

Din sökning på "*" gav 535475 sökträffar

Extensible intraprocedural flow analysis at the abstract syntax tree level

We have developed a new approach for implementing precise intraprocedural control-flow and dataflow analyses at the abstract syntax tree level. Our approach is declarative, making use of reference attribute grammars augmented with circular attributes and collection attributes. This results in concise executable specifications of the analyses, allowing extensions both to the language and with furth

Ultrafast Excited State Dynamics of 5,6-Dihydroxyindole, A Key Eumelanin Building Block: Nonradiative Decay Mechanism.

As part of a program designed to elucidate the excited state properties of key eumelanin building blocks, we report herein a study of 5,6-dihydroxyindole (DHI) in phosphate buffer at pH 3 and pH 7 using femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy. The transient absorption changes following excitation at 266 nm were used to directly monitor relaxation of the excited states. It was found that the


The widening inequalities in smoking are one of the growing public health challenges in western countries, where smoking and smoking cessation patterns are unequally distributed among the populations. Inequalities in smoking and smoking cessation are closely associated with factors such as socioeconomic status, psychosocial and cultural factors. In Sweden, individuals with low socioeconomic status

Cryptanalysis of Selected Stream Ciphers

Popular Abstract in Swedish Kryptering kan användas när man vill hålla något viktigt meddelande hemligt, till exempel vid en bankbetalning på Internet. Men hur vet man att krypteringsalgoritmen (sättet att kryptera på) är tillräckligt säker? Hur vet man att ingen kan läsa vårt meddelande eller ändra i det så att, till exempel, en överföring av pengar från ett konto till ett annat går till någon heThe aim of this dissertation is to show some cryptanalytical results on a selection of stream ciphers. We have grouped theory and results into three main parts. The first part focuses on the FCSR-based constructions X-FCSR and F-FCSR-H v3. For the X-FCSR family of stream ciphers we perform a severe state recovery attack. This attack works for both X-FCSR-128 and X-FCSR-256. We then develop a gen

Intra-governmental coordination for sustainable disaster recovery: A case-study of the Eden District Municipality, South Africa

Post-disaster coordination is an essential aspect to achieve sustainable disaster recovery. However, to date, little attention has been paid to the subject of coordination in disaster recovery in comparison to response coordination. This study is an investigation into the factors affecting coordination for sustainable disaster recovery. It uses the case-study of Eden district Municipality in South

Evolution of continental crust in the Proterozoic : growth and reworking in orogenic systems

Popular Abstract in Swedish För att förstå tillväxten av den kontinentala jordskorpan är det nödvändigt att kunna uppskatta balansen mellan juvenilt bidrag från manteln, infra-krustal omarbetning av jordskorpa och transport av krustalt material tillbaka till manteln. Sedan början av seklet har användandet av in situ U–Pb, Lu–Hf och O-isotop analyser av mineralet zirkon som ett verktyg för att adreTo understand the growth of continental crust, the balance between juvenile mantle derived extraction, infracrustal reworking and crustal recycling, needs to be estimated. Since the beginning of the century, the use of coupled in situ zircon U–Pb, Lu–Hf and O isotope analyses as a tool to address these questions have increased exponentially. Numerous compilations of ever growing datasets have been

The liquid drop model applied to the designer´s dilemma of "getting under the skin" of old users

Instead of discussing existing design methods that aim at bridging or annihilating gaps between users and designers, we want to highlight an approach for designers that helps us increase reflexivity of what is beyond our grasp when interacting with users. The first steps are to become aware of the gaps, identify them, and then manage them. This emphasises and makes visible to both parties the exis

Taking Advantage of Institutional Possibilities and Network Opportunities : Analyzing Swedish Strategic Action in EU Negotiations

