

Din sökning på "*" gav 530343 sökträffar

Test Planning for Core-based 3D Stacked ICs with Through-Silicon Vias

Test planning for core-based 3D stacked ICs with trough-silicon vias (3D TSV-SIC) is different from test planning for non-stacked ICs as the same test schedule cannot be applied both at wafer sort and package test. In this paper, we assume a test flow where each chip is tested individually at wafer sort and jointly at package test. We define cost functions and test planning optimization algorithms

Chemical reacting transport phenomena and multiscale models for SOFCs

Electrochemical reactions at the anode triple phase boundary (TPB) proceed on the basis of the fuel concentration, which depends on transport processes within the porous anode and the heterogeneous reforming chemistry. Microscale modeling is needed to describe these interactions with an acceptable accuracy. The aim of this article is to investigate if it is possible to use a multiscale approach to

Bivalence and future contingency

This work presents an overview of four different approaches to the problem of future contingency and determinism in temporal logics. All of them are bivalent, viz. they share the assumption that propositions concerning future contingent facts have a determinate truth-value (true or false). We introduce Ockhamism, Peirceanism, Actualism and T x W semantics, the four most relevant bivalent alternati

Reduction of the structure-acoustic problem using normal modes and lanczos vectors

The coupled structure-acoustic problem is studied using the finite element method. An efficient strategy for solving the coupled eigenvalue problem is proposed. The strategy uses a limited number of the uncoupled structural normal modes and acoustic fluid normal modes together with a set of interface-dependant Lanczos vectors for each domain to reduce the coupled problem. The Lanczos vectors are c

Ordets hydda i Babel, Alexandria, Hippo och Lissabon. Om teodicén som hermeneutisk metod

We are constantly reminded of the problem of evil. There are a number of models to cope with theodicy, but the problem with most of them is that, in different ways, they tend to legitimate evil and accuse the victims. In this article it is suggested that theodicy may serve as a hermeneutical key when reading often marginalised or misunderstood text belonging to the Jewish and Christian traditions.

Höra hemma : familj och social förändring i svensk radioserieteater från 1930-talet till 1990-talet

Among the formats introduced in Swedish radio in the 1930s, the theatre series about contemporary family life has turned out an exceptional survivor. The first family series, ”Ingenjör Björck med familj” (1936-1943), was followed by 22 related series during the rest of the 20th century, each cultivating its own intimate and ritual based bond with the listeners. The dissertation ”Höra hemma. Familj

Electron Donor Systems in Natural and Artificial Photosynthesis

Popular Abstract in Swedish Fotosyntesen är den process i växter, alger och fotoautotrofa bakterier, där solljusets energi fångas i kemiska föreningar och levande materia. Avsikten med konstgjord fotosyntes är på lång sikt att framställa bränsle (t ex vätgas) med hjälp av solenergi och vatten, enligt fotosyntesens principer. I växter är den centrala principen för denna process, som är den viktigasPhotosynthesis is the process by which light energy is converted into chemical products, in photoautotrophic bacteria, algae and plants. The principal idea is the production of reducing agents by photo-induced oxidation of a sacrificial electron donor. Photosystem II in plants, algae and cyanobacteria, absorbs light and catalyzes the oxidation of water, liberating electrons that are used to form r