

Din sökning på "*" gav 529424 sökträffar

Labor-market status and first-time parenthood: The experience of female minorities in the United States, 1979-2012

Background. The United States has been a diverse country since it is establishment. The effects of socioeconomic characteristics including immigration, age, employment status, educational attainment on total fertility rate have been discussed in the previous studies. Objective. The objectives in this study are to explore whether the difference in the timings of first childbirth among Hispanic wome

C-terminal TFPI-1-derived peptides: their evolutionary host defense functions

Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are evolutionarily ancient molecules. They are essential innate immune response molecules that protect organisms from invading pathogens. Tissue factor pathway inhibitors (TFPI-1 and TFPI-2) C-terminal derived peptides exert host defense mechanisms against microbes. Studies showed that in human plasma, C-terminal TFPI-1 and -2 derived peptides mediate bacterial killin

Klarspråk i praktiken : begriplighet i ett receptionsperspektiv

Detta examensarbete beskriver läsares upplevelser av begripligheten hos en originalversion och en klarspråksbearbetad version av en text. Ur ett receptionsperspektiv undersöks både hur läsare relaterar texternas begriplighet till språkliga och innehållsliga aspekter samt hur dessa uppfattningar kan hänga samman med läsarnas erfarenheter och förväntningar. Undersökningens empiriska och viktigaste d

Nano products, Small companies, Big challenges: An exploration of the value of sustainability assessments for nano-companies

There is a global demand for sustainable industrial development and a call to make manufacturing “greener”. Nanotechnologies are in a promising position to be early adopters of this concept. Advancements in the nanomaterial industry can help confront global issues, and aid in sustainable development that enables positive economic, environmental, and social changes. Formal evaluation of a product’s

Fundamentalers Påverkan på Svenska Kronkursen-En ARDL-approach

Syftet med uppsatsen är att ta reda på hur olika fundamentala bestämningsfaktorer har påverkat den svenska kronkursen under perioden Q1 1996 till Q4 2015. Modeller som strävar efter att bestämma växelkursens förklaringsfaktorer har genom historien ofta haft missvisande resultat. En anledning till detta är att data på variablerna ofta är av icke-stationär typ och vanliga OLS-regressioner som genomf

"Jag berättade inte för någon och ingen frågade hur jag mådde"

The aim of this study was to highlight how in personal blogs people who grew up with one or both parents that misused alcohol or drugs narrated and described their experiences of how their daily lives was when they lived at home, how they cope with difficulties that occurred and how they described their past has affected their physical development in adulthood. The method I chose to analyze this w

Omgivningens responser på mäns berättelser om aggressionsproblematik och hur män berättar om det för andra- en empirisk studie om våld i nära relationer

Författare: Anki Rasmusson Fasth Titel: ”Det handlar om separationen, vi har en besvärlig separation” Omgivningens responser på mäns berättelser om aggressionsproblematik och hur män berättar om det för andra- en empirisk studie om våld i nära relationer Handledare: Susanne Boethius Kurskod: SOCK 04 Denna studie ämnar uppmärksamma fenomenet våld i nära relationer med utgångspunkt i män som har sök

Synthesis of sialic acid analoges for investigation of antagonistic activity against bacterial sialic acid transporters

Sialic acids are monosaccharides commonly located towards the end of the glycans in the human cell membrane. Therefore, sialic acids are in direct contact with the surroundings of the cell and are important antigens involved in the identification of human cells for the immune system. Some pathogenic bacteria have developed mechanisms for absorbing this sugar, and can use it to glycosylate their li

Universalism vs Women's Rights: A critical discussion on gender-specific human rights regulation

When founding the modern human rights protection, the UN did to a great extent have focus on protecting men and men’s rights, even though one of the core principles of human rights is their universality. Over the past few decades work has been done to include women’s perspectives in the human rights protection. The UN has chosen a dual strategy, where women’s rights are both protected in gender-sp

