

Din sökning på "*" gav 535461 sökträffar

En revolterande generation? Kvinnospråkets utveckling i japanskan

Women’s language has been closely observed and criticized for several centuries in Japan. Its actual speech forms as well as their functions are constantly transforming. Even today young Japanese women’s way of speaking is often disapproved of and criticized for being too masculine. Many voices can be heard speaking of this development. In addition to the opinions of the masses this thesis will lo

Investering under konjunkturcykel

The purpose of this thesis is to study the benefits of investment with respect to economic conditions on the Swedish market. We analyze changes in the returns, volatility and correlations between the nine asset classes and investment styles during expansion and recession. Optimal portfolios are identified for both phases of the business cycle by optimizing the Sharpe ratio. The main results are co

Ursäkta, får jag uttrycka mitt missnöje? - Livsmedelsbutikers klagomålshantering i förhållande till forskningens ståndpunkter

Problem: Klagomålshantering är ett område som tagit stor plats i forskningen de senaste tjugo åren och det finns tydliga riktlinjer för effektiv hantering av klagomål. Däremot finns ringa forskning på hantering av klagomål i livsmedelsbutiker. Branschen kännetecknas av ökad konkurrens från lågpriskedjor. För livsmedelsbutiker med kvalitetsfokus blir följden krav på tydligare serviceperspektiv. Ett

Exploring the Cultural Trauma Theory

This is a study of the murder of the Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme, not as it actually occurred, but rather how it was mediated through representations in the media. The guiding research question is formulated as follows: Can the media representations of the murder of Olof Palme be understood as a case of an emergent trauma process? These representations covers only the first week after the mu

National Intellectual Capital: Examining the implications of intellectual capital elements in national and innovation system model context through a comparative study of Finland, Singapore and Malaysia

This paper seeks to examine the relationship between intellectual capital (IC) elements – human capital, market capital, process capital and renewal capital – and innovation system models (ISMs), on a national level, to determine if specific IC elements have a higher degree of influence in supporting economic competitiveness, and if both IC and ISM mutually influence and reinforce one another. Thr

Determinants of Success of Cross Border M&As from Emerging Markets-A Case Study of TCL and Videocon

Purpose: This thesis aims to develop conceptual implications from interpretation of theories and case study on cross border M&As conducted by firms from emerging market with focus on the perspectives of motivation, integration and performance. Methodology: This thesis is developed through a descriptive case study on two related cases from emerging markets. Detailed implications are derived fro

Does hedging of macroeconomic risk effect corporate credit ratings? - An empirical investigation on the role of hedging of macroeconomic risk by the use of derivatives in determining corporate credit ratings

Abstract Title: Does hedging of macroeconomic risk affect corporate credit ratings? - An empirical investigation on the role of hedging of macroeconomic risk by the use of derivatives in determining corporate credit ratings. Seminar date: June 7th 2010. Course: BUSM36 Degree Project in Corporate and Financial Management, 15 ECTS-credits. Authors: David Möller, Daniel Terike. Advisor: Lars Oxelheim

The Relationship between Domestic and Outward Foreign Direct Investment in China

The relationship between domestic investment and overseas investment has heavily analyzed before. With different situation, they get various results. Most of the analyses study the effect in the case of investments in developed countries, from high-production-cost home countries to low-cost host countries. In this study, we analyze this relationship in China, a low-cost host country. We use regres

Spårväg Lund C - Bjärred - En idéstudie

The thesis is a concept study on a tramway between Lund C - Bjärred. The purpose of this work is to develop possible routes for lightrail traffic between Lund C - Bjärred, and estimate the socio-economic profitability of these. A multi-criteria analysis has been conducted to study the soft parameters. In order to develop the possible routes, a field study has been conducted. The municipalities of

"How to use country-of-origin as a potential success factor when strengthen a brand on a foreign market" -a case study of Swedish high-quality design brands

Title: “How to use country-of-origin as a potential success factor when strengthen a brand on a foreign market” -a case study of Swedish high-quality design brands Date of the seminar: 2010-06-03 Course: BUSM08. Degree Project in International Marketing and Brand Management Authors: Emilie de Craene, Madeleine Larsson and Charlotta Samsson Advisor: Ulf Elg Keywords: country-of-origin, country imag

The Interplay of Consumer, Brand and Situation Characteristics within Brand Perception

Thesis purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to test and further develop the conceptual model of brand perception by analysing the role of the brand, consumer and situation characteristics in the consumer‟s perception of the brand. Furthermore, it shall be determined how the interplay of the three characteristics affects the consumer‟s perception. Methodology: To fulfil the pu

Aliens and Labour Laws in East and Southeast Asia: Labour Rights of Low-skilled Migrant Workers in Singapore, South Korea and Japan

Japan has not officially accepted low-skilled foreign workers. Instead it has opened 'the backdoor' and accepted 'industrial trainees'. They are not given the status of workers and they are thus out of protections of labour laws. There have been many media report about abusive cases they suffered. In spite of that, the Japanese government has no intention to abolish the scheme. Wha

The Value of Liquidity - Do Investors Price Corporate Cash Concistently during the Buinsessn Cycle

Large, mature firms with lower asset volatility are found to be less influenced by cash ratios during the business cycle while the stock returns of all other firms are highly influenced. A positive relationship is established between the cash-ratio and stock performance, but no specific benefit of cash during downturns can be established for the entire sample. Favoured by cash in downturns are fir