

Din sökning på "*" gav 533391 sökträffar

Sanktioner trots goda intentioner: En kvantitativ studie om studenters uppfattning om politisk korrekthet och diskussionsklimatet på Socionomprogrammet vid Lunds Universitet

The faculty of Social Science of Lund University has experienced a change in the social debate; strong political beliefs have started to challenge scientific facts, together with a growing intolerance against theory and empirics that challenge one’s view of the world. The aim of this study was therefore to examine the social work students’ perception of the culture of political correctness and its

Vi kan faktiskt ge ett val : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om skolkuratorers syn på skolans ansvar och insatser i förhållande till barnfattigdom

The aim of this study was to explore how school counsellors at schools in low-socioeconomic areas in Malmö act and work in relation to child poverty and how they reflect on the school’s responsibility regarding child poverty. The method chosen for this study was qualitative research method with semi structured interviews with eight school counsellors from seven different schools. When analysing ou

Nya Ränteavdragsbegränsningsregler - En redogörelse och analys av reglernas utformning och syfte

Skatteverket uppmärksammade i en promemoria 2008 att det i stor utsträckning förekom skatteplanering med ränteupplägg. Skatteflyktlagen var inte tillämplig i dessa fall enligt regeringsrätten och Sverige valde att införa ränteavdragsbegränsningsregler 2009. Reglerna utvidgades 2013 för att den svenska bolagsskattebasen inte skulle urholkas. Till följd av Sveriges internationella åtaganden ändradesSwedish tax authorities discovered in a memo in 2008 that tax planning with deduction of interest were used in significant extent. The swedish tax avoidance law “Skatteflyktlagen” wasn’t applicable to these cases according to the supreme administrative court and Sweden choose to introduce interest limitation rules in 2009. The interest limitation rules were expand in 2013 in purpose to protect the

Formation and Evolution of Protoplanetary Disks

De första idéerna om hur planeterna i solsystemet bildades härstammar från den franske filosifen René Descartes på 1600-talet. Vad räknas solsystemet som - är denna teori bara kring planeterna eller hela solsystemet och dess komponenter?) Den teori som forskare tror på idag kan spåra sitt ursprung till mitten av 1700-talet, från den svenske forskaren Emanuel Swedenborg och den tyske filosofen ImmaA star forms with a surrounding protoplanetary disk after the collapse of a molecular cloud core. Subsequently, over a period of several Myr this protoplanetary disk of dust and gas is accreted onto the host star. We model the formation and evolution of such a protoplanetary disk using a one-dimensional numerical model. We find that disks form on a time scale of less than 1 Myr and that the size a

Våtmarkens kapacitet - kan en våtmark optimeras för att minska såväl eutrofiering som brunifiering?

En våtmarks kapacitet – går det att optimera en våtmark för att minska såväl eutrofiering som brunifiering? Att använda en våtmark i syfte att minska såväl övergödning som brun missfärgning av vattendrag, är absolut möjligt, men hur och varför är frågor som behöver studeras mer grundligt. Däremot verkar placeringen i landet i kombination med våtmarkens procentuella storlek i förhållande till avrDue to changes in land use, as well as impacts from the climate change, our inland waters are now exposed to problems such as eutrophication and brownification. This complicates management to develop clean drinking water, as well as it leads to anoxic bottoms and reduces primary production. This literature review aims to see if wetlands can work as a natural filter to reduce both nutrients (nitrog

Standarder är till för att…? En innehållsanalys om tillämpningen av standarder i kursdokument på socionomprogrammet.

In Sweden, the social work programme is currently given at 15 different centres of higher education. The programs are standardised through legislation concerning the educational goals, this can be seen through curricula and syllabus. A few of the centres of higher education have chosen also to follow the global standards published by IFSW and IASSW. In this study, the curricula and syllabi from tw

Employing immersion to communicate archaeology: A visitor-centered approach

The present thesis examines how the museum visitor’s experience is being transformed by various developments and particularly by the advent of virtual reality technology. The research focused on identifying the problems of communicating the archaeological information to the museum audiences while highlighting best practices and proposing solutions. The immersive function of virtual reality was exa

Investigation of a CO-Production of Substitute Natural Gas and Biomethanol Plant Compared to Stand Alone Biomethanol Plant

Klimatförändringar är en av mänsklighetens stora utmaningar, över hela världen obbar forskare och företag på att ta fram nya tekniker och innovationer för att bidra till en fosilfri framtid.Climate change is one of humanities greatest challenges; the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are still increasing. There is not one solution that will fix this problem several different products, raw material and technologies are required to take the steps towards a renewable society. Biomethanol and substitute natural gas, are two fossil free energy carrier, they can both be produced through g

Neoclassical Realism and Role Theory Revisited -The Comparative Case of. U.S. and Chinese Foreign Policies

This thesis explores how structure and national role conceptions (NRC) shape foreign policy behavior. U.S. and Chinese foreign policy behaviors are studied from a system-level and state-level of analysis to investigate how U.S.-Chinese relations are affected by a shifting international structure and roles in the context of rising nationalism under President Xi and Trump. Neoclassical realism and t

