

Din sökning på "*" gav 529364 sökträffar

Mat, myter och maskiner

Bakom våra mest vardagliga livsmedel ligger en lång och fängslande historia. Varför gav sig pälsjägaren Birdseye ut på Alaskas iskalla vidder, på jakt efter en perfekt fryst ärta? Hur kunde Herbert Felix göra succé med en ketchupfabrik i Skåne – trots att det var omöjligt att odla tomater där? Här får du lära dig varför luft blev den avgörande ingrediensen i glass, oavsett om det upptäcktes av Dji

Selective Oxidation of 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural to 5-Hydroxymethyl-2-furancarboxylic Acid Using Gluconobacter oxydans

5-Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF), an important biobased platform chemical, can be potentially oxidized to several products that can serve as versatile building blocks for polymers. 5-Hydroxymethyl-2-furan carboxylic acid (HMFCA) is formed by incomplete oxidation of HMF but the reaction often suffers from substrate inhibition and overoxidation to other products. In this study, resting cells of Glucon

Assessment of cooling integration with direct cooled windings

This paper presents and assesses the cooling integration of medium size electrical machines with distributed hair-pin type of windings. By introducing a hollow or profiled conductor the generated heat can be removed right where it is created. The cooling duct in conductor that can be connected either to series or parallel cooling flows increases DC resistance up to 1.5 times when comparing commerc

Making use of educational research in higher education-academic teachers engaged in translational research

Why do not academic teachers more frequently use results from education, psychology, cognitive sciences, and related fields while planning, carrying out, and evaluating teaching? It has been argued that if only they did, education would improve. It has further been argued that results from these fields are not communicated in ways suitable for teachers from other disciplines, and therefore there i

What characterizes a system builder? The role of local energy companies in energy system transformation

This article focuses on the development of sustainable energy systems in the Swedish local context and, specifically, on the actors that have proved to be crucial for such transitions: municipally owned energy companies. With the theoretical lens inspired by LTS's (large technical systems), the concept of the system builder was analyzed for the purpose of further understanding what characterizes t

Strategies and Implications for Network Participation in Regional Climate and Energy Planning

Regional climate and energy planning in Sweden has long been fairly weak. Starting in 2008, however, the regional administrative level was strengthened, when the County Administrative Boards (CABs) were commissioned to develop regional climate and energy strategies. Coordinating and involving various stakeholders in the strategy work was essential to the assignment. The process of developing these

Energy saving

In this article, we discuss how energy-efficient technology is adopted and domesticated in households. To reach the political goals on energy efficiency, both technological and behavioural changes are needed. We will discuss how new technology is integrated in families' everyday lives and which barriers and enablers arise in relation to technology diffusion. Energy saving issues are illustrated us

New satellite-based estimates show significant trends in spring phenology and complex sensitivities to temperature and precipitation at northern European latitudes

Recent climate warming has altered plant phenology at northern European latitudes, but conclusions regarding the spatial patterns of phenological change and relationships with climate are still challenging as quantitative estimates are strongly diverging. To generate consistent estimates of broad-scale spatially continuous spring plant phenology at northern European latitudes (> 50° N) from 2000

10Be and Cosmogenic Radionuclides in Ice Cores

This article summarizes the processes that are responsible for cosmogenic radionuclide variations in ice cores and the results that can be inferred from these records. The article starts with the production in the atmosphere caused by the influx of galactic cosmic ray particles and its modulation by the solar and geomagnetic fields. Subsequently, the geochemical behavior of cosmogenic radionuclide

Carbonate-sensitive phytotransferrin controls high-affinity iron uptake in diatoms

In vast areas of the ocean, the scarcity of iron controls the growth and productivity of phytoplankton. Although most dissolved iron in the marine environment is complexed with organic molecules, picomolar amounts of labile inorganic iron species (labile iron) are maintained within the euphotic zone and serve as an important source of iron for eukaryotic phytoplankton and particularly for diatoms.

Ecosystem carbon response of an Arctic peatland to simulated permafrost thaw

Permafrost peatlands are biogeochemical hot spots in the Arctic as they store vast amounts of carbon. Permafrost thaw could release part of these long-term immobile carbon stocks as the greenhouse gases (GHGs) carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) and methane (CH 4 ) to the atmosphere, but how much, at which time-span and as which gaseous carbon species is still highly uncertain. Here we assess the effect of

The Furongian (late Cambrian) Biodiversity Gap : Real or apparent?

Two major, extended diversifications punctuated the evolution of marine life during the Early Palaeozoic. The interregnum, however, between the Cambrian Explosion and the Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event, is exemplified by the Furongian Gap when there was a marked drop in biodiversity. It is unclear whether the gap is apparent, due to sampling failure or lack of rock, or real — associated

Long Term Behaviour of a Reversible System of Interacting Random Walks

This paper studies the long-term behaviour of a system of interacting random walks labelled by vertices of a finite graph. We show that the system undergoes phase transitions, with different behaviour in various regions, depending on model parameters and properties of the underlying graph. We provide the complete classification of the long-term behaviour of the corresponding continuous time Markov

Two Ultra-Low Power MM-Wave Push-Pull VCOs in FD-SOI CMOS

Two low-power mm-wave voltage controlled oscillators (VCOs) designed in a 28-nm fully-depleted silicon-on-insulator (FD-SOI) CMOS process are demonstrated, using a push-pull differential architecture. Measurement show that the first VCO has a 10.8% tuning rage centered at 30.3 GHz, and the second has a 8.9 % tuning range at 58.7 GHz. The 30 GHz VCO consumes 1.06 mW from a 1 V supply, and has a −11Two low-power mm-wave voltage controlled oscillators (VCOs) designed in a 28-nm fully-depleted silicon-on-insulator (FD-SOI) CMOS process are demonstrated, using a push-pull differential architecture. Measurement show that the first VCO has a 10.8% tuning rage centered at 30.3 GHz, and the second has a 8.9 % tuning range at 58.7 GHz. The 30 GHz VCO consumes 1.06 mW from a 1 V supply, and has a -11

Sensitive detection of hydroxymethylcytosine levels in normal and neoplastic cells and tissues.

A new sensitive analytical method using capillary electrophoresis with laser induced fluorescence (CE-LIF) was applied for the simultaneous detection of DNA methylation and hydroxymethylation levels in human cancers of different origin. DNA hydroxymethylation, measured as 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5hmC) levels, was decreased in gliomas with mutation in the isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 (IDH1) gene whe