Din sökning på "*" gav 535428 sökträffar
Determinants of Success of Cross Border M&As from Emerging Markets-A Case Study of TCL and Videocon
Purpose: This thesis aims to develop conceptual implications from interpretation of theories and case study on cross border M&As conducted by firms from emerging market with focus on the perspectives of motivation, integration and performance. Methodology: This thesis is developed through a descriptive case study on two related cases from emerging markets. Detailed implications are derived fro
Does hedging of macroeconomic risk effect corporate credit ratings? - An empirical investigation on the role of hedging of macroeconomic risk by the use of derivatives in determining corporate credit ratings
Abstract Title: Does hedging of macroeconomic risk affect corporate credit ratings? - An empirical investigation on the role of hedging of macroeconomic risk by the use of derivatives in determining corporate credit ratings. Seminar date: June 7th 2010. Course: BUSM36 Degree Project in Corporate and Financial Management, 15 ECTS-credits. Authors: David Möller, Daniel Terike. Advisor: Lars Oxelheim
The Relationship between Domestic and Outward Foreign Direct Investment in China
The relationship between domestic investment and overseas investment has heavily analyzed before. With different situation, they get various results. Most of the analyses study the effect in the case of investments in developed countries, from high-production-cost home countries to low-cost host countries. In this study, we analyze this relationship in China, a low-cost host country. We use regres
Spårväg Lund C - Bjärred - En idéstudie
The thesis is a concept study on a tramway between Lund C - Bjärred. The purpose of this work is to develop possible routes for lightrail traffic between Lund C - Bjärred, and estimate the socio-economic profitability of these. A multi-criteria analysis has been conducted to study the soft parameters. In order to develop the possible routes, a field study has been conducted. The municipalities of
"How to use country-of-origin as a potential success factor when strengthen a brand on a foreign market" -a case study of Swedish high-quality design brands
Title: “How to use country-of-origin as a potential success factor when strengthen a brand on a foreign market” -a case study of Swedish high-quality design brands Date of the seminar: 2010-06-03 Course: BUSM08. Degree Project in International Marketing and Brand Management Authors: Emilie de Craene, Madeleine Larsson and Charlotta Samsson Advisor: Ulf Elg Keywords: country-of-origin, country imag
The Interplay of Consumer, Brand and Situation Characteristics within Brand Perception
Thesis purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to test and further develop the conceptual model of brand perception by analysing the role of the brand, consumer and situation characteristics in the consumer‟s perception of the brand. Furthermore, it shall be determined how the interplay of the three characteristics affects the consumer‟s perception. Methodology: To fulfil the pu
Gendered Politics of the Un-Fanged: An Analysis of the Representation of Women in Bram Stoker's Dracula and Dacre Stoker and Ian Holt's Sequel, Dracula: The Un-Dead
Right of the Child, Focusing on Treatment of Juvenile Delinquents in Turkey
Aliens and Labour Laws in East and Southeast Asia: Labour Rights of Low-skilled Migrant Workers in Singapore, South Korea and Japan
Japan has not officially accepted low-skilled foreign workers. Instead it has opened 'the backdoor' and accepted 'industrial trainees'. They are not given the status of workers and they are thus out of protections of labour laws. There have been many media report about abusive cases they suffered. In spite of that, the Japanese government has no intention to abolish the scheme. Wha
The Value of Liquidity - Do Investors Price Corporate Cash Concistently during the Buinsessn Cycle
Large, mature firms with lower asset volatility are found to be less influenced by cash ratios during the business cycle while the stock returns of all other firms are highly influenced. A positive relationship is established between the cash-ratio and stock performance, but no specific benefit of cash during downturns can be established for the entire sample. Favoured by cash in downturns are fir
Analyst Misestimations And The Predictability Of Stock Returns
En sammanfattning av uppsatsen på maximalt 8000 tecken.
Cloning as a Reflection of the Outlook on Society and Mankind: A Comparison Between the Fictional Dystopias in Aldous Huxley's Brave New World and Kazuo Ishiguro's Never Let Me Go
The Priest's Quest for Salvation in Graham Greene's The Power and the Glory
Ränteförändringarnas effekt på aktiepriset
Uppsatsens titel: Ränteförändringarnas effekt på aktiepriset Seminariedatum: 2010-06-01 Ämne: NEKK01, Examensarbete, Kandidatnivå 15 poäng Författare: Andreas Åberg och Carl Malmström Handledare: Erik Norrman Nyckelord: Ränteförändringar, aktieavkastning, aktievärdering, regressionsanalys. Syfte: Uppsatsens syfte är att utreda hur aktiepriset påverkas utav ränteförändringar och hur olik
I Love ECO – An Exploratory Study of Emotional Influences on the Purchase and Consumption of Eco-Products
This thesis provides insights into consumers´ emotions influen-cing the decision-making process when buying and consuming ecological grocery products. Based on a constructionist perspective and an abductive view on the relation between theory and research, a qualitative ap-proach has been applied in order to fulfill the purpose of this study and to obtain in-depth knowledge about consumers’ emotio
The Secret of Love: A Case of Lovemarks
Purpose: Our aim is to provide a better understanding of the love that consumers have for their brands and which factors that have an essential role in order to be a loved brand. Methodology: We have chosen to use an iterative approach to our qualitative study. Implementation of nine personal interviews has taken place, after a semi-structured approach. Theoretical perspective: The theories involv
Civil Society in Russia, Myth and Reality
Russia is a country in transition towards democracy. After a long period of economical and political suppression, people have a chance to participate in society's life, to affect the ruling government and to express their views more freely. However, in order for the democratic transition to continue, it is not enough to merely have a chance to participate and be active&semic there should b
New Plant Variety Protection, Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, and Access to Adequate Food in Developing World's 'Melting Pot'
Being a very important part of property per se, intellectual property is performing the duty of securing social development by providing incentives for inventors to create and thus benefit society. It is of no doubt this property should be protected. However, this protection should not encroach upon other rights, such as human rights, in particular the right to adequate food&semic thus, intell
Analysing the Employment Discrimination Phenomena in China From an International Human Rights Perspective -- Focusing on Hepatitis B-Based Discrimination
As stated in Article 26 of ICCPR, ''all persons are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to the equal protection of the law.'' The pursuit of equality and non-discrimination has been widely accepted not only as a formal principle but also binding substantive human rights. In 2003, the first Global Report by ILO on discrimination, Time for equality at wor