

Din sökning på "*" gav 536023 sökträffar

Barley Products of Different Fiber Composition Selectively Change Microbiota Composition in Rats

Scope: Several dietary fiber properties are suggested to be important for the profiling of the microbiota composition, but those characteristics are rather unclear. Whether different physico-chemical properties of barley dietary fiber influence the gut microbiota composition is investigated. Methods and results: Seven diets containing equal amounts of dietary fiber from barley malts, brewer's spen

The association between plasma miR-122-5p release pattern at admission and all-cause mortality or shock after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest

Background: Data suggests that the plasma levels of the liver-specific miR-122-5p might both be a marker of cardiogenic shock and a prognostic marker of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA). Our aim was to characterize plasma miR-122-5p at admission after OHCA and to assess the association between miR-122-5p and relevant clinical factors such all-cause mortality and shock at admission after OHCA.

Complementarity and synergisms among ecosystem services supporting crop yield

Understanding how ecosystem services interact to support crop yield is essential for achieving food security. Here we evaluate the interactions among biotic pest regulation, pollination, and nutrient cycling. We found only 16 studies providing 20 analyses of two-way interactions. These studies show that multiple services limit crop yield simultaneously. Complementary effects (no interactions) betw

Perspectives from the Survey of Honey Bee Colony Losses During 2015–2016 in Argentina

Several countries have carried out surveys of managed honeybee colonies, the results of which suggest high loss rates all over the world. Although Latin America is an important apicultural region, estimates of honeybee colony losses are lacking. This study quantified colony losses in Argentina during the 2015-16 season. Overall, the survey included 28,204 honeybee colonies, of which 15.5% were rec

Fåmansföretag & beskattning

Boken ger inte bara en aktuell och heltäckande bild av de s.k. 3:12-reglerna, utan behandlar även allmänna skatteregler av särskild betydelse för s.k. fåmansföretag. Skatteregler påverkar företaget och ägarnas skattesituation vid bl.a. utdelning, försäljning av aktier och olika avtalsförhållanden.

Critical infrastructures and the tragedy of the commons dilemma : Implications from institutional restructuring on reliability and safety

Through the influence of neoliberal ideas, many critical infrastructures that used to be under public ownership have been opened up for market competition. Using the Swedish railway system as a case, this paper empirically explores whether such reforms have given rise to common-pool resource problems, and discusses possible implications. The results show that institutional restructuring has create

Det räcker inte att förbjuda sugrör och plastkassar

Användningen av plast kommer att fördubblas inom 20 år, enligt plastbranschen. Det handlar inte längre om att förbjuda sugrör eller plastkassar – det saknas en vision för hela plastanvändningen, skriver tre forskare i Lund

Ömsesidighet i framtidens praktiknära språkklassrumsforskning : ASLA-symposiets panelsamtal med forskare, lärare och elever

Under ASLA-symposiet hölls för första gången ett panelsamtal om forskningsbehov i språkämnena där lärare, språkforskare och gymnasieelever deltog. I detta kapitel situerar vi idén med panelsamtalet i studier av lärares roll i och för den praktiknära skolforskningen. Vi redogör för några modeller för samverkan mellan lärare och forskare och diskuterar identifierade framgångsfaktorer i praktiknära f

Beyond Democracy-Dictatorship Measures : A New Framework Capturing Executive Bases of Power, 1789-2016

We attempt to integrate the literatures on authoritarian regime types and democratic forms of government. We propose a theoretical framework of five dimensions of executive appointment and dismissal that can be applied in both more democratic and more authoritarian regimes: the hereditary, military, ruling party, direct election, and confidence dimensions, respectively. Relying on the Varieties of

Proteinase-3 and myeloperoxidase serotype in relation to demographic factors and geographic distribution in anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated glomerulonephritis

Background: In anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA)-associated glomerulonephritis, antigen specificity varies between myeloperoxidase (MPO) and proteinase 3 (PR3). This has been reported to vary in relation to age, gender, geography and extrarenal manifestations. However, studies are difficult to compare as criteria for inclusion vary. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationsh

Parent-offspring transmission of drug abuse and alcohol use disorder : Application of the multiple parenting relationships design

With complete genealogical and cohabitation information, new genetic-epidemiological designs can be developed to clarify causes of parent-offspring transmission. We propose the Multiple Parenting Relationships (MPR) Design and apply it to drug abuse (DA) and alcohol use disorder (AUD). Using national Swedish registries, we identified four kinds of informative parents with multiple children with wh

Working towards a global-scale vegetation water product from SMOS optical depth

In this study, vegetation optical depth from ESA's Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) satellite mission is combined with other existing remote sensing, meteorological and literature data in order to obtain values of gravimetric vegetation water content (Mg). The methodology combines an effective medium model valid at passive microwave frequencies with a vegetation dielectric constant model. T

An interactive tool to analyse the benefit of space missions sensing the terrestrial vegetation

The study has developed an interactive mission benefit analysis (MBA) tool that allows instantaneous evaluation of a range of potential mission designs. The designs are evaluated in terms of their constraint on carbon and water fluxes through calibration of a terrestrial bisphere model. The constraint is quantified by methematically rigorous uncertainty propagation in CCDAS. Applying the MBA tool,