

Din sökning på "*" gav 534693 sökträffar

En utvärdering av en kurs i mindfulness på psykosklinikens öppenvård i Malmö

The aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of a mindfulness-based intervention for people with psychosis. Ten participants with psychosis participated in an eight week mindfulness program. The participants were assessed at baseline and after finishing the program. Results from the study indicated that the program showed improved capacity for mindfulness, measured with Five Facets of Mi

Intermodal Airport Access: A Multiple Case Study Research of a Future Travel Center at Malmö Airport with Railway Connection

Titel: Intermodal flygplatstillgänglighet: En flerfaldig fallstudieundersökning av ett framtida resecentrum för Malmö Airport med en tåganslutning. Författare: Adam Lunderup Handledare: Andreas Persson, Faculty of Engineering, Lund University Cecilia Hagert, Swedavia AB Henrik Ivre, Swedavia AB Bakgrund: Malmö Airport har svårigheter att bidra med tillräcklig flygplatstillgänglighet och konkurr

Hunting for Substructure in the Milky Way

Studies of the Milky Way including how it formed and evolved through time are the key to understanding how other galaxies behave. The Milky Way is the most convenient galaxy to study, because the close proximity of stars means astronomers can collect precise spectral and dynamical data from individual stars. By combining the chemical and dynamical aspects, it is possible to pinpoint stars which ha

The detectability of single- and multiple-planet systems in Gaia data

När Tycho Brahe på 1500-talet stod i sin Stjärneborg på ön Ven utanför Landskrona och kartlagde stjärnhimlens rörelser utövade han vad vi i dag kallar för astrometri: att mäta himlakropparnas positioner och rörelser. I ett historiskt skede skulle precisionen i Tychos mätningar komma att knyta ihop astronomin med fysik för första gången. Johannes Kepler, Tychos medhjälpare och efterträdare, kunde mThe all-sky survey of Gaia will generate vast amounts of astrometric data, in which there are expected to be thousands of planets found. Finding a system of $n_\textup{p}$ planets requires fitting of a total $5+7n_\textup{p}$ parameters: five astrometric and seven Keplerian parameters for every planet. The problem is thus highly non-linear and computationally prohibitive. After exploiting the line

Designing a generic user interface for distribution of open geodata : based on FME server technology

Mängden kostnadsfria kartor som finns tillgängliga genom nedladdningstjänster på internet kommer enligt trenden i samhället att öka. I och med det kommer även antalet nedladdningstjänster öka. Att fler kan tillgå kostnadsfria kartor kommer troligtvis leda till nya produkter och tjänster som kan öka effektiviteten för både privat och offentlig sektor. Nya tjänster kan även leda till bättre service,There are currently numerous web services that provide the user with the opportunity to download geodata. These services are often different regarding what type of data they provide and the way they distribute the data. Another aspect that differs between these services is if the download of geodata is free of charge (open) or subject to a fee. There is currently a trend in the society striving to

Social Open Innovation in Online Brand Communities with Particular Regard to the Social Exchange Theory and Brand Management

The purpose of this study is to explore the role of brand management, specifically the user-brand relationship in online brand communities for innovation purposes by conceptualizing brand requirements which can be derived from users’ perceptions and expectations. Hereby the authors apply the Social Exchange Theory which helps to understand what a brand needs and how a brand can support innovation

Clean water technologies and urban mortality in Sweden 1885-1925

Using a newly digitised historical dataset on clean water technologies in Swedish cities, this study tries to find the causal effect (and the magnitude of this effect) of the introduction of clean water technology on mortality in urban areas. Using urban mortality data on a county level, and clean water access data on city level, both OLS, fixed effects, and difference-in-differences models are tr

Visionären, Mästaren och Databussen - En fallstudie om styrning av kunskapsintensivt arbete på ett svenskt spelutvecklingsföretag

- Examensarbetets titel: Visionären, Mästaren och Databussen – En fallstudie om styrning av kunskapsintensivt arbete på ett svenskt spelutvecklingsföretag. - Seminariedatum: 2015-05-26 - Ämne/kurs: FEKN90 – Magisteruppsats på civilekonomprogrammet, organisation, 30 HP - Författare: Fanny M Bystedt - Handledare: Nadja Sörgärde - Nyckelord: Kunskapsintensivt arbete, styrning, spelutveckling - Syfte- Title: The Visionary, The Master and The Data Bus– A case study of control of knowledge intensive work at a Swedish game development company. - Seminar date: 2014-05-26 - Course: FEKN90 – Master Thesis in Business Administration, 30 University Credit Points (30ECTS) - Author: Fanny M Bystedt - Advisor: Nadja Sörgärde - Key words: Knowledge intensive work, control, game development - Purpose: The

Farliga Malmö, en medieprodukt? En kritisk diskursanalys av fem nyhetskällors rapportering om brottsligheten i Malmö gentemot brottsstatistiken.