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingens utgångspunkt är att EU:s medlemsstater agerar mer taktiskt när starka nationella intressen står på spel. I den här studien analyseras Sveriges strategiska agerande i öppenhetsfrågan och i relation till en ny europeisk kemikalielagstiftning. Det första fallet, öppenhetsfrågan, slutförhandlades under Sveriges ordförandeskap våren 2001. Det andra fallet, kemiWhen core national interests are at stake, EU member states optimize their strategic activities on the European level in order to advance national preferences. Two cases are used in this study to shed light on such dynamics. The first case is Sweden’s strategic action within the transparency issue area, which in part defined the country’s Council Presidency in early 2001. The second case is the EU

High resolution study of the inner-shell 3p-3d and 3p-5s resonance regions in calcium atoms

The 3p(5)4s(2)3d P-1(1) and 3p(5)(P-2(3/2))4s(2)5s (2)[3/2](1) resonance regions of Ca atoms have been studied experimentally with the aid of synchrotron radiation excited electron spectroscopy. The strong configuration interaction of the 3p(5)4s(2)3d, 3p(5)4s(2)5s and several other nearly degenerate configurations leads to complex structures observed in the photoelectron yield spectrum. Multiconf

Predictors of Presenteeism and Activity Impairment Outside Work in Patients with Spondyloarthritis

Purposes To assess predictors of presenteeism (reduced productivity at work) and activity impairment outside work in patients with spondyloarthritis (SpA). Methods Multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to study predictors of presenteeism and activity impairment in 1,253 patients with SpA based on a 2.5 year follow-up questionnaire. The Work Productivity and Activity Impairment (WPAI)

Lärarstudenters berättelser om läsning. Från tidig barndom till mötet med lärarutbildning

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen belyser läsning och läsarbanor i ett livsperspektiv där fyra lärarstudenters berättelser om läsning från barndom till mötet med lärarutbildningen analyseras ur ett sociokulturellt perspektiv. Ur berättelserna om läsning i olika kontexter såsom familj, skola och lärarutbildning framträder ett perspektiv på läsning som en relationell process. I en relationellThe aim of the thesis is to contribute to knowledge about experience and perceptions of reading that students at a school of education have, from early reading experiences in childhood, to the encounter with reading in context of their teacher training. The following overarching questions were asked: What aspects of narratives appear to be significant in the students’ reading trajectories? Which a

Meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies confirms a susceptibility locus for knee osteoarthritis on chromosome 7q22

Objectives Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most prevalent form of arthritis and accounts for substantial morbidity and disability, particularly in older people. It is characterised by changes in joint structure, including degeneration of the articular cartilage, and its aetiology is multifactorial with a strong postulated genetic component. Methods A meta-analysis was performed of four genome-wide asso

Troponin I and Creatine Kinase MB do not provide comparable information after PCI

Objectives. To compare cardiac troponin I (cTnI) and creatine kinase-MB (CK-MB) after PCI in cases with normal baseline levels of both biomarkers. Design. cTnI and CK-MB after PCI were stratified as multiples of the 99 3x99%URL in 58/486 patients (12%) and cTnI > 3x99%URL in 292/487 patients (60%). cTnI was > 10x99%URL in all cases with infarction according to CK-MB but CK-MB was often normal desp

Frequency Modulation in mm-Wave InGaAs MOSFET/RTD Wavelet Generators

Co-integration of an InGaAs MOSFET and an RTD is performed to realize a wavelet generator. The large transconductance of the MOSFET (1.9 mS/mu m) is used to switch the current in an oscillator circuit and coherent wavelets down to 41 ps are generated in the frequency domain of 50 to 100 GHz. The lowest power consumption measured is 1.9 pJ/pulse. It is found that the supply bias can be used to modu

Simulation of a suite of generic long-pulse neutron instruments to optimize the time structure of the European Spallation Source

We here describe the result of simulations of 15 generic neutron instruments for the long-pulsed European Spallation Source. All instruments have been simulated for 20 different settings of the source time structure, corresponding to pulse lengths between 1 ms and 2 ms; and repetition frequencies between 10 Hz and 25 Hz. The relative change in performance with time structure is given for each inst