

Din sökning på "*" gav 530343 sökträffar

On the Application of Surface Wave Surveys for Seismic Site Response Evaluation

Popular Abstract in English The work presented here is about methods that will enable more precise estimates of soil and rock parameters related to seismic hazard mapping, in particular when resources are limited. This will allow for evaluating the seismic risk in countries where earthquakes are frequent and large budgets are not available. Particularly, the study of ground response due to the eneIn sites where earthquakes occur, the use of surface wave methods represents a convenient and effective procedure for soil characterization. In particular, Multichannel Analysis of Surface Wave (MASW) has become a popular tool in many seismic micro-zoning projects. In common practice the active MASW method is implemented using a sledgehammer source and a linear receiver spread. This method is lim

Emulsion formation and stability - Impact of the dispersed state of the emulsifier on emulsification

Popular Abstract in Swedish En emulsion är en blandning av två vätskor som ej löser sig i varandra. Oftast så är det små oljedroppar som omges av vatten, alltså en olja-i-vatten emulsion. För att få en stabil emulsion måste man även tillsätta en emulgator. En emulgator har en del som trivs i olja, en hydrofob del, och en del som trivs i vatten, en hydrofil del. Den kan alltså sätta sig på oljedropEmulsions find a variety of applications in for example food, cosmetics and pharmaceutical preparations. In order to obtain emulsions with desired properties it is important to understand how different factors, such as the properties of the emulsifier and the emulsification procedure, impact the final emulsion properties. The studies performed in relation to this thesis have mainly been focused

Haemophilus influenzae-induced acute otitis media. Aspects of virulence and protection in an animal model.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning Öroninflammtionen är en av våra vanligaste åkommor, och den drabbar framför allt små barn. Av alla bakteriella infektioner är det den som oftast för oss till läkare. Vanligen resulterar läkarbesöket i en kur med bakteriedödande läkemedel som penicillin. P.g.a den idag höga konsumtionen av penicillin och liknande medel, är risken påtagAcute otitis media (AOM) is the most common illness diagnosed during early childhood. One of the major etiologic agents is Haemophilus influenzae. Apart from AOM, this organism can cause a broad range of infectious diseases such as meningitis, epiglottitis, arthritis, and pneumonia. Despite the importance of H.influenzae, the mechanisms by which this heterogenous group of bacteria mediates the inf

Laurence-Moon-Bardet-Biedl syndrome. Clinical,electrophysiological and genetic aspects.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Undersøkelsen omfatter 44 skandinaviske personer med Laurence-Moon-Bardet-Biedl syndrom. Disse personer hadde netthinne degenerasjon og minst ytterligere 2 av de øvrige tradisjonelle tegn på lidelsen: overvekt, overtallige fingre og tær, mangelfullt utviklede kjønnsorganer og nedsatt intelligens. Undersøkelsen viste at pasientene fikk nattblindhet og avtagende syn i barThe study included 44 Scandinavian individuals with the autosomal recessive inherited Laurence-Moon-Bardet-Biedl syndrome. Inclusion criteria were retinal dystrophy plus at least 2 more of the remaining traditional cardinal signs of the syndrome: obesity, polydactyly, hypogenitalism and mental retardation. The study showed that the patients had an early onset of night blindness and a poor visual p

Structural properties of LT-GaAs(100) and GaMnAs(100) surfaces studied by scanning tunneling microscopy

GaAs and GaMnAs compounds grown by low temperature (LT) molecular beam epitaxy (MBE), are promising materials for fabricating novel devices. LT-GaAs has already been used in new devices, as it has subpicosecond carrier lifetimes, good carrier mobility and high dark resistivity. GaMnAs compounds are candidates for integrating ferromagnetic materials into semiconductor devices, as they can become fe

Evaluation of in-car speed limiters – Final report

This document describes the field- and driving simulator experiments carried out within Work-package 3.2 (Evaluation of in-car speed limiters). In both the field study and the simulator experiment positive effects of the speed limiter were found in terms of large speed reductions (particularly in urban areas), reduced speed variance and better speed adaptation on critical places (approaches, curve