Imponerande om Förintelsen
Recension av Stéphane Bruchfeld & Paul A. Levine; detta må ni berätta... En bok om Förintelsen i Europa 1933–1945.
Recension av Stéphane Bruchfeld & Paul A. Levine; detta må ni berätta... En bok om Förintelsen i Europa 1933–1945.
Popular Abstract in Swedish Inom de flesta sociologiska forskningsperspektiv tillskrivs mellanmänsklig interaktion avgörande betydelse för att förstå olika aspekter av det sociala livet. I denna studie ligger emellertid fokus på den praktiska och erfarenhetsmässiga relationen mellan människor och ting ? en relation med stor betydelse för individers identitet och sociala liv. Detta är ett ofta bortIn most sociological paradigms the importance of human interaction for the understanding of societies, is a well established fact. In this study, the focus is the interaction between human beings and material things as it is occurring in practice. Such an approach with its important consequences for understanding both social life and self, is often overlooked in studies within the field of sociolo
The present investigation reports cognitive improvement following withdrawal of topiramate (TPM) maintenance therapy in two patients with intractable seizures. The first patient received a neuropsychological evaluation after 10 months of adjunctive TPM treatment and was reassessed after complete withdrawal. The second patient received a first evaluation without TPM therapy. A reassessment was cond
Spectral lines observed in the Sr-filament of eta Car in the wavelengthregion 2480-10140{AA}. The lines are sorted by wavelength in table 2 andsorted according to the periodic table in table 3. Both tables areavailable in postscript format as the file where the sub andsuperscripts for the atomic transitions are kept.(2 data files).
Backgrounds and aims: To investigate mortality, determinants of mortality, and time until death among elderly subjects receiving public long-term care. Methods: This study comprises 626 respondents (age: 65-98 years). Data were collected for two cohorts (2001 and 2002). Cox regression analysis was used to identify determinants of mortality. Those who died and those who did not die were compared by
Abstract is not available.
Despite having the same snowmelt processes, snowpacks in urban environments experience a range of conditions different from those of rural areas. Melt is intensified at some sites due to greater radiative energy. Shading, however, can reduce radiation and melt at other sites. Changes to the radiation balance and snowpack processes have been investigated. A physical snowpack model was developed and
Ferric and copper hexacyanoferrates (PB and CuHCF, respectively) were electrodeposited on glassy carbon electrodes providing a suitable catalytic surface for the amperometric detection of hydrogen peroxide. Additionally glucose oxidase was immobilized on top of these electrodes to form glucose biosensors. The biosensors were made by casting glucose oxidase-Nafion layers onto the surface of the mod
Rapporten dokumenterar ett års mätningar och utvärderar mätdata från en värmepumpcentral som förser 13 radhus i Malmö med värme och varmvatten. Värmepumpcentralen, husen samt driftserfarenheter och problem beskrivs. Reglering av stegprocesser och drift av kombinerade kollektiv behandlas.
Objectives: The aim of this study was to review the presentation and analysis of ordinal data in three international nursing journals in 2003. Method: In total, 166 full-length articles from the 2003 editions of Cancer Nursing, Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences and Nursing Research were reviewed for their use of ordinal data. Results: This review showed that ordinal scales were used in abo
Three enantiomeric pairs of Diels-Alder adducts of 2,5-diphenylphosphole-1-oxide have been resolved by elution of each of the enantiomers with 95% ethanol from a swollen microcrystalline triacetylcellulose stationary phase. The degree of separation achieved in each case was confirmed by comparing the absorbance maximum of the UV spectrum of each separated enantiomer with that of a similar concentr
Popular Abstract in Swedish Bakgrund Denna studie är en undersökning av barns musikskapande med synthesizer och dator. I studien deltog nio barn i åttaårsåldern. Musik utgör en viktig del i barns och ungdomars vardag och den stora exponering för musik som sker i vårt samhälle innebär att ingen är någon musikalisk nybörjare. Det är väl känt att barn kan skapa musik på egen hand, mest är det dock bToday’s children live in a world where music in all its different forms has become a significant factor in their everyday life. From earlier research we know that young children are able to create music by singing and using musical instruments. The present study was undertaken with eight-year-old children in school year 2 in order to investigate the children’s composing and composition processes u
The uptake and killing of bacteria by human neutrophils are dependent on the fusion of secretory granules with forming phagosomes. The earliest component of exocytosis was found to precede phagosome closure, so that granular membrane constituents were detectable on the plasmalemma. We show that during phagocytosis of IgG-opsonized particles, this early secretory response is highly polarized in the