

Din sökning på "*" gav 531139 sökträffar

European Convention on Human Rights in Latvia: Impact on legal doctrine and application of legal norms

Latvia offers an excellent point of departure for evaluating the influence of international human rights law through the European Convention on Human Rights on a sovereign state that has established itself as a democratic political system in the decline of the 20th century. This book explores the impact of the Convention on the domestic implementation of human rights provisions by studying the cas

Exploring and improving NOAA AVHRR NDVI image quality for African Drylands

The accuracy of NOAA AVHRR NDVI maximum value composites can be poor due to interference from several sources, including cloud cover. The objectives of this paper are; 1. to accurately quantify noise in this imagery over Africa using geostatistics, and 2. to test four compositing techniques that may be able to reduce this noise. The nugget of the variogram model is used to compute standardized noi

Photodynamic therapy and laser-based diagnostic studies of malignant tumours

Popular Abstract in Swedish Två icke-termiska modaliteter utnyttjande ljusets växelverkan med biologisk vävnad beskrivs i den aktuella avhandlingen. De två modaliteterna är fotodynamisk tumörterapi (PDT) och laser-inducerad fluorescens (LIF) för vävnadsdiagnostik. Fotodynamisk tumörterapi är en behandlingsform där ett tillfört fotosensibiliserande ämne reagerar med icke-joniserande strålning och Two non-thermal regimens of light interaction with biological tissue, that are in a natural way connected, are discussed in the present thesis. These are photodynamic therapy (PDT) for the treatment of malignant tumours and laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) for tissue characterization. In PDT, a photochemical reaction is induced by non-ionizing electromagnetic irradiation in tissue where photosens

Vehicle dynamics control and controller allocation for rollover prevention

Vehicle rollover accidents are a particularly dangerous form of road accident. Commercial vehicles are especially prone to rollover accidents due to their high centres of gravity. A nonlinear control strategy is presented which guarantees asymptotic tracking of a yaw rate reference while bounding the roll angle, thus preventing rollover. A new computationally-efficient control allocation strategy

Politisk kultur och samhällsengagemang. En etnologisk studie av den parlamentariska vardagen i Helsingborg

Popular Abstract in Swedish Syftet med min avhandling är att skildra de grundläggande drag som bär upp den politiska kulturen för att synliggöra förutsättningarna för politiskt engagemang. Utifrån olika vardagssituationer beskrivs hur det går till att ”göra” politik. Jag följer två nämndordföranden i Helsingborgs kommun i deras politiska vardagsarbete och lyfter fram olika situationer för att konkPolitical Culture and Social Engagement. An ethnological study of everyday parliamentary life in Helsingborg. The goal of my thesis is to, by examining foundational features which support political culture, make visible prerequisites for political engagement. Using diverse everyday situations, the thesis describes how one “does” politics. I follow two committee chairpersons in the municipality of

The genus Xanthoria (Fr.) Th.Fr. in North America

The lichenized ascomycete genus Xanthoria (Fr.) Th.Fr. (Teloschistaceae) in continental United States and Canada is revised. The following 15 species are recognized: Xanthoria borealis, X. candelaria, X. concinna, X. elegans, X. fallax, X. fulva, X. hasseana, X. mendozae, X. montana, X. oregana, X. parietina, X. polycarpa, X. sorediata, X. tenax, and X. ulophyllodes. The morphology, anatomy, secon

Regulation of lymphocyte activation and death

Popular Abstract in Swedish När vi blir infekterade av virus eller bakterier (patogener) hjälper olika delar av vårt immunförsvar till att försvara oss från dem. Vår hud, slemhinnor, magsyra och vissa immunceller hjälper till att ospecifikt och snabbt hindra patogenerna från att angripa oss och ofta räcker detta för att infektionen skall klaras av. Men det finns en del till av vårt immunförsvar soT lymohocytes (T cells) and B lymphocytes (B cells) are important effector cells of the adaptive immune system. In response to infections, B cells are activated and produce antibodies against specific antigens. There are two types of T cells, cytotoxic T cells that kill cells infected with bacteria or viruses, and helper T (Th) cells that help B cells produce antibodies by secreting cytokines as w

A Virtual Reality experiment on the design of flashing lights at emergency exit portals for road tunnel evacuations

A virtual reality (VR) experiment with 96 participants was carried out in a Cave Automatic Virtual Environment (CAVE) laboratory at Lund University to provide recommendations on the design of flashing lights at emergency exit portals for road tunnel emergency evacuation. A set of variables were investigated, namely 1) Colour of flashing lights, 2) Flashing rate, 3) The type of light source, 4) The