

Din sökning på "*" gav 533525 sökträffar

Discrete-Time Trials for Tuning without a Model

Given a static plant described by a differentiable input-output function, which is completely unknown, but whose Jacobian takes values in a known polytope in the matrix space, we consider the problem of tuning the output (i.e., driving the output to a desired value), by suitably choosing the input. To this aim, we assume to have at our disposal a discrete sequence of trials only, as it happens, fo

Techniques for and consequences of using INSPIRE extensions : a case study with Swedish hydrological data

The demand for easily available geographic information is increasing in society. Moreover, knowledge of spatial data infrastructures (SDIs) has increased in many European governmental agencies, in large part because of the implementation of the INSPIRE directive. Many countries, thus, recognise the need to provide more detailed geographic information as network services at the national level. One

Norm Formation from the Inside of a Swedish Court

The overarching aim of this sociology of law study is to explore internal processes at a court to get deeper knowledge of norms within this legal organisation. The point of departure is a specific research interest in studying professional norms on ‘good treatment’ in a local court. Another aim is to study the importance that the internal professional norms have on the external treatment of visitoThe overarching aim of this sociology of law study is to explore internal processes at a court to get deeper knowledge of norms within this legal organisation. The point of departure is a specific research interest in studying professional norms on ‘good treatment’ in a local court. Another aim is to study the importance that the internal professional norms have on the external treatment of visito

N,N-dimethylacrylamide—A new sensitizer in the FreeStyle Libre glucose sensor

Background: Isobornyl acrylate (IBOA) has recently been identified as one sensitizer in the FreeStyle Libre glucose sensor. Analyses with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) have indicated the presence of N,N-dimethylacrylamide (DMAA) in the sensor. Material and methods: Seven patients were referred for patch testing after developing skin reactions when using FreeStyle Libre. All patients

'We got incredibly drunk... it was damned fun' : Drinking stories among Danish youth

Drinking stories are immensely popular among contemporary Danish youth. The stories are shared with much enthusiasm in school, at parties, over the telephone and via the Internet. But why are the young so compelled by these seemingly vulgar stories? Applying the theories of, most importantly, Bakhtin (1968), Ricoeur (1991), and Jackson (2002), this paper examines a sample of drinking stories that

Evening experiences versus drinking indicators as predictors of hangover on a summer holiday

Little is known about predictors of hangover symptoms. The subjective experience of the night out may influence the experience of hangover symptoms. We conducted a survey of 325 young men and women at a vacation resort during the daytime, administering subjects the Acute Hangover Scale (AHS) and asking questions about drinking and behaviors the night before. Half of the subjects reported feeling h

Party package travel : Alcohol use and related problems in a holiday resort: A mixed methods study

Background. People travelling abroad tend to increase their use of alcohol and other drugs. In the present study we describe organized party activities in connection with young tourists' drinking, and the differences between young people travelling with and without organized party activities. Methods. We conducted ethnographic observations and a cross-sectional survey in Sunny Beach, Bulgaria. Res

Metabolism of chylomicron phosphatidylethanolamine in the rat

10 min after intravenous injection of 32P-labelled chylomicrons 69% of the [32P]phosphatidylethanolamine, but only 34% of the [32P]phosphatidylcholine, was cleared from plasma. Over this time period the plasma phosphatidylethanolamine concentration that was increased after the chylomicron injection returned to normal, indicating that the rapid clearance of [32P]phosphatidylethanolamine was primari

Möten och icke-möten med blivande ämneslärare

Undervisning handlar i grunden om människor som möts. I de flesta undervisningssituationer etableras och knyts sociala band mellan lärare och elever och de inblandade aktörerna samverkar för att hitta en gemensam definition av undervisningssituationen. Men det finns också situationer där mötet tillintetgörs genom att den ena sidan (läraren eller eleven/eleverna) agerar asocialt responslöst, till f

Gamma-Ray Emitting Radionuclides in People Living in Northern Sub Arctic Regions

År 1960 upptäcktes Cesium-137-aktivitet från atmosfäriska kärnvapenprovvid mätningar på lågaktivitets laboratoriet iLund. Denna händelse initierade mätningar av den svenska samiska befolkningen och iprodukter från ren som betar i de svenska fjällen. En semi-bärbarhelkropps detektor konstruerades med en detektionsgräns för 137Cs som var tillräckligt bra för att mäta människor med högakroppskoncentrIn 1960 Caesium-137 activity from atmospheric nuclear weapons test was dis-covered in measurements at the whole body gamma-ray counting laboratory inLund. This event initiated measurements of the Swedish Sami population, and inproducts from reindeer that bite lichens in the Swedish mountains. A semi-portable whole-body counter designed with a detection limit for 137 Cs at high radiation background

"Babblarna" täljer guld av något som borde vara allmängods

Språkvetaren och specialpedagogen Irene Johansson utvecklade på 1970-talet en modell och ett material för språk- och talutveckling, den så kallade "Karlstadsmodellen", som därefter kommersialiserats genom produktionen av filmer, böcker, leksaker och andra artefakter, med den samlade rubriken "Babblarna". I den här artikeln presenteras några av Karlstadsmodellens grundförutsättningar: att den bygge