

Din sökning på "*" gav 534673 sökträffar

Producer, Director and Star - A qualitative study of an older cohort’s social identity construction on Facebook

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to gain a deeper understanding and contribute with knowledge of older people’s online behavior, with a particular focus on the process of social identity construction on Facebook. Theoretical framework: The theoretical framework consists of theories related to self and identity, in both an offline and online context in order to obtain a more complex and nuan

Measuring Risk for WTI Crude Oil: An application of Parametric Expected Shortfall

Oil is the most traded commodity in the world and is an important part in the global economy. The change in the price of oil has an effect on all sectors of the economy, and the ability to capture its risk is an important research topic. This study calculates the risk of one benchmark crude oil (West Texas Intermediate) over the period 1986-2015 by estimating the Value-at-Risk (VaR) and the Expect


Abstract: A central debate within the field of Economic History and Growth studies is the effect trade liberalization has on the long-term growth of an economy. One radical switch in the foundation of an economy is from Import Substitution Industrialization (ISI) to Trade Liberalization. Mexico is one of the economies that have undergone this transformation since the early 1980s. This paper makes

Impacts of Climate Change on Abies spectabilis : an approach integrating a Species Distribution Model (MaxEnt) and a Dynamic Vegetation Model (LPJ-GUESS)

Recent global warming trends, particularly in the arctic regions and Himalayas are modifying forest structure and function, notably biogeographical changes in tree species distribution together with alteration in Net Primary Production (NPP), Leaf Area Index (LAI) and Carbon biomass. These alterations are most pronounced in mountain environments, carrying significant impacts on woody species which

Governing Gendered Subjects through Political Islamist Discourses: A Social Policy Analysis on Gender-based Violence in Turkey

The aim of this thesis is to examine how political Islam as an ideology of the Turkish state has constructed gender roles and influenced gender-based violence in Turkey. The political Islam, as a term, refers to a broad political movement. My focus of interest is the political Islam as advocated by the Justice and Development Party and its discourses shaped within this ideology. In order to invest

Business Engagement in the Vocational Education and Training System in Georgia

Youth unemployment in Georgia is severe. In order to bring young people closer to the labour market, the strategy of building vocational education and training (VET) system is actively pursued. However, business engagement in this process is low, impeding the system to provide the skills and knowledge tailored to labour market needs. The purpose of the thesis is to find out the reasons behind the

Samordnade varuleveranser till gallerior - Hur kan det appliceras på centrala gatustråk?

Samordnade varuleveranser Tack vare urbanisering blir våra städer förtätade. Fler ska samsas på mindre ytor samtidigt som behovet av leveranser till städerna ökar. Genom att samordna leveranserna som ska köras in till stadskärnan i en stad kan man undvika den negativa miljöpåverkan som tunga fordon belastar en stad och dess invånare med. Att leverera den sista biten fram till butik är ofta den sDue to the fact that urbanization increases cities are getting denser. With increasing population comes increased demand for goods and services. However, the more transportation of goods within urban areas the more greenhouse gases is emitted and particular matter spread. In addition to this, an increasing amount of heavy vehicles lead to noise pollution and congestion, which could limit a city’s

"Var ska detta vara?" En granskning av sorteringsbeteende på återvinningscentraler

Naturens resurser är inte oändliga och förnyas inte i samma hastighet som vi förbrukar dem. Genom att återvinna, minskar inte bara avfallsmängden som deponeras, utan råmaterial behöver inte förbrukas i samma utsträckning. I Sverige har vi idag en väl utbyggd återvinning där ansvaret för omhändertagande och insamling av avfall från hushåll ligger hos kommunerna, med undantag för de produkter som omEmeli Magnusson (2015) MVEK03 Natural resources are not infinite and are not renewed in the same rate as we consume them. Recycling outweighs a part of the consumption of resources, and the environmental impacts, resulting from the manufacture of new products. Recycling is an important part of getting a sustainable society, it brings us an opportunity to recycle material resources. This study exa