Media has a great influence on our everyday life, where they report on a daily basis about news from all around the society we live in. With the help of their stories we create our own realities and truths. Media decides to write about incidents that has a public interest, however there is also an underlying thought of economic interest. Malmö has long been seen as a dangerous city with a high cr

Föräldraskapets olika roller i konflikt - Samtyckets betydelse vid adoption och överflyttning av vårdnad

Huvudsyftet med detta examensarbete har varit att utröna vilken plats och betydelse samtycket har i lagstiftningen kring adoption och överflyttning av vårdnad. Med utgångspunkt i barnets bästa och föräldraskapets olika roller analyseras den gällande rättens möjligheter till ändring av den rättsliga ställningen mellan föräldrar och barn, och samtyckets roll i detta. Uppsatsen aktualiserar vilken inThe main purpose of this thesis is to determine the importance of consent in legislation regarding adoption and transfer of custody. On the basis of the best interest of the child and the different parenting roles, the legal possibilities of changing the legal status between child and parents are analyzed, as well as the role of consent in these matters. The essay raises the relative priorities an

Information based power – A balancing act between retail strategies and consumer movement patterns

Problem background: The barrier between physical stores and online stores is blurred, which is paving the way for multi- and omni-channel retailing. Consumers of today are having a great access to information, due to their increased use of digital devices. Thus, the power among consumers is increasing, which is creating a thought of whether the consumer, or the retailer, is the party in charge. A


IKEA is today using HP’s application lifecycle testing environment which consists of several tools. One of the tools is Performance Center which is used to schedule and run performance tests. When a test run is finished, the tester uses LoadRunner Analysis which is another tool in HP’s testing environment. This tool is used to visualize a test run in graphs. These graphs are used by the tester to

Buster - A Vacuum Cleaner Concept for Children

The power of play: Play motivates and stimulates true human curiosity and interest. While playing with toys (any object that seems interesting at a given time, intended toy or not), children are taught how to control and get knowledge of things, objects and materials. If the children have learned this in their childhood, they will continue “controlling and understanding them” later in life. When

Speciesism in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

This essay analyses how Mary Shelley challenges speciesist thinking popular at the time of the publication of Frankenstein (1818). Speciesism is a discriminatory belief that favours the human species over any species other than human, and that is manifested in how we perceive and treat nonhuman beings. Much literary criticism has touched upon Frankenstein’s monster’s otherness, mainly in relation

Fiskeregleringar i marina skyddsområden - En studie av fiskefria områden i Sverige utifrån ett tillsynsperspektiv

Inrättandet av marina skyddsområden är en kompletterande förvaltningsåtgärd som i allt större utsträckning används för att skydda biologisk mångfald och hotade arter. I studier av skyddsområdenas effekter tas det sällan hänsyn till konsekvenserna av en bristande efterlevnad av de regler och förordningar som implementerats, trots att bristande efterlevnad rapporterats från skyddade områden i alla dThe establishment of marine protected areas is a complementary management measure that is increasingly used to protect biodiversity and endangered species. Studies of the effects of protecting certain areas rarely take into account the consequences of non-compliance of rules and regulations, despite the fact that non-compliance of protected areas have been reported from all parts of the world. Thi

Development of mobile application to handle e-books for Malmö City Library

The number of people who choose e-books rather than reading traditional paper books are increasing as a result of our world becoming more digitized. Libraries need to keep up with this trend and modernize its lending procedures for their digital products. The purpose and goal of this Master thesis were to answer the questions how e-books can become more attractive to those who have not yet dared t

Semi-Analytical Finite Element method for guided waves in civil engineering plate-like structures

Seismisk undersökning stärker förvalt-ningen av den byggda miljön Den byggda miljön är full av plattor: t.ex. bjälklag, grunder och vägbanor. Nya algoritmer för utvärdering av seismiska undersökningar öppnar dörrar för att modellera plattor med mer komplicerade geometrier. Genom-förda simuleringar visar att t.ex. väg-banor kan modelleras enkelt. Författare: Christian Nielsen Examensarbete: Semi-AnGuided waves have a signicant potential for Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) and Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) due to their relatively long distance of propagation and sensitivity to discontinuities along the propagation path, anywhere through the material thickness. The inability to model wave guides of arbitrary cross-section using current matrix methods, has led to the development of a techni

Sjuksköterskans inställning genomsyrar kvalitén på omvårdnaden av personer med utvecklingsstörning

Bakgrund: Personer med utvecklingsstörning har komplexa vårdbehov, ofta i samband med kommunikationssvårigheter. Sjuksköterskan har en skyldighet att anpassa omvårdnaden efter patientens behov för att kunna utföra en personcentrerad vård. Syfte: Belysa vilka faktorer som påverkar sjuksköterskors omvårdnad av personer med utvecklingsstörning. Metod: Systematisk integrerad litteraturstudie baserad p