Configuring the Corporate Accelerator for Synergies: A Multiple Case Study on the Relation Between Configurations of Corporate Accelerators and Potential for Synergies with Startup Support Institutions

Title: CONFIGURING THE CORPORATE ACCELERATOR FOR SYNERGIES: A Multiple Case Study on the Relation Between Configurations of Corporate Accelerators and Potential for Synergies with Startup Support Institutions Date of the seminar: 27 May, 2019 Course: ENTN39 Master’s Programme in Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Internship and Degree Project (Master’s thesis 15 ECTS) Authors: Jacob Szemberg and G

Exploring the connections between Cloud computing and Electronic waste

In 2019 it was estimated that 50 million tonnes of e-waste was produced of which only 20% was officially recycled which has made the e-waste problem one of the most pressing environmental issues. As the current approaches to deal with the accelerating e-waste issue seemingly is falling short, the importance of utilizing alternative measures can no longer go unrecognized. Cloud computing has the ca

Making an Archive come to Life : a comparative case-study of Three Documentary Film Directors as Archival Users

This is a qualitative case study, comparing the experiences of three documentary film directors, each using archival sources in their works. Their experiences are communicated through a series of semi-structured interviews and compared for textual analysis. The research is intended as a contribution to the archival science by expanding our knowledge on this group of archival users and by applying

Frenemies in Business: A Case Study on the Phenomenon of Coopetition

Title: Frenemies in Business: A Case Study on the Phenomenon of Coopetition Research Question: What are drivers and challenges behind coopetition, as well as possible outcomes of the relationship? Keywords: Coopetition, Cooperation, Competition, Coopetitive Relationship, Competing Companies, Coopetitors, Coopetition Process, Drivers, Challenges, Possible Positive Outcomes, Possible Negative Out

Time-Resolved Diagnostic of Electrode Erosion in Spark Plugs

The short lifetime of spark plugs in heavy-duty truck and stationary engines has been a major concern in the relevant industry. In this thesis work a time-resolved approach to detect the evaporation erosion of Ni electrodes in electrical discharges was proposed, and multiple detection methods were used to study the spark discharge. Spectroscopic study of the discharge's emission illustrated th

Remittances developmental potential in Mexico

The U.S-Mexico migration corridor has the largest flows of migrants in the world. Mexican migrants send home approximately USD 25 billion annually, making Mexico the fourth biggest remittance receiver in the world. Personal remittances are Mexico’s largest single source of foreign income, as it surpassed oil income in 2014. Some scholars argue that due to the large size of remittances, it holds a

Controlling your data under the GDPR: fact or fiction?

The EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has been the subject of significant public discourse in legislative chambers, the media, business circles, and academia. Putting aside the formal legal terminology of market harmonisation and fundamental rights, the GDPR has been reported by many journalists and the European Commission as a tool that will help individuals within the EU to take con

What impact will Artificial Intelligence have on the future leadership role? – A study of leaders’ expectations

Historically, technology has impacted the way leaders have led organisations, and today’s technology is no exception. The emerge of Artificial Intelligence creates possibilities and challenges for organisations, for which leaders need to prepare. This thesis aims to explore leaders’ expectations on how Artificial Intelligence will impact the leadership role in the future workplace. This thesis can

Integration of Modelling Environments to an ÄKTA System

Automation: Optimering av din tid Tänk dig att du har fått en deadline på ditt nya projekt. Ditt arbete för projektet beror helt på din praktiska noggrannhet och tidsoptimering, samtidigt så ska du lämna in massvis med pappersarbete. Du har en tuff tid framför dig ifall du ska klara detta på egen hand inom tidsramen. Här kommer automatisering in i bilden. Det noggranna och tidskrävande arbetet soAutomated information flow is an important way of optimizing the time used for analyzing processes. Other added benefits are that in a well-made automated system, the probability of human error diminishes because less liability is put on the person to manually transport and utilize the data. This notion of automation can be applied to the field of chromatography. This thesis investigates the poss

Corporate law firms and their human rights responsibilities

The area of Business and Human Rights, applies to all enterprises, including corporate law firms, which have not been examined yet, as thoroughly as others. On the other hand, the profession of law is regulated by codes of conduct that limit the actions of lawyers when they are preforming their mandate. Through a comparative legal methodology this research seeks to find out if the human rights res

Re-examining the dynamics of the Milky Way with new distance estimates

Solen är bara en utav miljardtals stjärnor i Vintergatan - vår hemgalax. Likt en myrstack kan Vintergatan som helhet vid en första anblick verka simpel. Men när man tar en närmare titt upptäcker man att varje invånare har sitt eget liv, vilket bidrar till en komplex natur. Därför blir det svårt att få information om Vintergatans omfattande egenskaper genom att undersöka enskilda stjärnor. Men precThe use of reliable distance estimates is key to derive accurate three-dimensional velocities of celestial objects. Systematic overestimation and large uncertainties in the distances will thus provide misleading information of an object's kinematics. In turn, astronomers will get a flawed understanding of dynamical properties of substructures in the Milky Way. In this paper, we employ the imp