Drivers and Barriers to BI Acquisition in Swedish Public Transport Organizations

Organizations are looking more and more into BI in order to reduce their costs and increase their revenue as the effective use of BI can be the difference between bankruptcy and survival in times of financial uncertainty. Using BI, the user can detect trends in a quickly manner as well as analyzing the behavior of customers and make changes accordingly. Unlike private organizations, public transpo

Handlingsförfarandet vid hembesök hos demenssjuka utan beslutsförmåga och deras sammanboende partners : Biståndshandläggares upplevelse av och handlande gällande konflikter om brukarens behov utifrån två givna scenarier

The aim of this study is to explore how care managers work with users/clients with dementia and partners in their ordinary housing. In four interviews care managers in two municipalities describe how they would act from two given scenarios from a perspective of conflict when the user’s partner and the care manager did not agree on the needs of the user. The study also focuses on the general work t

Could a municipal reform lead to cost savings? An essay on the relationship between population size and municipal costs

The essay estimates the relation between population size and municipal costs. Whether the efficiency in service provision in municipalities is depending on population size is discussed in Sweden as well as other countries. The relation is measured using two measures for total costs and two measures for “fixed costs” associated with having an additional decision level. The result give some support

GNSS precision vid kinematisk mätning - och möjliga användningsområden för maskinstyrd vinterväghållning.

This thesis evaluates the potential for machine guidance in winter road maintenance. The proposed benefits would be a reduction in material- or time needs. It should also reduce accidents with benefits for both property damages and personal injuries. The work methods and organisational structure of winter road maintenance is described through literature studies and interviews. The interviews are d

Youth unemployment in Sweden and Denmark

Ungdomsarbetslöshet är ett ständigt återkommande samtalsämne. Sverige har en historia med låg arbetslöshet, lägre än Danmark. På 1980–talet införde vårt grannland den berömda arbetsmarknadsmodellen flexicurity och detta förändrade situationen. I Sverige är det lagen om anställningsskydd (LAS) som är kärnan i den svenska arbetsmarknadsmodellen. Lagen kom till för att skydda arbetstagare och ge en

Futures risk premium characterization and spot price modeling on the German electricity market

In this thesis it was investigated how accurate the futures predict the spot prices and characterizing the futures risk premium on the German electricity market, which currently undergoes an energy transition. This was conducted twice, with realized data and with data from an own developed model. The realized spot price data and futures were obtained from the European Energy Exchange. The methodol

Migration and Political Engagement in Ubon Ratchathani Province, Thailand

This thesis describes how the migration of people from Isan, the northeastern region of Thailand to Bangkok have allowed them to ‘learn the rules of the [political] game’ (Bourdieu, 1990), and make increasingly vociferous political claims. The thesis describes the political diversity, and the political impacts of migration found within Ubon Ratchathani province, in Village Ban, Amphoe Mueang, and

Hemlöshetens paradoxer i Helsingborg : Där den offentliga och ideella sektorn möts

Homelessness is a problem that has received a lot attention in Helsingborg in the past years. In part this is due to a conflict between the city and a non-profit organization, a conflict that has been frequently covered by the local media. The conflict concerns the City of Helsingborg’s decision to quit funding the organization's housing facility for homeless individuals. The decision was also

Defining a reference building according to LEED v4, to enable comparison of LCA alternatives

In this thesis the possibility of defining a general reference building, or so-called Baseline Building representing Swedish multi-family dwellings is investigated. The scope of the research is limited to analyze the multi-family dwellings of 3-8 stories. If succeeded the results should represent a general Baseline Building according to the new LEED v4 credit, Building Life-Cycle Impact Reduction.

Såld på internet - En studie om övervakning och integritet på Facebook

Sociala medier har förändrat förutsättningarna för social interaktion. Idag spelar sociala medier en viktig roll i användares sociala liv, men betendet på sociala medier skiljer sig dock från hur människor beter sig i den fysiska världen. Användare tenderar att dela mer privat information på sociala medier än vid social interaktion i den fysiska världen, och ett resultat av detta är att gränsen meSocial media has changed the way in which we interact. Today social media plays an important role for users in their daily social life, though the social media behavior differ from how we behave in the real world. People tend to share more private information on social media than in real life interactions. As a result of this the border between peoples privateand public sphere is transforming. Fac