

Din sökning på "*" gav 529364 sökträffar

Myanmar’s top-down transition : Challenges for civil society

This article historicises the nature of political transition in Myanmar to better appreciate the challenges faced by civil society. After Myanmar’s political reforms in 2011, Western donors rushed into the country in support of what they misunderstood as a remarkable instance of democratisation. In 2019, escalating civil war, ethnic cleansing, and contracting civil liberties urge a rethink. This a

Intrinsic memory of temporal intervals in cerebellar Purkinje cells

The general consensus for learning and memory, including in the cerebellum, is that modification of synaptic strength via long-term potentiation (LTP) or long-term depression (LTD) are the primary mechanisms for the formation of memories. Recent findings suggest additional cellular mechanisms – referred to as ‘intrinsic plasticity’ – where a neuron's membrane excitability intrinsically changes. Th

Exploring synergies – management of multifunctional agricultural landscapes

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattningDet senaste århundradet har den tekniska utvecklingen gått snabbt inom många områden. Jordbruket är ett av dessa. Idag upptas ungefär en tredjedel av jordens landyta av jordbruk och boskapsskötsel. Utvecklingen av jordbruket har inneburit att vi idag kan producera mer mat än någonsin, men den har också inneburit intensivare brukningsmetoder, genom till exempel ökaAbstractHuman ingenuity and activities have resulted in erosion of ecosystems and their capacity to support the sustainable production of goods and functions that we depend on. Biodiversity i.e. the diversity within and between species and of ecosystems, underpins many of the ecosystem functions critical for human well-being and resilience, and is declining faster than at any time in human history

Rökarens blick : Skådespelarens Brecht

Bertolt Brecht (1898–1956) är en av 1900-talets stora teaterförnyare genom sitt radikala ifrågasättande av konstens relation till samhället och till skådespelarens gestaltningstradition. I den samtida teaterdiskussionen är hans historiska och politiska överblick oumbärlig och i denna essäsamling prövas styrkan i hans argument i relation till några samtida och historiska konstnärliga frågor av högs

Identification of the first synthetic steroidogenic factor 1 inverse agonists : Pharmacological modulation of steroidogenic enzymes

Steroidogenic factor SF-1, a constitutively active nuclear hormone receptor, is essential to the development of adrenal and gonadal glands and acts as a shaping factor of sexual determination and differentiation. Its effects are exerted primarily through the control of the synthesis of steroid hormones. The functional cell-based assay Receptor Selection and Amplification Technology (R-SAT) was use

Pinealocyte projections into the mammalian brain revealed with S-antigen antiserum

Neural processes from mammalian pinealocytes have been discovered in several brain areas. These processes were visualized immunocytochemically in the Djungarian hamster, Phodopus sungorus, with an antiserum against bovine retinal S-antigen and traced as far as the region of the posterior commissure and habenular nuclei. This result indicates that pineal-to-brain connections exist in the mammal, an

Migration distance does not predict blood parasitism in a migratory songbird

Migration can influence host–parasite dynamics in animals by increasing exposure to parasites, by reducing the energy available for immune defense, or by culling of infected individuals. These mechanisms have been demonstrated in several comparative analyses; however, few studies have investigated whether conspecific variation in migration distance may also be related to infection risk. Here, we a

Application of an emittance adapter to increase photon flux density on a synchrotron radiation beam line

The application of the Chao-Raimondi emittance adapter to the SOLEIL storage ring is studied theoretically in terms of linear and nonlinear beam dynamics. This unique scheme recently proposed elsewhere using a pair of emittance adapters and a solenoid in between them allows a local conversion of an electron beam in a third generation light source to an ultralow emittance beam of the fourth generat

Measuring extracellular volume fraction by MRI : First verification of values given by clinical sequences

PURPOSE: To verify MR measurements of myocardial extracellular volume fraction (ECV) based on clinically applicable T1-mapping sequences against ECV measurements by radioisotope tracer in pigs and to relate the results to those obtained in volunteers.METHODS: Between May 2016 and March 2017, 8 volunteers (25 ± 4 years, 3 female) and 8 pigs (4 female) underwent ECV assessment with SASHA, MOLLI5(3b)

Raised platelet levels in diabetes mellitus complicated with nephropathy

Objectives To study if elevated platelet levels are found in early and late diabetic nephropathy.Design A retrospective study was performed of platelet count in different subgroups of patients with insulin‐dependent diabetes mellitus, including patients with long and short duration of diabetes and with early signs of nephropathy. Patients with severe renal failure subjected to renal transplantatio

Roadmap for valuing soil ecosystem services to inform multi-level decision-making in agriculture

Agricultural soils contribute to human welfare through their generation of manifold ecosystem services such as food security, water quality and climate regulation, but these are degraded by common farming practices. We have developed a roadmap for evaluating the contribution of both private- and public-good ecosystem services generated by agricultural soils to societal welfare. The approach consid

Museum Stobaeanum : Baroque science at the margin of academia

The Museum Stobaeanum was founded at Lund University, Sweden, in 1735. At the time, Lund was one of Scandinavia’s smallest academies, struggling for survival, and the creation of the museum was part of a modernization process intended to bring the curriculum up to a par with other European universities. The result, however, was one of the last classic Wunderkammern in Europe, reflecting ideals tha

Intermolecular interactions play a role in the distribution and transport of charged contrast agents in a cartilage model

The transport and distribution of charged molecules in polyelectrolyte solutions are of both fundamental and practical importance. A practical example, which is the specific subject addressed in the present paper, is the transport and distribution of charged species into cartilage. The charged species could be a contrast agent or a drug molecule involved in diagnosis or treatment of the widespread

The role of M1 muscarinic receptor agonism of N-desmethylclozapine in the unique clinical effects of clozapine

Rationale: Clozapine is a unique antipsychotic, with efficacy against positive symptoms in treatment-resistant schizophrenic patients, and the ability to improve cognition and treat the negative symptoms characteristic of this disease. Despite its unique clinical actions, no specific molecular mechanism responsible for these actions has yet been described. Objectives and methods: To comprehensivel