

Din sökning på "*" gav 529684 sökträffar

Binary Statistics from Hipparcos

Book abstract: The book reviews recent observations of non-evolved and evolved binary populations in clusters and the field with special emphasis on statistical biases, incompleteness and distribution functions. Different binary types are considered: cataclysmic variables, super-soft X-ray sources, double degenerate binaries, Algol-type binaries, Be binaries, X-ray binaries, and Wolf-Rayet binarie

Directional Analysis of Vehicle-to-Vehicle Propagation in Different Traffic Environments

This paper presents a double directional analysis of vehicle-to-vehicle channel measurements conducted in two different traffic environments. Using a high-resolution algorithm, we derive channel parameters like angle-of- arrival, angle-of-departure, propagation delay and Doppler’s spread and identify underlying propagation mechanisms by combining these estimates with maps of the measurement sites.

On the evaluation of layer potentials close to their sources

When solving elliptic boundary value problems using integral equation methods one may need to evaluate potentials represented by a convolution of discretized layer density sources against a kernel. Standard quadrature accelerated with a fast hierarchical method for potential field evaluation gives accurate results far away from the sources. Close to the sources this is not so. Cancellation and nea

Fantastiska fröknar. Studier av lärarinnegestalter i svensk skönlitteratur

Popular Abstract in Swedish Giftaslystna guvernanter, profitinriktade pensionföreståndarinnor, flickskolelärarinnor som arbetar för rösträtt, småskollärarinnor som blir överfallna i ensliga skolor på landet, folkskollärarinnor som blir med barn och gymnasielärarinnor som älskar sina elever - i Fantastiska fröknar presenteras en rad olika kvinnoöden, alltifrån Emma Rönnqvist i Fredrika Bremers PresThis dissertation deals with women teachers in Swedish fiction by both male and female authors in the period from 1830 to 2003. It presents and discusses life narratives of individual fictional teachers in 127 texts. The study is organised chronologically and thematically and includes the historical and cultural framework. It should be seen as a contribution to the debate about the value of using

Between the Holocaust and Trianon - Historical Culture in Hungary

The innocuous place of Hungary’s Jews in the historical culture of the country from 1945 to 2004 is an indication that the Holocaust has not set its stamp on this culture. It is noteworthy that in the last decade of the Kádár regime, there was a strong interest in Hungary in the fate of the Hungarians in the territories that had been lost at Trianon. This interest was an important factor in Hungar

Narkotikamissbruk : debatt, behandling och begrepp

I såväl narkotikadebatt som i möten med personer som använder narkotika återkommer vissa företeelser och begrepp. Innebörd och mening tas många gånger för givna, vilket ofta leder till en brist-fällig och onyanserad förståelse av fenomenet. Denna bok diskuterar, problematiserar och analyserar en rad centrala frågor inom narkotikamissbruk ur samhällsvetenskapliga perspektiv. Bland annat diskuteras

Growth cycles. Transformation and regional development

Departing from the renewed interest within economic history and neo-Schumpeterian perspectives on growth and economic transformation, we will suggest a theoretical framework for analyzing long term regional economic growth and transformation. Emphasis will be given to different driving forces and their various roles over time, lead-lag relations between industries and how divergence and convergenc