

Din sökning på "*" gav 531169 sökträffar

The regional aerosol-climate model REMO-HAM

REMO-HAM is a new regional aerosol-climate model. It is based on the REMO regional climate model and includes most of the major aerosol processes. The structure for aerosol is similar to the global aerosol-climate model ECHAM5-HAM, for example the aerosol module HAM is coupled with a two-moment stratiform cloud scheme. On the other hand, REMO-HAM does not include an online coupled aerosol-radiatio

Pathways to future cropland : Assessing uncertainties in socio-economic processes by applying a global land-use model

Den globala jordbruksproduktionen har de senaste fem decennierna nästan tredubblats. Produktionsökningen beror på ett allt intensivare jordbruk samt konvertering av naturliga ekosystem till jordbruksmark. Intensifieringen av jordbruket har skett genom ökad användning av högavkastande grödor, mekanisering, bevattning, konstgödsel och bekämpningsmedel. Både intensivare jordbruk och expansionen av joGlobal agricultural production almost tripled within the last five decades. The production increase wasbased on expanding cropland and pastures, as well as the intensification of agriculture, including increased use ofhigh yielding crop varieties, machinery, irrigation, artificial fertilisers, and pesticides. Both, agriculturalintensification and the expansion of agricultural land-use lead to envi

Könsinkluderande språk i nästa svenska bibelöversättning

Gender-inclusive language has been consciously applied in almost all significant English Bible translations over the last thirty years. It has only recently been introduced into Swedish Bible translation practices, however, with the test translation of Luke 9:51–19:28 and Galatians issued by the Swedish Bible Society. This fact signals that the next Swedish Bible translation will implement gender-

Bäckaskog - a Norbertine Abbey in the Circary of Denmark and Norway

In the twelfth century the Norbertine order was introduced in parts of Scandinavia. One initiator in the north was Eskil, the powerful archbishop of Lund. However, in the beginning of the thirteenth century the mendicant orders were introduced by successors to the archbishopric. This led to a general decline of other orders. In spite of that the Norbertines managed to prosper in Bäckaskog, an abbeIn the twelfth century the Norbertine order was introduced in parts of Scandinavia. One initiator in the north was Eskil, the powerful archbishop of Lund. However, in the beginning of the thirteenth century the mendicant orders were introduced by successors to the archbishopric. This led to a general decline of other orders. In spite of that the Norbertines managed to prosper in Bäckaskog, an abbe

Disentangling the visual cues used by a jumping spider to locate its microhabitat

Many arthropod species have evolved to thrive only on the leaves of a particular species of plant, which they must be capable of finding in order to survive accidental displacement, developmental transitions, or the changing of the seasons. A number of studies have tested whether such species select leaves to land or oviposit on based on their color, shape, or size. Unfortunately, many studies did

Group concept mapping for evaluation and development in nursing education

The value of course evaluations has been debated since they frequently fail to capture the complexity of education and learning. Group Concept Mapping (GCM), a participant-centred mixed-method was explored as a tool for evaluation and development in nursing education and to better understand students' learning experiences, using data from a GCM-based evaluation of a research training assignment in

Guaranteed dominant pole placement with PID controllers

Pole placement is a well-established design method for linear control systems. Note however that with an output feedback controller of low-order such as the PID controller one cannot achieve arbitrary pole placement for a high-order or delay system, and then partially or hopefully, dominant pole placement becomes the only choice. To the best of the authors' knowledge, no method is available in the

Quantification of Campylobacter spp. in chicken rinse samples by using flotation prior to real-time PCR

Real-time PCR is fast, sensitive, specific, and can deliver quantitative data; however, two disadvantages are that this technology is sensitive to inhibition by food and that it does not distinguish between DNA originating from viable, viable nonculturable (VNC), and dead cells. For this reason, real-time PCR has been combined with a novel discontinuous buoyant density gradient method, called flot