Idrott i socialt utredningsarbete - hur då? Socialsekreterares förhållningssätt till ungdomars idrottande

Sports has been shown to have great potential on influencing youths social, physical and psychological development. But there has been a smaller interest for the developmental aspects of sports for socially vulnerable youths. In social services investigative work with youths there seem to be opportunities for social workers to look in to aspects of sports potential for socially vulnerable youth. T

En jämförelse av algoritmer och resultat för flödesberäkning i QGIS/GRASS och ArcGIS

Efterfrågan på nybyggnation och behovet av infrastruktursatsningar är en ständig och stor uppgift som kommuner och andra myndigheter arbetar med. Stora krav ställs på att samhällsplaneringen ska ske utifrån ett långsiktigt hållbart perspektiv. Att intensiva och omfattande regn har blivit allt vanligare på senare tid resulterar i att samhällsplaneringen måste anpassas därefter, och flödesanalyser oThe government and municipalities of Sweden are responsible for the huge task of meeting the need of constructional and infrastructural investments. While planning and managing the land they are required to do so with long term perspectives. As intense and voluminous downpours have become common lately, the city planning and land management have to be adapted to this, which leads to flow analyses

Hur jobbigt är det att jobba tillsammans? En kvantitativ undersökning av effekten av att medvetandegöra group efficacy hos arbetsteam i teknologibranschen

In the ever-evolving field of technology, teamwork is as important than ever to stay ahead of the competition. The need for new and fast ways to increase team efficiency is growing within the technology sector. With research showing that a big contributor to team efficiency is group efficacy, the perception that your team has what it takes to handle any coming situations, this research aims to gai

Why isn't there enough housing?

In 1947 the municipalities in Sweden received the monopoly to decide on and plan their land. Despite this, over 80 percent of the municipalities in Sweden say they experience lack of housing today. This thesis applies The Homevoter Hypothesis introduced by William A. Fischel in 2001 to try to explain why some municipalities are not able to construct enough housing for their inhabitants. The hypoth

Det är i mötet vi blir människor - En studie av ett forum på internet

Den sociala interaktionen är i ständig förändring och påverkas av de förutsättningar för interaktion som de interagerande individerna har. Under de senaste tio åren har en stor del av den sociala interaktionen flyttat till internet, och det är rimligt att anta att förutsättningarna på internet påverkar interaktionen där. Utifrån ett interaktionistiskt perspektiv avser denna studie undersöka hu

InAs and high-k oxides, a scanning tunnelling study of their interfaces

In order for semiconductor materials to be suitable for implementation in new and progressive devices they have to be of better electronic characteristics than currently used materials, and maintain these once treated and put into action. It is important to verify that bulk characteristics are not hindered at the surface when a given semiconductor is put in contact with another material due to nec

Reactive Ion Etching of Silicon using F-based chemistry - Exploring the Limits

Dry Etching is widely used in nanoprocessing as a method of pattern transfer onto a hard substrate, like silicon. Improving the resolution of this etch process is an important step in reducing the feature size in, for instance, computer microchips, or Nanoimprint Lithography stamps. TheReactiveIonEtcheratLundUniversityhasrecentlybeenupgradedwithaturbo molecular pump. This allows for lower pressure

Internal crisis communication and employee engagement: A closer look at multinational companies

Internal crisis communication has remarkably been neglected both in research and in practice, even if there are studies that claim that internal stakeholders have a pivotal role during a crisis. This study aims to understand how multinationals use internal crisis communication and in what way they engage with their employees before, during, and after a crisis. Using the contingency theory of accom

Den digitala klädbranschen

Det är inte längre en nyhet att e-handeln tar över retailbranschen. Omvandlingen har lett till att de väletablerade varumärkena hamnar i kaosartade situationer vilket kan leda till risker och vidare kan dessutom varumärket bli färgat. Forskare har tidigare intresserat sig utav hur de nyetablerade varumärkena, med moderna strategier och digitaliseringens medvind, tagit allt större plats på marknade