

Din sökning på "*" gav 536564 sökträffar

Patients' perceptions of their participation in discharge planning after acute stroke.

Aims and objectives. To describe stroke patients' perceptions of their participation in the discharge planning process and identify correlates of perceived participation. Background. Patients have the right to participate in discharge planning, but earlier research has shown that they are often dissatisfied with the information they receive and their involvement in goal-setting during discharge pl

Galectin-3 endocytosis by carbohydrate independent and dependent pathways in different macrophage like cell types.

BACKGROUND: Galectin-3 (the Mac-2 antigen) is abundantly expressed in both macrophage like cells and certain non-macrophage cells. We have studied endocytosis of galectin-3 as one important step relevant for its function, and compared it between variants of a macrophage like cell line, and non-macrophage cells. METHODS: Endocytosis of galectin-3 was observed by fluorescence microscopy and measur

Den fria men begränsade rörligheten

Rätten att röra sig fritt, inom och över nationsgränser, är ett ideal intimt förknippat med det moderna samhällets självförståelse. Att man kan bryta upp från en plats för att söka en annan, tillfällig eller permanent, vistelseort är en central del av vårt samhälles demokratiuppfattning. I synnerhet i dag är det påfallande hur starkt detta ideal framhävs. Berlinmurens fall och globaliseringen av a

Glutaredoxin-1 mediates NADPH-dependent stimulation of calcium-dependent insulin secretion.

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) enhances Ca(2+)-induced exocytosis in pancreatic beta-cells, an effect suggested to involve the cytosolic redox protein glutaredoxin-1 (GRX-1). We here detail the role of GRX-1 in NADPH-stimulated beta-cell exocytosis and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion. Silencing of GRX-1 by RNA interference reduced glucose-stimulated insulin secretion in b

Residential preferences for interregional migration in Sweden: demographic, socio-economic and geographical determinants

Policy makers are showing increasing interest in factors that make places attractive for prospective new residents. This paper focuses on residential preferences for interregional migration and aims to explore what place attributes people would value highly if they considered migrating. Special attention is given to differences in preferences between population subgroups in terms of demographic, s

Study of Trace Elements Water in the Vicinity of Palosi Drain, Peshawar

Research study was conducted from January to May, 2002 in residential areas along the Palosi Drain, Peshawar. Main objective of the study was to evaluate water quality of shallow and deep wells in the vicinity of Palosi Drain. For this purpose, 20 water samples were taken 13 from shallow wells, 3 from deep wells and 4 from wastewater in the Palosi Drain. Water samples were analyzed for heavy metal

Orkar - men hur länge?

Critical note on the tendency to work unpaid overtime as an university teacher cf an article in LUM interviewing a teacher