

Din sökning på "*" gav 531346 sökträffar

A novel approach to monoclonal antibody separation using high performance liquid affinity chromatography (HPLAC) with SelectiSpher-10 protein G

Protein G, a bacterial cell wall protein extracted from strains of Streptococci, has been employed as a ligand in high performance liquid affinity chromatography (HPLAC) for separation of monoclonal antibodies. Examples are given of rapid high-resolution separations of rat and mouse monoclonal antibodies belonging to various subclasses. In comparison with protein A chromatography, we were able to

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A published investigation in 1961 of the vegetation on 10 burial mounds in southern Zealand was repeated in 2000. The burial mounds were situated as islands in the intensively used arable landscape. It is likely that such small fragments receive great inputs of Nitrogen by wet deposition and spill-over of artificial fertiliser from the surrounding fields. It was hypothesised that burial mounds in

Evaluating Numerical ODE/DAE Methods, Algorithms and Software

Until recently, the testing of ODE/DAE software has been limited to simple comparisons and benchmarking. The process of developing software from a mathematically specified method is complex: it entails constructing control structures and objectives, selecting iterative methods and termination criteria, choosing norms and many more decisions. Most software constructors have taken a heuristic approa

Demokrati i EU. Demokratirådets rapport 2003.

Europa är i dag platsen för ett stort politiskt experiment. Frågan är om det går att skapa ett medborgarnas Europa. Uppgiften är att samtidigt demokratisera, konstitutionalisera och effektivisera Europeiska unionen. 2003 års rapport från Demokratirådet diskuterar med utgångspunkt från EU:s framtidskonvent den pågående reformprocessen och Sveriges bidrag till denna europeiska framtidsdebatt.

Reconstruction of 3D-Curves from 2D-Images Using Affine Shape Methods for Curves

In this paper, we propose an algorithm for doing reconstruction of general 3D-curves from a number of 2D-images taken by uncalibrated cameras. No point correspondences between the images are assumed. The curve and the view points are uniquely reconstructed, modulo common projective transformations and the point correspondence problem is solved. Furthermore, the algorithm is independent of the choi

Standardization of antibody preparations for use in immunogenicity studies: a case study using the World Health Organization International Collaborative Study for Islet Cell Antibodies.

The immunogenicity of biological therapeutic products is currently a high profile regulatory and biotechnology industry issue. The immune responses raised against biotechnology products range from the benign, to affecting product efficacy, to those that have serious deleterious clinical impact. The most widely used marker of immunogenicity is the detection and measurement of antibody responses ind

Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide in the PMSG-primed immature rat ovary and its effect on ovulation in the isolated rat ovary perfused in vitro

The immature rat ovary contains VIP immunoreactive nerve fibres sparsely distributed around blood vessels, in the interstitial gland and around follicles. The VIP concentration, measured radioimmunologically, decreased significantly after PMSG treatment (10 i.u.), probably due to ovarian enlargement and oedema, while the total VIP content (total of 0.12 pmol in both ovaries) did not change after P

Öppna universum! : slutna traditioner i Salman Rushdies Satansverserna

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling i islamologi visar hur Salman Rushdies roman Satansverserna (1988) gestaltar frågeställningar om religion, nationalitet, ras och om makt, kompromiss och autenticitet i en samtid där globala processer har lett till nya sätt att uppfatta och förhålla sig till olika traditioner. Avhandlingen visar hur Satansverserna skildrar hur människan uppfattar sig sjäThis thesis in islamology shows how Salman Rushdie's novel The Satanic Verses (1988) examines questions concerning religion, nationality, race, and power, compromise and authenticity in a time when different global processes have created new ways of perceiving and relating to different traditions. It examines how The Satanic Verses portrays how people apprehend themselves and others when the condi

Stability of vortex structures in quantum dots

We study the stability and structure of vortices emerging in two-dimensional quantum dots in high magnetic fields. Our results obtained with exact diagonalization and density-functional calculations show that vortex structures can be found in various confining potentials. In nonsymmetric external potentials we find off-electron vortices that are localized giving rise to charge deficiency or holes

Neuropsychological performance differs between type 1 diabetic and normal men during insulin-induced hypoglycaemia

Cerebral function was measured with a neuropsychological test battery before, during, and after insulin-induced hypoglycaemia (blood glucose approximately 2.0 mmol l-1) in 10 male Type 1 diabetic patients (age 20-43 years, duration of diabetes 14 (2-30) years) and in 12 normal men. There were no group differences in neuropsychological results at normal glucose levels. Significant effects of hypogl

Self-assessed and directly measured occupational physical activities - influence of musculoskeletal complaints, age and gender

This study compares questionnaire assessed physical activity with direct technical measurements among cleaners and office workers, stratified regarding age, gender and self-reported neck/shoulder complaints. During two full working days number of steps was recorded by a pedometer, sitting/standing positions by a posimeter and heart rate by a Sport-Tester. In addition the subjects kept a work task

Clinical tests on impairment level related to low back pain: A study of test reliability

The objectives of the study were, in a working population, to standardize and evaluate a set of clinical tests on impairment level related to the low back with reference to intra- and inter-rater reliability. The study was undertaken in two steps. In step 1, 15 tests were examined for inter-rater reliability by three pairs of physiotherapists and for intra-rater reliability by one physiotherapist.

Characterization of intersubband devices combining a nonequilibrium many body theory with transmission spectroscopy experiments

In this paper we apply a microscopic nonequilibrium many body Keldysh Green's functions approach to an analysis of complex intersubband optical materials and devices. The calculated absorption/gain spectra are in very good agreement with transmission spectroscopy measurements of quantum cascade laser structures operating in the mid-infrared (midIR). The very good agreement reached between theoreti

Amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLP) reveal details of polyploid evolution in Dactylorhiza (Orchidaceae)

The utility of the PCR-based AFLP technique (polymerase chain reactions amplified fragment length polymorphisms) was explored in elucidating details of polyploid evolution in the Eurasian orchid genus Dactylorhiza. We emphasized Swedish taxa but also included some material from the British Isles and elsewhere in Europe. Three different sets of primers, amplifying different subsets of restriction f

Interchain effects in the ultrafast photophysics of a semiconducting polymer: THz time-domain spectroscopy of thin films and isolated chains in solution

We compare the generation and decay dynamics of charges and excitons in a model polymer semiconductor (MEH-PPV) in solution and drop-cast thin films, by recording the sub-ps transient complex conductivity using THz time-domain spectroscopy. The results show that the quantum efficiency of charge generation is two orders of magnitude smaller in solution (~10–5) than in the solid film (~10–3). The pr