

Din sökning på "*" gav 529364 sökträffar

Skillnader i brandförekomst inom och mellan olika storstadsområden – en statistisk analys

Följande rapport är genomförd inom forskningsprojektet Bostadsbränder i storstadsområden - rumsliga skillnader och brandsäkerhetsarbete i den socialt fragmenterade staden. Projektet är finansierat av MSB och har Institutionen för Urbana studier på Malmö universitet och Institutionen för kulturgeografi och ekonomisk geografi vid Lunds universitet som bas. I denna rapport presenteras skillnader i br

On modal excitation using capacitive coupling elements and matching network

A resonant characteristic mode (CM) is useful for antenna design if it is properly excited and well matched to the source. In this paper, we consider the feed design for the excitation of the fundamental CM of a rectangular chassis. The tradeoff between the required number of capacitive coupling elements (CCE) and matching elements used for achieving a given antenna bandwidth is studied. The resul

How good are pathogenicity predictors in detecting benign variants?

Computational tools are widely used for interpreting variants detected in sequencing projects. The choice of these tools is critical for reliable variant impact interpretation for precision medicine and should be based on systematic performance assessment. The performance of the methods varies widely in different performance assessments, for example due to the contents and sizes of test datasets.

Effective delivery of the anti-mycobacterial peptide NZX in mesoporous silica nanoparticles

Background Intracellular delivery of antimicrobial agents by nanoparticles, such as mesoporous silica particles (MSPs), offers an interesting strategy to treat intracellular infections. In tuberculosis (TB), Mycobacterium tuberculosis avoids components of the immune system by residing primarily inside alveolar macrophages, which are the desired target for TB therapy. Methods and findings We have p

Health-related quality of life in adults with cerebral palsy living in Sweden and relation to demographic and disability-specific factors

Background: The knowledge base on health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in adults with cerebral palsy (CP) is small and inconsistent. Objective: The aim was to study HRQoL in adults with CP stratified on demographic and disability-specific factors using both experience- and hypothetical-based value-sets. Methods: Cross-sectional study based on registry data from the Swedish follow-up program CPUP

Convenient Food for Baby: A Study of Weaning as a Social Practice

This article reports findings from a study of weaning from a perspective informed by practice theory. The overall aim is to examine how parents integrate convenience baby food into their everyday feeding practices. The focus is the embedding of convenience baby foods in the routines and rhythms of everyday life and the “do-ability” of different practices. The study is based on fieldwork with ninet

Moved by my body

Objectives: Young adults with autism have a different way to develop in body and movement. Do the experiences of body and movement consist with physiotherapeutic findings, in order to guide understanding and interventions?Method: The study involved eleven participants with autism, 16-22 years old, who told about their experiences. They were also examined concerning motor proficiency with Bruininks

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Lifestyle factors are important for clinical outcome. Systematic and early identification of these factors is important in order to offer relevant lifestyle intervention programmes. The objective was to evaluate whether basic registration of risk factors was understandable, applicable and sufficient in the clinical workday.

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Daily smokers and heavy drinkers develop two to four times more complications after major as well as minor surgery. Increased postoperative morbidity is probably due to tobacco and alcohol-related organ dysfunctions which are, however, reversible during abstinence. Preoperative smoking cessation intervention for six to eight weeks significantly reduces postoperative complications after knee and hi

Multinomial approximation to the Kolmogorov Forward Equation for jump (population) processes

We develop a simulation method for Markov Jump processes with finite time steps based in a quasilinear approximation of the process and in multinomial random deviates. The second order approximation to the generating function, Error$=O(dt^{2})$, is developed in detailand an algorithm is presented. The algorithm is implemented for a Susceptible-Infected-Recovered-Susceptible (SIRS) epidemic model a

Assignment and Control of Two-Tiered Vehicle Traffic

This work considers the assignment of vehicle traffic consisting of both individual, opportunistic vehicles and a cooperative fleet of vehicles. The first set of vehicles seek a user-optimal policy and the second set seeks a fleet-optimal policy. We provide explicit sufficient conditions for the existence and uniqueness of a Nash equilibrium at which both policies are satisfied.We also propose two