

Din sökning på "*" gav 529364 sökträffar

Normal and resonant Auger spectroscopy of isocyanic acid, HNCO

In this paper, we investigate HNCO by resonant and nonresonant Auger electron spectroscopy at the K-edges of carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen, employing soft X-ray synchrotron radiation. In comparison with the isosteric but linear CO2 molecule, spectra of the bent HNCO molecule are similar but more complex due to its reduced symmetry, wherein the degeneracy of the π-orbitals is lifted. Resonant Auger

Sex-based differences in association between circulating T cell subsets and disease activity in untreated early rheumatoid arthritis patients

Background: It is not known if sex-based disparities in immunological factors contribute to the disease process in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Hence, we examined whether circulating T cell subset proportions and their association with disease activity differed in male and female patients with untreated early rheumatoid arthritis (ueRA). Methods: Proportions of T cell subsets were analyzed in periph

Surveillance for late effects in childhood cancer survivors

Many childhood cancer survivors carry a significant risk for late morbidity and mortality, a consequence of the numerous therapeutic exposures that contribute to their cure. Focused surveillance for late therapy-related complications provides opportunities for early detection and implementation of health-preserving interventions. The substantial body of research that links therapeutic exposures us

The Kobresia pygmaea ecosystem of the Tibetan highlands – Origin, functioning and degradation of the world's largest pastoral alpine ecosystem: Kobresia pastures of Tibet

With 450,000 km2 Kobresia (syn. Carex) pygmaea dominated pastures in the eastern Tibetan highlands are the world's largest pastoral alpine ecosystem forming a durable turf cover at 3000–6000 m a.s.l. Kobresia's resilience and competitiveness is based on dwarf habit, predominantly below-ground allocation of photo assimilates, mixture of seed production and clonal growth, and high genetic diversity.

Micropatterned Carbon-on-Quartz Electrode Chips for Photocurrent Generation from Thylakoid Membranes

Harvesting the energy generated by photosynthetic organisms through light-dependent reactions is a significant step toward a sustainable future energy supply. Thylakoid membranes are the site of photosynthesis, and thus particularly suited for developing photo-bioelectrochemical cells. Novel electrode materials and geometries could potentially improve the efficiency of energy harvesting using thyl

Effect of Cimetidine on Survival after gastric cancer

The effect of cimetidine on survival was investigated in 181 patients with gastric cancer. Immediately after operation or the decision not to operate, the patients were randomised in double-blind fashion to placebo or cimetidine 400 mg twice daily for two years or until death, with review every three months. Median survival in the cimetidine group was 450 days (range 1-1826) and in the placebo gro

Biology/Disease-Driven Initiative on Protein-Aggregation Diseases of the Human Proteome Project : Goals and Progress to Date

The Biology/Disease-driven (B/D) working groups of the Human Proteome Project are alliances of research groups aimed at developing or improving proteomic tools to support specific biological or disease-related research areas. Here, we describe the activities and progress to date of the B/D working group focused on protein aggregation diseases (PADs). PADs are characterized by the intra- or extrace

Genomic evidence for asymmetric introgression by sexual selection in the common wall lizard

Strongly selected characters can be transferred from one lineage to another with limited genetic exchange, resulting in asymmetric introgression and a mosaic genome in the receiving population. However, systems are rarely sufficiently well studied to link the pattern of introgression to its underlying process. Male common wall lizards in western Italy exhibit exaggeration of a suite of sexually se

A prediction model for the 40-year risk of knee osteoarthritis in adolescent men

OBJECTIVES: To simplify the previously published Nottingham 12-year risk prediction model for knee osteoarthritis (OA) and examine whether it can be used to predict the 40-year risk of knee OA in young men.METHODS: We included 40 118 men aged 18 undergoing military conscription in Sweden 1969-70. Diagnostic OA codes were obtained from the Swedish National Patient Register 1987-2010. The original N

Advances in time–domain induced polarisation tomography : Data acquisition, processing and modelling

Vad står vi på – hur tar man reda på det? Kanske man kan titta på en geologisk karta, borra ett hål eller gräva en grop? Det kan gå bra, men ibland finns det inte tillräckligt detaljerade kartor och att gräva upp allt man är intresserad av är ingen lysande idé. Tänk om man kunde forska fram en metod som gör att man kan se rakt igenom marken, som röntgenundersökningar på sjukhus! På sätt och vis kaWhat would you find below your feet – how do you find out? Perhaps you could look at a geological map, drill, or dig? That could work, but sometimes the maps are not detailed enough, and digging everywhere to find out is impractical. Imagine if you could develop a method that allows you to see straight through the ground, as x–rays through the body! To some extent, such methods already exist; you

Thermal protection of rocket nozzle by using film cooling technology - Effect of lateral curvature

The present paper aims to analyze the applicability of film cooling method to a rocket as a thermal protection. Lateral curvature effect on film cooling performance through a single row of cylindrical holes with different spanwise angles is investigated. Four different lateral curvature cases (C = ∞, 100, 60, 20) with four inclination angles of cooling injection holes (β= 35°, 45°, 55°, 65°) are c

Evidence for bidirectional hybridization between Gymnadenia and Nigritella

Despite morphological divergence, the two orchid genera Gymnadenia andNigritella are closely related and hybrids are often encountered at places wheremembers of the two genera grow together. On basis of pollination studies, it hasbeen suggested that members of Nigritella should have served as pollen parent tothese hybrids. Hybridization does not go beyond primary hybrid formation, butone of the hy

Long-term exposure to insulin and volumetric mammographic density : Observational and genetic associations in the Karma study

Background: Long-term insulin exposure has been implicated in breast cancer etiology, but epidemiological evidence remains inconclusive. The aims of this study were to investigate the association of insulin therapy with mammographic density (MD) as an intermediate phenotype for breast cancer and to assess associations with long-term elevated circulating insulin levels using a genetic score compris