

Din sökning på "*" gav 531159 sökträffar

Convergent validity of three posttraumatic symptom inventories among adult sexual abuse survivors

We examined the convergent validity of three posttraumatic symptoms inventories, the civilian version of the Mississippi Scale for Combat-Related PTSD (CM-PTSD), the Trauma Symptom Checklist-40 (TSC-40), and the Response to Childhood Incest Questionnaire (RCIQ), in a sample of 52 adult sexual abuse survivors. The significant and moderate to strong correlations (r = .6 or higher) among these invent

Cerebellar infarctions and 'vestibular neuritis'

Consecutive subjects 50 to 75 years of age with sudden onset of vertigo but without cochlear or neurological symptoms were investigated with neuro-imaging techniques. Doppler sonography of the vertebral and carotid arteries and recording of voluntary saccades and pursuit eye movements, caloric, spontaneous, gaze and optokinetic nystagmus. Among those studied, 6 out of 24 subjects could be demonstr

Significance of Pressor Input from the Human Feet in Anterior-Posterior Postural Control. The Effect of Hypothermia on Vibration-Induced Body-Sway

The importance to postural control of the mechanoreceptors of the soles was investigated in thirteen healthy subjects. Body-sway velocity was evaluated before and after exposing the subject's feet to hypothermia, and when calf muscles were exposed to vibration at frequencies between 20 and 100 Hz. Subjects were tested both with eyes open and closed. Body-sway velocity was found to increase signifi

Mord, prejudikattolkning och lagtolkning

I NJA 2016 s. 3 tillämpade Högsta domstolen mordbestämmelsen i dess nya lydelse. Högsta domstolen fann att det syfte som hade angetts i förarbetena — att skärpa straffen för mord — inte kom till uttryck i lagtexten. Högsta domstolen fortsatte därför att tillämpa det tidigare rättsläget enligt NJA 2013 s. 376. Avgörandet väcker frågor om metoden för prejudikattolkning och lagtolkning i svensk rätt,

Rättsreform, rättsdebatt och rättskultur — 100 år med Svensk Juristtidning

Svensk Juristtidning har kommit ut i 100 år. Den svenska rättsordningen har under detta sekel genomgått genomgripande förändringar, men tydliga rättsliga grundstrukturer har bevarats. I denna uppsats görs ett försök att fånga vissa framträdande drag i juristtidningens innehåll och hur juristtidningen har förändrats, när det gäller både dess utformning och dess innehåll. Viktiga delar av innehållet

Domarna som konstitutionella aktörer

Om och i så fall på vilket sätt domarna är konstitutionella aktörer har varit föremål för omfattande debatter. Debatten rörande huruvida domarna kunde utöva konstitutionell kontroll över lagstiftningen övergick på 1960-talet till en debatt om närmare bestämt hur domarna skulle utöva denna kontroll. Det är en debatt som inte är avslutad; diskussionen om hur domarna ska hantera olika typer av konsti

A and B antigen levels acquired by group O donor-derived erythrocytes following ABO-non-identical transfusion or minor ABO-incompatible haematopoietic stem cell transplantation

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: ABO-incompatible haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) presents a challenge to blood component transfusion. The aim of this study was to investigate the weak blood group A or B antigen expression by donor-derived group O red blood cells (RBC) observed following transfusion or minor ABO-incompatible HSCT. In addition, in vitro experiments were performed to eluci

Abnormalities in kynurenine pathway metabolism in treatment-resistant depression and suicidality : a systematic review

Treatment resistant depression (TRD) and suicidal behavior are among the most important public health problems and are commonly associated with significant disability and psychosocial impairment. Although there have been recent advances in identifying neurobiological correlates of these complex conditions, their pathophysiology still remains unclear. Although the recent advances concerning the neu

A novel multi-jet burner for hot flue gases of wide range of temperatures and compositions for optical diagnostics of solid fuels gasification/combustion

A novel multi-jet burner was built to provide one-dimensional laminar flat flames with a wide range of variable parameters for multipurpose quantitative optical measurements. The burner is characterized by two independent plenum chambers, one supporting a matrix of 181 laminar jet flames and the other supporting a co-flow from a perforated plate with small holes evenly distributed among the jets.

Effects of CH4 Content on NO Formation in One-Dimensional Adiabatic Flames Investigated by Saturated Laser-Induced Fluorescence and CHEMKIN Modeling

Experiments applying saturated laser-induced fluorescence (LSF) technology were performed focusing on the influence of equivalence ratio, syngas mixture contents, on NO formation in H2/CO/CH4/CO2/N2/O2 premixed flat flames supplied by a heat flux burner. Experimental data were extracted to validate calculation by CHEMKIN software. Both experiments and CHEMKIN calculation draw one conclusion that N

Electrocochleographic signal analysis : condensation and rarefaction click stimulation contributes to diagnosis in Menière's disorder

Thirty patients with Menière's disorder, 11 patients with cochlear hearing loss of other aetiologies and 10 normally-hearing subjects, were investigated using transtympanic electrocochleography (TT ECochG). Alternating polarity clicks, condensation and rarefaction clicks and long tone-bursts of 1 kHz were used for stimulation. The latencies of the AP responses to click stimulation were evaluated.

Investigation of a novel algorithm for synchronized left-ventricular pacing and ambulatory optimization of cardiac resynchronization therapy : results of the adaptive CRT trial

BACKGROUND: In patients with sinus rhythm and normal atrioventricular conduction, pacing only the left ventricle with appropriate atrioventricular delays can result in superior left ventricular and right ventricular function compared with standard biventricular (BiV) pacing.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate a novel adaptive cardiac resynchronization therapy ((aCRT) algorithm for CRT pacing that provides auto

Design and validation of Segment - freely available software for cardiovascular image analysis

Background: Commercially available software for cardiovascular image analysis often has limited functionality and frequently lacks the careful validation that is required for clinical studies. We have already implemented a cardiovascular image analysis software package and released it as freeware for the research community. However, it was distributed as a stand-alone application and other researc

The effects of enalapril on the natriuretic response evoked by an oral sodium load in sodium deprived normotensive and hypertensive rats

Previous studies have shown that an oral sodium load during sodium deprivation is excreted faster than an intravenous load. We wanted to study whether the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system might be associated with this phenomenon and therefore the influence of the angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor enalapril was investigated. The experiments were performed on four strains of rat: spo

Changes in proteins, physical stability and structure in directly heated UHT milk during storage at different temperatures

Changes occurring in directly heated UHT milk were studied during storage at 5, 22, 30 and 40 °C. Industrially produced UHT milk samples were analysed for changes in enzymatic activity, protein modification, destabilisation of casein micelles and relocation of milk proteins in relation to sedimentation and gel formation. Sedimentation occurred at all temperatures, and the protein composition of th