom att studera kunskapsutbytet i organisationerna hade det varit möjli

Enabling Smart Research and Development through Knowledge Conversation

Abstract Title: Enabling Smart Research and Development through Knowledge Conversation Seminar date: 2005-06-08 Course: Master thesis in business administration, 10 Swedish credits (15 ECTS) Authors: Andreas Johnsson, Johan Rosendahl Advisors: Lars Bengtsson Key words: Knowledge management, Knowledge conversation, Research and development, Ba, Trelleborg Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to cr

Nedskrivningstest av Goodwill - Följs upplysningskraven enligt IAS 36?

Syftet med uppsatsen är att genom dokumentstudier och intervjuer beskriva och analysera hur börsnoterade företag fullgör upplysningskraven för nedskrivningstestet av goodwill i 2005 års årsredovisningar enligt IAS 36. Vi använder oss av en deduktiv/deskriptiv ansats. Vidare tillämpas en kombination av kvalitativ och kvantitativ metod i form av intervjuer respektive dokumentstudier. Vårt empiriska